View Menu

View Menu (Alt+V)



Enabled when active window is:

Corresponding toolbar


Enables you to create, open, or save a layout. The available options correspond to the currently active window.

Activities, Projects, Resource Assignments, Work Breakdown Structure, Tracking

Layout Toolbar

Show on Top

Enables you to choose the type of layout you want to display in the top portion of the active window. The available options correspond to the currently active window.

Activities, Projects, Resources, Resource Assignments, Work Breakdown Structure

Top Layout Toolbar

Show on Bottom

Enables you to choose the type of layout you want to display in the bottom portion of the active window. The available options correspond to the currently active window.


Bottom Layout Toolbar

Bottom Layout Options

Enables you to customize the tabs that display in Activity Details.




Opens the Bars dialog box. Use the Bars dialog box to specify the style and labels for the bars in a Gantt Chart.

This command is enabled when you display a Gantt Chart in the active window.

Activities, Projects, Tracking, Work Breakdown Structure

Layout Toolbar

Barchart Options

Opens the Bar Chart Options dialog box. Use the Bar Chart Options dialog box to customize your current Gantt Chart display.


Layout Toolbar


Opens the Columns dialog box. Use the Columns dialog box to customize the columns that display in the active window. The available options vary for each window.

This command is enabled when you display a table view in the active window.

All except Reports

Layout Toolbar


Opens the Timescale dialog box. Use the Timescale dialog box to specify the timescale you want to display in the current Gantt Chart, profile, or spreadsheet layout.

Activities, Projects, Resource Assignments, Tracking, Work Breakdown Structure

Layout Toolbar

Filter By

Opens the Filters dialog box. Use the Filters dialog box to select a predefined filter or to create a custom filter. The available options vary for each window.

All except Project Expenses and Work Breakdown Structure

Layout Toolbar

Group and Sort By

Opens the Group and Sort dialog box. Use the Group and Sort dialog box to specify grouping and sorting criteria. The available options vary for each window.


Layout Toolbar

Progress Line

Shows or hides the progress line in a Gantt Chart. The progress line shows the progress of activities and how the project is performing relative to the baseline project.


Tools Toolbar

Progress Spotlight

Enables or disables the Progress Spotlight feature. When Progress Spotlight is enabled, the module highlights the activities that fall between the last data date and the new data date in the Gantt Chart.


Tools Toolbar


Enables you to add curtain and text attachments, and to show or hide all curtain attachments. Curtain attachments highlight a specific time period in a Gantt Chart, while text attachments display custom text you enter in a Gantt Chart.

This command is enabled when you display a Gantt Chart in the Activities window.


Display Toolbar

Line Numbers

Numbers each row in the Activities view.



Layout Toolbar

Activity Critical Path

Enables you to filter the view to show only the activities on a critical path to a selected activity.

This command is enabled when you display an Activity table or Gantt Chart in the active window.


Tools Toolbar

Check Schedule

Enables you to filter the available activities to those that fail specific tests in the Check Schedule Report.

This command is enabled when you display an Activity table or Gantt Chart in the active window.


Tools Toolbar

Table Font and Row

Opens the Table, Font and Row dialog box. Use the Table Font and Row dialog box to change the appearance of text, color, and the height of rows in your display. The available options vary for each window.


Layout Toolbar

Activity Network

When the Activity Network is displayed in the top layout of the Activities window, you can set Activity Network options, open an Activity Network layout, or save the Activity Network layout.


Top Layout Toolbar

Arrange Children

Enables you to arrange children horizontally or vertically in chart views.

This command is disabled when you display a table or Gantt Chart in the active window.

Projects, Resources, Work Breakdown Structure

Top Layout Toolbar

Align Children

Aligns children to the left, right, or center in chart views.

This command is disabled when you display a table or Gantt Chart in the active window.

Projects, Resources, Work Breakdown Structure

Top Layout Toolbar

Chart Box Template

Enables you to apply an existing chart box template to the current layout, or customize your own.

This command is disabled when you display a table or Gantt Chart in the active window.

Projects, Resources, Work Breakdown Structure

Top Layout Toolbar

Chart Font and Colors

Enables you to customize fonts and colors in chart views.

This command is disabled when you display a table or Gantt Chart in the active window.

Projects, Resources, Work Breakdown Structure



Enables you to open the selected work product or document's private or public file and its associated application.

This command is enabled when the selected document has a defined private or public file location.

WPs & Docs

Edit Toolbar

Hint Help

Enables or disables Hint Help.


Display Toolbar


Enables you to zoom in or out of a timescaled layout (Gantt Chart, spreadsheet, or profile). You can also re-size chart views to fit the entire chart into the visible area.

Activities, Projects, Resource Assignments, Tracking, Work Breakdown Structure

Display Toolbar


Expands all collapsed elements in a grouped or hierarchical table view.


Display Toolbar

Collapse All

Collapses all expanded elements in a grouped or hierarchical table view.


Display Toolbar

Collapse To

Opens the Collapse To dialog box. Use the Collapse To dialog box to select the grouping band you want to collapse or expand in the current layout. The selection available in the list is based on the grouping bands displayed in the current layout.

Activities, Projects, Resource Assignments, Tracking, Work Breakdown Structure

Display Toolbar


Enables you to choose the toolbars you want to display.



Reset All Toolbars

Resets all toolbars, default icons, and toolbar locations back to factory defaults.


Display Toolbar

Lock All Toolbars

Set to lock toolbars in their current positions.


Display Toolbar

Tab Groups

Enables you to merge or create new tab groups.


Display Toolbar

Related Topics

Change a layout's timescale format

Filtering data

Progress Spotlight

Highlight activities for updating

Add a curtain attachment in a Gantt Chart

Add a text attachment to a Gantt Chart

Add line numbers

Activity Network

Open a work product or document from the Work Products and Documents window

Using Hint Help

Customizing toolbars

Tile windows horizontally or vertically

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024