Staging Voucher E-invoice Files Using the Data Export Import Utility

PeopleSoft Accounts Payable and eSettlements supports e-invoicing for UBL version 2.1. This allows organizations to utilize the PEPPOL network for their invoicing needs.

Use the AP inbound E-Invoice page (Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Vouchers, AP Inbound E-Invoice) to provide the required parameters to process the incoming e-invoice data. For eSettlements, use the eS Inbound E-Invoice page (eSettlements, Batch Processes, eS Inbound E-Invoice).

Once the DEIU request has completed successfully, the e-invoice data is populated in the VCHR_HDR_QV and VCHR_LINE_QV tables.

To match an incoming e-invoice with a Supplier, the translate value of PEP must be updated at the Supplier information page. The PEPPOL ID can be setup at either the Identifying Information tab or the Location tab. For more information, see Entering Supplier Identifying Information and Defining Supplier Locations.

For eSettlements, the same set of stage records are populated. However, the build status is set to N so that the review of the incoming data is performed. The data can be reviewed and modified before being released for processing using the Self Service Review page.

The application engine process (AP_PPL_EINV) is required to process the incoming e-invoice data.

The following DEIU map definitions are available: AP_UBL21 and ES_UBL21. These map definitions are intended to provide a baseline and you can modify these delivered maps to meet the specific requirements.

Note: The Map ID field on the inbound E-Invoice page must contain the UBL acronym.

The data is now ready for Voucher Build process to be run to create the vouchers.