Defining the Extract Scope, the Scan Scope, and the Physical Inventory Parameters

To define the extract and scanning scope, and set up the inventory controls for a physical inventory, use the Physical Inventory component. This topic provides an overview of defining the extract scope, the scan scope, and the physical inventory controls.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Inventory Occurrence - Definition Page


For classic physical inventory, establish a physical inventory ID and define the extract scope and scan scope within Asset Management for each physical inventory that you perform.

For mobile physical inventory, establish a physical inventory ID and define the scan scope within Asset Management for each physical inventory that you perform.

Define Inventory Occurrence – Enter Criteria Page


For classic physical inventory, define the selection criteria for each selected set of extract and scan scopes by capital, non capital, and operating lease.

For mobile physical inventory, define the selection criteria for each selected set of scan scopes by capital, non capital, and operating lease.

Define Inventory Occurrence - Transaction Defaults Page


Specify the defaults for any transactions and asset retirements that are generated from the physical inventory.

Create Schedules Page


Set up physical inventory schedule information. If several people perform physical inventories simultaneously at different locations, you may need to track the status of each inventory.

Physical inventory matching and reconciliations are based on two separate sets of asset data that you define—the extract scope and the scan scope. Each of these sets is based on location, department, or both. The first set is the data that you originally extract from PeopleSoft Asset Management and load into a scanning device. The extract scope includes all possible locations and departments for the assets to be inventoried. This enables the bar code scanner to find PeopleSoft Asset Management data for most of the assets that it scans. Define separate scopes for capital assets, non capital assets and operating leases.

If you have not performed physical inventory in several years, define a broad extract scope. Because many assets may have been redistributed in the interim, the extract scope might even include the entire business unit.

Note: If you are using an IT asset discovery tool only, you do not need to define an extract scope.

The scan scope defines the scope of the actual physical inventory—that is, where the inventory actually occurs. For example, suppose that you plan to take inventory on the second floor of a five-floor building. Because the assets may have been redistributed since the last inventory, the extract scope might include assets on all five floors. However, the scan scope would include only assets on the second floor.

The system compares the scan scope with the actual scanned data when PeopleSoft Asset Management generates physical inventory results. Any assets that appear in the scan scope but not in the scanned data are called unders, and they create retirements when you generate transactions. Any assets that appear in the scanned data but not in the scan scope are overs, and they create physical adds when you generate transactions. Other differences between the scan scope and the scanned data create transfers and changes in the assets' nonfinancial information. These assets are assigned the status Inventoried.

Identifying Scanned Assets to Retire

The PeopleSoft physical inventory process automatically retires assets missing from the physical inventory-scanned data matching step and defined in scan scope. However, you can also identify assets to retire in the physical inventory scanned data, allowing negative inventory.

You can identify assets to retire by:

  • Using the CSV export file to set the MATCH_STATUS to ‘R’ when you upload the Scan File.

    Physical Inventory CSV Export File with MATCH_STATUS set for retirement.

    Physical Inventory - Load Match Reconcile PI Extract File with Match Status
  • Using your own scanning program to input assets for retirement directly into the PS_SCAN table.

The PI_SCAN process uses the MATCH_STATUS value to identify retired assets and will reflect the status in the Verify Scanned Data (PI_SCAN_01), Verify Duplicate Tags (PI_SCAN_01), Verify Duplicate Serial ID (PI_SCAN_01), and Results (PI_RESULTS) pages.

The scan scope defines the scope of the actual physical inventory—that is, where the inventory actually occurs. For example, suppose that you plan to take inventory on the second floor of a five-floor building.

The system compares the scan scope with the actual scanned data when PeopleSoft Asset Management generates physical inventory results. Any assets that appear in the scan scope but not in the scanned data are called unders, and they create retirements when you generate transactions. Any assets that appear in the scanned data but not in the scan scope are overs, and they create physical adds when you generate transactions. Other differences between the scan scope and the scanned data create transfers and changes in the assets' information. These assets are assigned the status Inventoried.

For classic physical inventory, use the Define Inventory Occurrence - Definition page (PI_CNTL_01) to establish a physical inventory ID and define the extract scope and scan scope within Asset Management for each physical inventory that you perform.

For mobile physical inventory, use the Define Inventory Occurrence - Definition page (PI_CNTL_01) to establish a physical inventory ID and define the scan scope within Asset Management for each physical inventory that you perform.


Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Define Inventory Occurrence > Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Inventory Occurrence - Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Inventory Occurrence - Definition page

For classic physical inventory, the extract scope should include all assets that might be scanned during the inventory for the given Physical Inventory ID. The scan scope should include the area of the actual scan.

Note: You must define a scan scope. An extract scope is necessary only if you want the scanning device to display asset data from the PeopleSoft Asset Management database as you scan each asset.

Before you scan assets, you must establish a physical inventory control ID for each physical inventory that you perform. Specify the Physical Inventory ID and PI Name.

Each physical inventory occurrence must have a unique Physical Inventory ID. If you are running both the classic physical inventory process and mobile physical inventory process, you must create separate Physical Inventory IDs for each process. Physical inventory IDs cannot contain spaces. Use an underscore instead of a space in a physical inventory ID.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Enter the business unit for which you want to conduct an inventory. If you are using an IT asset discovery tool, you can process all business units by leaving the Unit field blank, or you can process a single business unit by making a business unit selection.

Book Name

Enter a Book Name to process assets for physical inventory that were added to a book other than the one that is designated as the current default book value on the AM Business Unit Definition page. If you leave the Book Name blank, the system uses the current default book value from the AM Business Unit Definition page. In this way, if you change your designated default book value on the AM Business Unit Definition page, you can create a separate Physical Inventory ID to process those assets in physical inventory that were added with the old default book value.

Start Date and End Date

Enter date range for the physical inventory. The asset acquisition date is validated against these inventory control dates.

Last Step

This page indicates the last step that you performed in the current physical inventory. Refer to this page to ensure that you perform all steps in the proper sequence.

Enable Mobile Inventory

Indicates whether the mobile physical inventory feature is enabled.

If the option is selected, the feature was enabled for the business unit on the Asset Management Definition - Interface Options page. Additionally, you are able to deselect the option if you wish to do so. However, if the feature was not enabled for the business unit on the Asset Management Definition - Interface Options page, you cannot select the option here.

Extract Assets (Classic Physical Inventory Only)

Select to extract capitalized, non capitalized, and operating lease assets data. You can select one or all types of assets for extract. A corresponding Enter Criteria link appears for the asset types that you select.

Note: This group box does not display if you have enabled the mobile physical inventory feature.

Field or Control


Enter Criteria

Click this link to access the Enter Criteria page for the selected type of assets and specify selection criteria for the system to use in defining the extract for the selected group. See Define Inventory Occurrence – Enter Criteria Page.

Scan Scope

Select to scan capitalized, non capitalized, and operating lease assets. You can select one or all types of assets for scanning. A corresponding Enter Criteria link appears for the asset types that you select.

Field or Control


Enter Criteria

Click this link to access the Enter Criteria page for the selected type of assets and specify selection criteria for the system to use in defining the scope of the physical inventory – that is, the set of assets to be scanned. See Define Inventory Occurrence – Enter Criteria Page.

For classic physical inventory, use the Define Inventory Occurrence – Enter Criteria page (PI_CNTL_CRITERIA) to define the selection criteria for each selected set of extract and scan scopes by capital, non capital, and operating lease.

For mobile physical inventory, use the Define Inventory Occurrence – Enter Criteria page (PI_CNTL_CRITERIA) to define the selection criteria for each selected set of scan scopes by capital, non capital, and operating lease.


Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Define Inventory Occurrence > Enter Criteria

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Inventory Occurrence - Enter Criteria page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Inventory Occurrence - Enter Criteria page

Physical Inventory

This section identifies the physical inventory subset for which you are defining selection criteria for a given Physical Inventory ID. You can scroll through the subsets using the arrows at the far top right corner of the grid, or you can access the specific subset by clicking the Enter Criteria link from the Definition page. The possible criteria subsets are:

  • Capital Assets – (Extract scope for capital assets, classic physical inventory only)

  • Non Capital Assets – (Extract scope for non capital assets, classic physical inventory only)

  • Operating Lease – (Extract scope for operating leases, classic physical inventory only)

  • Scan Scope capital assets

  • Scan Scope Non Capital Assets

  • Scan Scope operating lease

If you have not selected the check box for a given subset from the Definition page, it will not appear on the Enter Criteria page.

