Defining Fund Assignment Options for Commitment Funding

Fund Assignment refers to how funds are to be consumed as spends type business processes (for example, invoices and payment applications) come in against the base commit that is being funded.

The first step is defining the Assignment rules—whether funding is to be done manually or by auto ratio. The assignment levels and rules are defined on the Assignments tab in the Properties window of the commitment funding sheet. This step is required in order to do commitment level funding.

The Assignment tab lists the spends business processes that are linked to base commits enabled for commitment level funding. For each listed business process, you define how fund assignment will be done when these spends records come in against the base commit (either manually, or automatically by fund ratio).

You can define these assignment rules on the commitment funding template. When you create a commitment funding structure in a project/shell, these assignment rules will be copied to it, and when you create sheets from the structure, they will be copied to the sheets. If you need to, you can modify these rules on individual structures and sheets.

The next step is optional: define Fund Assignment details per SOV line; that is, define whether a specific fund must be used to fund a particular line on the commit. This allows you to provide details about fund assignment or consumption for each line on the base commit or any change commits. You access the Fund Assignment window by clicking the Fund Assignment button on the commitment funding sheet or SOV sheet associated with the base commit.

If you do not define any assignment options in this window, All Funds is the default selection. This means that all funds that have been allocated to the base commit on the commitment funding sheet will be available for funding each line of the spends business process created against it (either manually or by auto ratio, as defined by the assignment rules).

Fund assignment on these lines is tracked by commitment funding sheet columns using data sources that for records or fund balance "across all funds." For more information, see Add and Manage Commitment Funding Sheet Columns.

Sometimes, you may need to specify that a specific fund be used to fund a specific CBS code or SOV line. For these lines, you can select a specific fund (or "discrete fund"). Fund assignment is then tracked by commitment funding sheet columns using data sources for records or fund balance "by discrete fund.")

For details, see the following procedures.

Related Topics

Define Commitment Fund Assignment Rules

Define Commitment Fund Assignment Details

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024