Reviewing Item Information

Page Name

Definition Name


Item List Page


Build and view a list of items for a customer that matches your search criteria. Use links to view details for a specific item.

Item List - Advanced Search Page


Enter search parameters to generate a list of items based on field values in the Item table.

Use the Item List component (ITEM_LIST) to search for items for a specified customer or business unit. You can also generate a list of items spanning multiple customers based on the search parameters that you entered. Use the Advanced Search function to enter and save search criteria based on field values in the Item table (PS_ITEM).

Use the Item List page (ITEM_LIST) to build and view a list of items for a customer that matches your search criteria.

Use links to view details for a specific item.


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Item List > Item List

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Item List page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Item List page

Field or Control


Add Conversation

Click this link to access the Conversations page, where you can add a new conversation. The SetID, Business Unit, and Customer ID fields are populated based on the selected customer. You can add new conversation entries for active customers by clicking the Add Conversation Entry button on the Conversation page.

Account Overview

Click to access the Account Overview - Balances page, where you can view various balances for the customer and access customer profile information, customer trend information, and the customer action list.

See Reviewing Customer Account Information.

Display Currency

Click to open a page where you can change the display currency. This button is available only if you selected the Use an AR Display Currency (use an accounts receivable display currency) option for the business unit on the Currency Display Options page.

Entering Search Criteria

Use the search fields at the top of the page to identify customers whose items you want to review, or use the Advanced Search page to enter detailed search parameters.

Field or Control



Leave blank to view items for the customer across all business units.


Enter the customer ID of the customer whose items you want to view, or leave blank to view all items in the business unit. Click the customer link to the right of this field to access the General Information component (CUSTOMER_GENERAL), where you can view and change customer information.


Select No Relationship (no customer relationships are considered), Corporate (corporate customer), Correspondence (correspondence customer), or Remit From (remit from customer).

SubCust1 (subcustomer 1) and SubCust2 (subcustomer 2)

Enter the subcustomer identifier code assigned to a customer to record history and aging information for a subset of customers. These fields are available only if you set up the customer to include subcustomers.


Select a value to see a subset of items in the list. Values are: All (all items), Closed (closed items), Collections (items in collection), Deduction (deduction items), Dispute (items in dispute), Doubtful (items marked as doubtful), Last Conv (items from the last conversation), Open (open items), or Past Due (items that are past due).


Click to search for items for the customer or business unit. If you have saved search preferences, the system limits the list to items that match the search criteria.

Selecting Items

Field or Control


Range and Go

Enter the row numbers for the range of items to select and click Go.

Select All and Deselect All

Click to select or deselect the selections for all items in the list.

Working with Items

The Item List grid displays the results of the search criteria that you selected. It can display a limited number of items. The maximum number of items that appears in the Item List grid is known as a chunk. Use the chunking arrow buttons to move from chunk to chunk to find items. You define the maximum number of items in a chunk on the Installation Options - Receivables page by entering a number in the Max Number of Rows in Scrolls (maximum number of rows in scrolls) field.

Click the Customize link to sort by column, reorder, hide, and freeze columns. This enables you to put the key fields that you want to review on the Detail 1 tab and sort the data.

See the section on using grid and scroll area controls in the PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Applications User's Guide.

Field or Control


Item Action and Go

Select an Item Action option to perform an action and click Go. For example, you can generate a report for a customer, such as generate a dunning letter (DUNONL multiprocess job) or run the customer item inquiry report (ARX34003). Or you can view or perform an action for all of the selected items.

Values are:

Create a Maintenance Worksheet: Create a maintenance worksheet showing all selected items on the Worksheet Application page.

Create a Payment Plan: Create a payment plan for the customer. You can define a payment plan and plan type, select items to include in the plan, and create installments.

Generate A Dunning Letter: Create a dunning letter for the customer. If you select the option for printing dunning letters, the system runs the system-defined multiprocess job DUNONL, which contains ARX33000, and ARX33A00 if you enabled acceptgiro processing for the item’s business unit. You must define a server for the job definition before you use this option.

See (NLD) Understanding Acceptgiro Form Printing.

Generate An Open Item Report: Run the Customer Item Inquiry report (ARX34003) for the customer. This report lists detailed item information by customer, including entry type, balance, reference, dispute, terms, and discount date.

