Design Requirements for the Space Manager

For the Space Manager to work effectively in Unifier, you will need to create the following components in uDesigner:

Level Attribute Form

Collects information about a level. Information from this form appears on the Level Properties window in Unifier. The attribute form data appears on the General tab when the user opens the level from the Space Manager node.

Space Attribute Form

Collects information about a space, including the unit of measure used to dimension it and the level to which it belongs. Information from this form appears on the Space Properties window in Unifier. The attribute form data appears on the General tab when the user opens the space from the Space Manager node.

Log for the manager(standard or advanced)

Shows a list of the level and spaces that have been created for the manager.

Standard logs display fields from the manager's attribute form (level and space) that you want to monitor. For example, you might want a log for the Space Manager to include the names of all levels on your property and the square footage.

Advanced logs support data pickers. An advanced log should be designed for any space type that contains records that will be displayed on a data picker. (For more information on data pickers, see About Data Pickers.)

For instructions on designing a log, see Designing a Log for a Manager.

Design Flow

The following table outlines the design steps necessary to launch the manager and create a level or space type.

1. Create a data structure.

See Creating A Data Structure.

2. Launch the manager.

See About Launching a Manager.

3. Create a Level Attribute Form.

See the instructions beginning with Adding Blocks to the Attribute Form.

Mandatory fields for the level attribute form are:

Level name (uuu_sp_level_name)

Status (status)

This field is mandatory if you want to track the last date that a level record was modified. You can include this data element on logs to allow the user to sort records by the last date of modification:

Record Last Update Date (uuu_record_last_update_date)

4. Create a Space Attribute Form.

See the instructions beginning with Adding Blocks to the Attribute Form.

Mandatory fields for the space attribute form are:

Area (uuu_sp_area)

Unit of measure (uuu_sp_uom)

Level picker (uuu_sp_level_picker)

Space picker (uuu_phy_space_picker)

This field is mandatory if you want to track the last date that a space record was modified. You can include this data element on logs to allow the user to sort records by the last date of modification:

Record Last Update Date (uuu_record_last_update_date)

If users should be able to reserve this space, these fields are mandatory:

Allow space to be reserved (uuu_rsv_reservable)

Allow over-booking (uuu_rsv_overbook)

5. Create a log for the manager.

See Designing a Log for a Manager.

Except the User Data pickers for Space Manager, Space-type Attribute Form, Unifier does not allow any other data pickers in the Space Manager, Space-type Attribute Form.

Note: There are no data pickers available for Space Manager, Level-type Attribute Form.

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024