Assign Toolbar

Use the Assign toolbar to assign resources, roles, activity code values, predecessors, successors, and activity step templates to the activity you select in the Activities window.

This toolbar is displayed by default, and all of the icons on this toolbar are enabled when the Activities window is active.

The following table provides information about each available icon on the toolbar.



Corresponding menu command

Opens the Assign Resources dialog box. In this dialog box, you can assign resources, remove existing resource assignments, and replace  resource assignments.

Edit > Assign > Resources

Opens the Assign Resources by Role dialog box. In this dialog box, you can assign resources based on the selected activity's current role assignments.

Edit > Assign > Resources by Role

Opens the Assign Roles dialog box. In this dialog box, you can assign roles, remove existing role assignments, and replace role assignments.

Edit > Assign > Roles

Opens the Assign Activity Codes dialog box. In this dialog box, you can assign activity code values and remove existing activity code value assignments.

Edit > Assign > Activity Codes

Opens the Assign Predecessors dialog box. In this dialog box, you can assign predecessor activities and remove existing predecessor relationships.

Edit > Assign > Predecessors

Opens the Assign Successors dialog box. In this dialog box, you can assign successor activities and remove existing successor relationships.

Edit > Assign > Successors

Opens the Assign Activity Step Templates dialog box, which you can use to assign activity step templates.



Related Topics

Customizing toolbars

Assign resources to activities

Assign resources to activities by role

Assign roles to activities

Assign activity codes and values to activities

Add predecessor relationships

Add successor relationships

Assign activity step templates to activities

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024