Using a Template in a Design

After you have created a template, you can add it to the design of the upper form when you add blocks to the form. Adding block layouts from a template automatically links the form to the template.

To add a template layout to an upper form:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click uDesigner > Business Processes.
  3. Open the business process.
  4. On the Form Designer window, click the Blocks button. The Form Blocks window opens.
  5. Click the Add from Template button. The Upper Form Templates window opens, showing a list of the templates available for this business process.
  6. Select the template you want to use and click the Select button.

    uDesigner adds the template block(s) to the bottom of the design and links the form to the template.

    The link icon indicates that the block is linked to a template.

  7. On the Form Blocks window, click Close.

    uDesigner returns to the Form Designer window. After a template layout is on the form design and linked to the template, you can use all the design features for the fields, such as formulas, auto-population, and dynamic data sets; but you:

    • Cannot add, remove, or rearrange the fields in the block.
    • Cannot move fields into or out of the block.
    • Cannot link elements.

      Note: If you do not want to keep this block linked to a template for automatic design updates, you can unlink it (see Unlinking an Upper Form From a Template). Once unlinked, the fields in this block will behave as any other field you manually add to the form.

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024