Setting Up Multicurrency Tables

The pages that define the currency codes, rate types, and exchange rates that are used for currency conversion are common to all financial, manufacturing, and distribution applications. Set up the currency tables once for use by all applications.

To set up your multicurrency tables, use the following components:

  • Currency Code (CURRENCY_CD_TABLE).

  • Accounting Entry Template (ACCOUNTINGENTRY).

  • Accounting Entry Definition (JRNLGEN_DEFN).

This section discusses how to assign gain or loss ChartFields. It also discusses how to specify a journal template.

Page Name

Definition Name


Currency Code Page


Add or update a currency code, and confirm that the currencies that you use in your business are already defined.

PeopleSoft Payables uses currency codes in reporting and displays them on pages throughout the system to identify the currency of vouchers, payment, and base currency amounts. PeopleSoft populates this table with many of the common currencies in use, using the International Standards Organization (ISO) code as the identifier. The system also uses currency codes to determine precision for rounding.

If you change the number of decimal places for a currency code definition—for example, three decimal places instead of two decimal places—you must also restart the Application Server to see this change on the voucher component.

See Accounting Entry Template Page

Accounting Entry Template Page


Define or modify an accounting entry template.

Accounting Entry Definition Page


Identify the system source that distributes data to your general ledger and the record and field names for the Accounting Entry table.

Use the Accounting Entry Template page (ACCTG_TEMPLATE_AP) to define or modify an accounting entry template.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Accounting Entry Templates > Templates > Accounting Entry Template

Assign ChartFields for realized gain, realized loss, unrealized gain, and unrealized loss to each PeopleSoft Payables business unit.

Unique account numbers enable the PS/AP Revaluation Application Engine process (AP_REVALUE) to post gains and losses to separate accounts.

Note: Because you associate each supplier with a different accounting template, each supplier can have a different set of accounts for posting gains and losses.

To access the Currency Code page, use the navigation: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Currency > Set up Currency Code

Use the Accounting Entry Definition page (JRNL_GEN_ACCTG_DEF) to identify the system source that distributes data to your general ledger and the record and field names for the Accounting Entry table.


General Ledger > Journals > Subsystem Journals > Accounting Entry Definition

Specify the journal template to use when transferring revaluation information to general ledger for each PeopleSoft Payables business unit.