Integrating with General Ledger

This topic provides an overview of how to integrate PeopleSoft Asset Management with PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Regardless of the general ledger system that you use, you must transfer journals from Asset Management to General Ledger. As part of the setup for your asset system, establish a general ledger business unit and ledger, general ledger calendar, journal sources, and accounting entry templates. When you define operators, set up journal distribution privileges for them. This setup enables you to distribute accounting entries for asset transactions and depreciation and to generate journals to General Ledger.

If the General Ledger and Asset Management databases aren't integrated, or if you use a different general ledger system, you need to complete some prerequisite tasks before integrating the two systems.

Two processes are required to complete the bridge between Asset Management and another general ledger system:

  • At installation, rename JRNL_HEADER to JRNL_HEADER_FS, and rename JRNL_LN to JRNL_LN_FS.

    Using Application Designer, change these records from views to SQL tables, and create the tables.

  • On a regular basis, unload the journal headers and lines from one database to the other.

    To send journals to an outside general ledger system, design a conversion program that converts Asset Management journal headers and lines to the format required by your general ledger system.

PeopleSoft Asset Management also uses the book code and document sequencing functionality available through PeopleSoft General Ledger.

The General Ledger subsystem reconciliation component enables you to compare accounting transactions posted in the subsystem with General Ledger balances. The loader summarizes transactions by General Ledger business unit, fiscal year, accounting period, ledger, selected ChartFields, and system source. Subsystem transactions are categorized as either distributed or not distributed. General Ledger journal transactions are categorized as either posted or not posted. This enables you to check the integrity of the journal entries in General Ledger by verifying that no discrepancies occurred between subsystems and the General Ledger.

The General Ledger subsystem reconciliation component provides insight into the Asset Management subsystem for documents that have not been fully processed. Subsystem Reconciliation reporting allows you to report on individual documents within a subsystem and review vital status fields that may identify why a document has not been fully processed and posted to the general ledger. The inquiry is based upon data that is loaded through the Subsystem Reconciliation Loader process (GL_RECN), which maintains a status table that keeps a record of the date and time of last processing by Business Unit, System source, fiscal year, and accounting period.

The Asset Management integration with General Ledger subsystem reconciliation enables you to access and analyze Asset Management subsystem data using the following pages:

  • GL Reconciliation Inquiry page

  • Reconciliation Overview page

  • Subsystem Document page

  • Reconciliation by System Source (Reconciliation by System Srce) page

  • Reconciliation by ChartFields page

To help facilitate Asset Management integration with the General Ledger subsystem reconciliation component, PeopleSoft provides the AM_PENDING source document, which enables you to view and report on Asset Management subsystem data for documents that have not been fully processed. The AM_PENDING source document captures asset transactions pending accounting entry creation. Specifically, open transaction assets (Open_Trans) with a Calc_Dist_Status of ā€˜Pā€™ (to be processed) are captured. Additionally, the source document defines the path and keyfields to use when performing drill down analysis to source system documents from the GL Reconciliation Inquiry page.


Reviewing Subsystem Reconciliation Data

Running the Subsystem Reconciliation Loader Process (GL_RECN)