Researching Customer Item Information on the Collections Workbench

Page/Tab Name

Definition Name


Items Tab


View an item list associated with the selected customer based on the item status.

Filter Items Page


Click the Add Filter link on the Items tab to display a list of attributes that you can select to create a filter, which is used to narrow your search for items.

See the Items Tab for more information.

Account Overview – Balances Page


Click the Account Overview link on the Items tab to view customer balance, the most recent item and payment activity, and summarized aging information. Click links to view detailed credit data, such as the customer's risk code or dispute status.

See the Items Tab and Reviewing Customer Account Information for more information.

Use the Items tab (COLLECTION_WRKBNCH) to view an item list associated with the selected customer based on the item status.


Select the Items tab on the Collections Workbench.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Items tab (Detail 1). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Items tab (Detail 1) on the Collections Workbench page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Items tab (Detail 2).

Items tab (Detail 2) on the Collections Workbench page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Items tab (Detail 3).

Items tab (Detail 3) on the Collections Workbench page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Items tab (Detail 4).

Items tab (Detail 4) on the Collections Workbench page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Items tab (Detail 5).

Items tab (Detail 5) on the Collections Workbench page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Items tab (Detail 6).

Items tab (Detail 6) on the Collections Workbench page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Items tab (Detail 7).

Items tab (Detail 7) on the Collections Workbench page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Items tab (Detail 8).

Items tab (Detail 8) on the Collections Workbench page

Field or Control



Select the status of the items that you want to appear on the Item List grid from these options and select the Go button:

  • Items tab (Detail 1) on the Collections Workbench page


  • Closed

  • Collection

  • Deduction

  • Dispute

  • Doubtful

  • Last Conv (last conversation)

  • Open (default)

  • Past Due

Filter Items

Click this link to access the Filter Items page (CWB_ITEMSRCH_SEC). Select the attributes that you want to use for this filter, enter the name of the new filter in the Search Preferences field on the Filter Items page and click the Save button. You set up and use this filter like you do the filters for the action list.

Account Overview

Click this link to access the Account Overview – Balances page (CUST_BALANCES_HDR) for the selected customer.

See Reviewing Customer Account Information.


Enter a range for the Item List rows that you want to select and click the Go button. For example, if you enter 3–5 in this field, the system will place a check mark next to rows 3, 4, and 5 in the Item List.

Item Action and Go

Select an Item Action option to perform an action and click Go.

You can generate a report for a customer, such as generate an open item, for example, or run the customer item inquiry report (ARX34003). Or you can view or perform an action for all of the selected items.

Item Action values are the same as on the Item List page:

  • Create a Maintenance Worksheet: Create a maintenance worksheet showing all selected items on the Worksheet Application page.

  • Generate An Open Item Report: Run the Customer Item Inquiry report (ARX34003) for the customer. This report lists detailed item information by customer, including entry type, balance, reference, dispute, terms, and discount date.

  • Multi-Item Update: Use the Multi-Item Update page and change field values for all selected items.

  • Pay by Credit Card: Use the Credit Card Details page to authorize and settle the transaction.

    Note: If an item cannot be selected the item is highlighted in red and an error message that explains why the item cannot be paid by credit card appears.

  • Reprint Invoices: Reprint invoices for selected items.

  • Select for Direct Debit: Update the payment method to direct debit for the selected item.

  • Tie To A New Conversation: Use the Conversations page and add a new conversation. The system associates the selected items with the conversation.

  • Tie To The Last Conversation: Use the Conversations page and add information to the most recent conversation for the customer. The system associates the selected items with the conversation.

  • View Items And Item Activity: Use the Selected Items page and view summarized item details and activity for selected items.

See also the documentation for the Item List page in Reviewing Item Information.

Conversation Exists icon (Conversation Exists icon)

Click the Conversation Exists icon to access the Conversations page, where you can view conversations associated with the item. This button is available only if the item is associated with one or more existing conversations. If the item has multiple conversations associated with it, the system displays a list of conversations.

View Invoice Image icon (View Invoice Image icon)

Click the View Invoice Image icon to view a copy the invoice for the selected item in a browser window.

Email icon (Email icon)

Click the Email icon to open the Send Invoice page, where you can send a copy of the invoice image for an item by email.

Note: The fields Invoice Billing Specialist and Bill Source information originate from the PS_BI_HDR table that is associated with the invoice. The Billing Specialist field originates from a Contracts table.