Running the Voucher Posting Process

This section discusses how to define a voucher posting request.

You can post vouchers according to:

  • Business unit.

  • Origin.

  • Control group.

  • Contract.

  • Voucher.

Page Name

Definition Name


Voucher Posting Request Page


Define a request for a run of the Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR).

You may be required to run the Matching and Budget Processor processes, among others, before running the Voucher Posting process.

Use the Voucher Posting Request page (PST_VCHR_RQST) to define a request for a run of the Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR).

You may be required to run the Matching and Budget Processor processes, among others, before running the Voucher Posting process.


Accounts Payable > Batch Processes > Vouchers > Voucher Posting > Voucher Posting Request

Field or Control


Post Voucher Option

Specify which vouchers to include in the Voucher Posting process. For each value that you select, different fields are available for entry in the grid at the bottom of the page. Regardless of which value you select, the system posts only those vouchers that are eligible to post. Values are:

Post All Units: Post all eligible vouchers for all of the business units in the system.

Post All Vchrs for Closed Pymt:(post all vouchers for closed payments): Post all eligible vouchers for closed payments.

Post Business Unit: Enter a business unit to post all eligible vouchers within that payables business unit.

Post Contract: Enter a business unit and contract ID to post all eligible transactions covered by the contract.

Post Group: Specify the business unit and control group ID. The control group must be ready to post; otherwise, no vouchers in the group are posted. You can select groups for posting on the Post Control Group page.

Post Origin: Enter a SetID and origin to post all eligible vouchers from the origin that you specify.

Post Voucher: Enter a business unit and voucher to post. Multiple vouchers can be selected.

Note: Vouchers that fall within a closed accounting period will not be listed in the Voucher ID field when the Post Voucher option is selected. Furthermore, the Voucher Posting process will not process any vouchers that fall within a closed accounting period.

Initiate Entry Event Generator

Select this check box to run the Entry Events Application Engine process (FS_EVENTGEN) for the vouchers being posted. This field appears only if you have enabled entry events (as either required or optional) at the installation options level.

Prepayment Application Method

Indicate which supplier the system should use when applying prepaid vouchers to regular vouchers. Values are:

Invoicing Supplier: The system performs application based on the invoicing supplier of the prepaid and regular voucher. This is the default value.

Remit Supplier: The system performs application based on the remit supplier of the prepaid and regular voucher.

Autopilot Run Control

Select this check box to enable this run control ID and settings to use the Autopilot feature.

See Understanding Autopilot.

Note: The exact procedure for running a process on a server depends on the type of server that you are using and your organization's standards. For example, if you are running PeopleSoft Payables in a DB2 environment, you or your mainframe administrator submits JCL to initiate the program. If you do initiate the posting program from the server, the program retrieves its processing options from the Voucher Posting Run Control record that you already set up in the online pages.