Enterprise Menu

Enterprise Menu (Alt+N)



Enabled when active window is:

Corresponding toolbar


Opens the Projects window. Use the Projects window to set up the EPS, add new projects, and manage multiple projects.


Enterprise Toolbar

Enterprise Project Structure

This command appears only when P6 Professional is connected to a P6 Professional database.

Opens the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) dialog box. Use the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) dialog box to define the EPS - the hierarchical structure of your database of projects.


Enterprise Toolbar


Opens the Tracking window. Use the Tracking window for monitoring a project's progress using different types of layouts.


Enterprise Toolbar

Project Portfolios

Opens the Project Portfolios dialog box. Use the Project Portfolios dialog box to add, edit, and delete portfolios.


Enterprise Toolbar


Opens the Resources window. Use the Resources window to maintain both your organization's resource hierarchy and individual resource information.


Enterprise Toolbar


Opens the Roles dialog box. Use the Roles dialog box to add, edit, and delete roles. You can also use the Roles dialog box to assign roles to resources, define up to five price/unit rates for each role, and specify role availability over time.


Enterprise Toolbar


This command appears only when P6 Professional is connected to a P6 Professional database.

Opens the Organizational Breakdown Structure dialog box. Use the Organizational Breakdown Structure dialog box to create, view, and edit the organizational breakdown structure (OBS). You can also use this dialog box to view a list of users who can access an OBS element's project information.


Enterprise Toolbar

Resource Codes

Opens the Resource Codes dialog box. Use the Resource Codes dialog box to create, edit, and delete resource codes. You can use these codes to sort, filter, group, and report on project data across the enterprise.


Dictionaries Toolbar

Role Codes

Opens the Role Codes dialog box. Use the Role Codes dialog box to create, edit, and delete role codes. You can use these codes to sort, filter, group, and report on project data across the enterprise.


Dictionaries Toolbar

Project Codes

This command appears only when P6 Professional is connected to a P6 Professional database.

Opens the Project Codes dialog box. Use the Project Codes dialog box to create, edit, and delete global and project codes and values. Use these codes and values to sort, filter, group, and report activity information.


Dictionaries Toolbar

Activity Codes

Opens the Activity Codes dialog box. Use the Activity Codes dialog box to create, edit, and delete global, project, and EPS activity codes and values. Use these codes and values to sort, filter, group, and report activity information. You can also use this dialog box to assign colors to activity code values, applicable only in the context of Visualizer drawings, to activity code values.

See Activity codes and values for more information.


Dictionaries Toolbar

User Defined Fields

Opens the User Defined Fields dialog box. Use the User Defined Fields dialog box to add an unlimited number of custom fields and values to the project database.


Dictionaries Toolbar


Opens the Calendars dialog box. Use the Calendars dialog box to create, edit, and delete global, project, and resource calendars. You can also view calendar assignments, and you can specify a default global calendar.


Dictionaries Toolbar

Resource Shifts

Opens the Resource Shifts dialog box. Use the Resource Shifts dialog box to define shift calendars for resources.


Dictionaries Toolbar

Activity Step Templates

This command appears only when P6 Professional is connected to a P6 Professional database.

Opens the Activity Step Templates dialog box. Use the Activity Step Templates dialog box to create templates containing groups of steps common to multiple activities. You can then assign these templates to activities.


Dictionaries Toolbar

Cost Accounts

This command appears only when P6 Professional is connected to a P6 Professional database.

Opens the Cost Accounts dialog box. Use the Cost Accounts dialog box to maintain your organization's cost accounts. You can assign these cost accounts to activities in any project.


Dictionaries Toolbar

Funding Sources

This command appears only when P6 Professional is connected to a P6 Professional database.

Opens the Funding Sources dialog box. Use the Funding Sources dialog box to set up a funding sources dictionary containing any non-profit, government-allocated, or other funding sources for easy assignment to budget items.


Dictionaries Toolbar

Stored Images

Opens the Images Manager dialog box. Use the Pictures dialog box to upload pictures to the database for use in reports.



Resource Curves

Opens the Resource Curves dialog box. Use the Resource Curves dialog box to add, delete, or modify resource curves. Curves are used to allocate resources and costs over the duration of an activity.


Dictionaries Toolbar

External Applications

Opens the External Applications dialog box. Use the External Applications dialog box to set up links with external applications.



Related Topics


Enterprise Project Structure overview





Organizational breakdown structure (OBS) overview

Create resource codes

Create resource code values

Create project codes

Create project code values

Activity codes and values

Define custom user fields


Define resource shifts

Create activity step templates manually

Create a cost account hierarchy

Define funding sources

Enterprise Toolbar

Dictionaries Toolbar

Add a resource curve

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024