Performing Transactions on Group Member Assets

This topic discusses how to transfer group members among group assets.

Although you depreciate grouped assets and make accounting entries at the group asset level, you perform all other transactions for grouped assets at the group member level. You can perform these transactions on group member assets:

  • Adds

  • Adjustments

  • Transfers

  • Recategorizations

  • Retirements

  • Reinstatements

Perform these transactions on group member assets the same way in which you perform these transactions on other assets.

You can override the estimated accumulated depreciation at the group member level on the following transactions:

  • Asset transfers

  • Interunit transfers

  • Fixed price markup

  • Recategorizations

  • Retirements

See Running the Group Member Estimated Net Book Value Report.

Transfer a group member asset from one group asset to another by using the Asset Book Definition component.

To transfer group member assets:

  1. Access the Asset Book Definition page.

  2. Change the group asset ID to the new group that you want to associate with the member asset.

  3. Enter the transaction date and accounting date.

    Note: Enter a group asset ID for a group asset processing book only.