Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

If your security privileges enable you to edit users, use this dialog box to add and remove users, assign global and project profiles to users, and enable or disable access to projects and listed modules.

Based on your resource security settings, this dialog box displays users assigned to resources to which you have access. Use this dialog box to manage resource security for each user on the Global Access tab.

You can also use this dialog box to display the number of users assigned access to each listed module.

Display Options bar: Click to change the Users table display.

Users table: Lists login names and additional information for users.


Add: Adds a user.

If resource security is enabled, the new user automatically gets no access to resources. Click the Global Access tab to change the user's resource access settings.
Delete: Deletes the selected user.

Count: Displays the Count dialog box, which lists the number of users assigned access to each listed module. It also provides the user name of each user assigned access to each module.

The Users Dialog box also contains the following tabs:


Related Topics

Module Access tab - Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Project Access tab - Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Global Access tab - Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Contact tab - Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

General tab - Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Introduction to Resource Security

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024