Multi-Item Update: Use the Multi-Item Update page and change field values for all selected items.

Pay by Credit Card: Use the Credit Card Details page to authorize and settle the transaction.

Note: If an item cannot be selected the item is highlighted in red and an error message that explains why the item cannot be paid by credit card appears.

See Account Overview - Balances Page.

See Understanding Credit Card Processing.

Reprint Invoices: Reprint invoices for selected items.

See Reprinting Invoices.

Tie To A New Conversation: Use the Conversations page and add a new conversation. The system associates the selected items with the conversation.

Tie To The Last Conversation: Use the Conversations page and add information to the most recent conversation for the customer. The system associates the selected items with the conversation.

View Items And Item Activity: Use the Selected Items page and view summarized item details and activity for selected items.

Sort All

Use to sort all items in the worksheet, not just the items that are displayed in the scroll area. This field is not available if the number of rows does not exceed the maximum chunk size. Options are Due Date or Item. Click Go to resort all items in the grid.

Click the arrows to view different chunks of data. For better performance, you can limit the number of rows that appear in the scroll area on the Installation Options - Receivables page. Oracle suggests a maximum chunk size of 100 rows, although larger chunks may perform satisfactorily.


Click the link for an item to access the View/Update Item Details component (ITEM_MAINTAIN), where you can view and update item details and view item activity and accounting entries. You can also access details for the sales order, invoice, or contract associated with the item in PeopleSoft Order Management, PeopleSoft Billing, or PeopleSoft Contracts.


Displays the numbers of activities for the item. For example, you could have two activities: one for the original item and one for a partial payment.

Conversation Exists icon

Click the Conversation Exists icon to access the Conversations page, where you can view conversations associated with the item. This button is available only if the item is associated with one or more existing conversations. If the item has multiple conversations associated with it, the system displays a list of conversations.

Conversation Exists?

Displays a Y in the field if the item has conversation entries associated with it. Use the option to sort the list by items that have associated conversation entries.

Viewing Search Total Results

Field or Control


Debits and Debit Amount

Displays the total number and amount of all retrieved debit items, not just the items in the current chunk.

Credits and Credit Amount

Displays the total number and amount of all retrieved credit items.

Total and Total Amount

Displays the total number and amount of all retrieved items.

Selected and Selected Amount

Displays the total number of selected items and the amount of the items. You must click Refresh before you can see these figures.

Note: The currency code and all amounts are blank if the items in the list contain multiple currencies.

Note: The fields Invoice Billing Specialist and Bill Source information originate from the PS_BI_HDR table that is associated with the invoice. The Billing Specialist field originates from a Contracts table.

Use the Item List - Advanced Search page (ITEM_LIST_SEARCH) to enter search parameters to generate a list of items based on field values in the Item table.


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Item List > Advanced Search

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Item List - Advanced Search page (1 of 4).

Item List - Advanced Search page (1 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Item Search - Advanced Search page (2 of 4).

Item List - Advanced Search page (2 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Item List - Advanced Search page (3 of 4).

Item List - Advanced Search page (3 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Item List - Advanced Search page (4 of 4).

Item List - Advanced Search page (4 of 4)

To limit items on the Item List page, enter search parameters. If you do not specify a value for a search parameter, the system retrieves all the records for the parameter. For example, if you do not enter a collector, the system retrieves items assigned to any collectors.

For some parameters, you can enter a range of values to include in the search. For example, you can search for all items with a due date that falls between January 1, 2005 and January 8, 2005. To search for a range, you must enter a value in the Thru field.

For each parameter, you enter the operator for the criteria, such as Equal, Greater Than, Between, or Exists. Select Exists for any non-date field to retrieve items with any value in the field.

Note: You can expand and collapse the sections to control the number of viewable fields.

Field or Control


Search Preferences

Select an existing search preference or enter the name for a new search preference.


Click to populate the Item List page with items that match your search preference criteria.

Important! If you enter new search criteria that you want to reuse, you must click Save.


Click to remove values from all fields on the Advanced Search page.


Click to save a new search preference. The name that you specify for the search preference is available in the Preference field for future searches.


Click to delete the selected search preference.

Note: The fields Invoice Billing Specialist and Bill Source information originate from the PS_BI_HDR table that is associated with the invoice. The Billing Specialist field originates from a Contracts table.