Selection Criteria

Use this section to define the selection criteria for each subset of assets that you have selected for the physical inventory scope (from the Definition page). Limit your extract scope and scan scope data by specifying explicit values for a field or fields, or use the arithmetic operators to limit by value ranges.

You can configure the fields that appear in this section from the Mass Transaction Criteria page.

See Mass Transaction Criteria Page.

Use the Physical Inventory Occurrence - Transaction Defaults page (PI_CNTL_02) to specify the defaults for any transactions and asset retirements that are generated from the physical inventory.


Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Define Inventory Occurrence > Transaction Defaults

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Inventory Occurrence - Transaction Defaults page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Inventory Occurrence - Transaction Defaults page

Auto Approval

Field or Control



Select this check box to have the system automatically approve the transactions that are generated from the inventory. PeopleSoft strongly recommends that you review and approve all transactions that are generated during the physical inventory process before you load them into PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Transactions Enabled

Use the check boxes in this group box to select the types of transactions that you want to generate. For instance, you may not want the results of the physical inventory to generate any financial transactions. In such cases, you would deselect all of the Transfers and Retirementscheck boxes. Select from the following types of transactions:

Field or Control


Non-Financial Adds

Select that the results of the physical inventory generate nonfinancial additions.

Operating Lease Retirement

Select that the results of the physical inventory generate nonfinancial retirements. This triggers the mass transaction associated with this transaction type as a result of nonfinancial unders.


Select that the results of the physical inventory generate unders.

Non Capital Retirements

Select that the results of the physical inventory generate non capital retirements. This triggers the mass transaction associated with this transaction type as a result of non capital unders.


Select that the results of the physical inventory generate transfers.

Operating Lease Transfer

Select that the results of the physical inventory generate operating lease transfers. This triggers the mass change associated with this transaction type when a discrepancy occurs between the stored and the scanned department records.

Physical Asset Changes

Select that the results of the physical inventory generate physical asset changes This includes changes in the custodian department.

Asset Updates

Select that the results of the physical inventory generate any asset updates.

Non-Capital Transfer

Select that the results of the physical inventory generate non capital transfers. This triggers the mass change associated with this transaction type when a discrepancy occurs between the stored and the scanned department records.

Transaction Defaults

Field or Control


Transaction Date, Accounting Date, and Transaction Code

The current date will display by default in the Transaction Date and Accounting Date fields. You may override these and enter a transaction code as needed.

User ID

Enter the user ID of the person who performs the physical inventory.

Interface ID and Open Transaction ID

By default, the system populates the Interface ID and Open Transaction ID fields with the next available values. When you process the generated transactions using the Transaction Loader, (AMIF1000) refer to the interface ID on this page. You can use the open transaction ID to locate depreciation open transactions that are created as a result of the physical inventory.

Transfer Convention

Select a value to indicate how to prorate the depreciation for Physical Inventory transfer transactions; for example, prorate according to ‘Life to Date,’ ‘Following Month,’ and so forth. This field provides more control over how you calculate depreciation for the transfer transaction.

Retirement Defaults

Field or Control


Disposal Code

Select the method for retiring assets.

Retirement Convention

Select to indicate how you want to prorate retired assets.

Retire Option

Select one of the following retirement options:

  • Calculate Gain/Loss

  • Fully Depr no Future Expense

  • Fully Depr with Future Expense

Voluntary Conversion

Select to identify whether the retirement takes place for intended or unintended reasons. Options are Voluntary and Involuntary for the retirement default.


Select Ordinary or Extraordinaryto define the types of retirements that you generate.

Use the Create Schedules page (PI_SCHEDULE_01) to set up physical inventory schedule information.

If several people perform physical inventories simultaneously at different locations, you may need to track the status of each inventory.


Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Create Inventory Schedules > Create Schedules

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Schedules page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create Schedules page

Field or Control


Schedule ID

Set up one Schedule ID or as many unique IDs as you like. For instance, if you have several branches, you might want a separate schedule for each branch. Enter an informative description for each Schedule ID.

Start Date and End Date

You can leave the end date field blank until the inventory has actually been completed.

PI ID (physical inventory ID) and PI Leader (physical inventory leader)

Select the physical inventory ID for the schedule dates. You may also assign a physical inventory leader.

Note: Scheduling information is not used in any physical inventory processing. It is informational only.