Auto-populate on Payment Application from a Base Commits BP

You can use the method described in the topic Auto-Populating Fields to auto-populate a Payment Application with the line items from a Base Commits and Change Commits BP, or you can do it in one step when you design a Base Commits BP. To accomplish the auto-population in one step, you can use the Options tab to map the fields when you launch the Base Commit BP.

Note: If you select to auto populate the Payment Application with the line item fields from the Base Commits BP (Options tab > Auto-populate on Payment Application), then the fields will be available as columns in the SOV sheet. If there are any picker fields that refer to other sources, those fields cannot be added as columns.

You can use this feature only on:

In operation, the Base Commits, Change Commit, and Payment Application BPs work as a "set." The Payment Application reflects the Base Commit and Change Commit line items. When you design the Base Commit BP to auto-populate the Payment Application, at runtime, Unifier will automatically check any Change Commits for the same field(s) and include their values as well on the Payment Application.

The runtime Payment Application detail form grid receives the auto-populated values from Base Commits source into its costed as well as summary lines.

You can configure the Data Elements (DEs) in the Payment Application to receive auto-populated values from:

If a Data Element on the Payment Application is configured to receive auto-populated values from the Base Commits, and it is also configured to receive auto-populated values from other sources within the Payment Application, Unifier overrides the auto-populated values received from Base Commits in the Payment Application (PayApp). The override applies to the auto-populated values in the costed and summary lines.

If data elements are set to auto populate from Base Commits, as well as auto populate from SOV in the payment business process standard line items, then the values from Base commit takes precedence for auto-population. Also, the auto populate from Base Commit or Change commit takes precedence in payment line items if 0 or no value is provided via integration.

When the auto-populated values comes from the Base Commits and auto-populates the costed lines values, other columns may be generated in the PayApp grid. The formulas for those columns are based on the auto-populated costed column.

Auto-populating values are completed in spite of any merge from the Change Commit (SOV and new lines).

All the DEs in the Summary Payment Application grid accept auto-population, and the costed rows receive auto-populated values from Base Commits source, in all instances.

Note: For auto-populating a Payment Application, the data element names must match.


Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024