Updating Multiple Items

This topic discusses how to change field values for selected items and run the Mass Change process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Item List Page


Select the items whose field values you want to change.

Multi-Item Update Page


Select the fields whose values you want to change, and enter the new values.

Mass Change Page


Enter run parameters for the Mass Change process, select the fields whose values you want to change, enter new values, and select the tables to update from PeopleSoft Receivables, PeopleSoft Billing, and customer tables.

PeopleSoft Receivables provides two methods for changing field values on multiple items simultaneously:

  • Manually, for selected items on the Item List page.

  • Automatically, using the Mass Change process (AR_MASSCHG).

This feature is useful, for example, when an AR specialist leaves the organization or moves to a new position within the organization and you need to reassign all of the AR specialist's deductions and disputed items to another person.

You can change field values for the following fields for selected items on the Item List page, or you can change these field values in the Pending Item table (PS_PENDING_ITEM) or Item table (PS_ITEM) when you run the Mass Change process. When you run the Mass Change process, you limit the items whose field values you are changing to a specific business unit, customer group, or customer:

  • Credit Analyst

  • Collector

  • Sales Person

  • AR Specialist

  • Broker

  • Deduction Reason

  • Dispute Reason

  • Collection Reason (code)

  • Due Date

  • Payment Method

  • Payment Terms

When you run the Mass Change process, you can also:

  • Change these fields in the Billing Header table (PS_BI_HDR) in PeopleSoft Billing:

    • Sales Person

    • Credit Analyst

    • Collector

    • Due Date

    • Payment Method

    • Payment Terms

  • Change these fields in the Customer Options table (PS_CUST_OPTION):

    • Credit Analyst

    • Collector

    • AR Specialist

    • Payment Method

    • Payment Terms

You can change field values only for open items (items with an open balance). If you have enabled audit history for these fields, the system updates the Audit History table (PS_ITEM_AUDIT).

See Understanding Management of Action Owner Assignments.

Use the Item List page (ITEM_LIST) to select the items whose field values you want to change.


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Item List > Item List

To change field values for action owners, collection reasons (codes), exception reasons, due date, payment method, and payment terms for selected items:

  1. Enter search criteria to populate the item list.

  2. Select the items whose field values you want to change.

  3. Select Multi-item Update in the Item Action group box and click Go to access the Multi-item Update page.

  4. Select the fields whose values you want to change for the selected items.

  5. Enter the new value for each selected field in the To field.

Use the Multi-item Update page (AR_MASS_CHNG_SEC) to select the fields whose values you want to change, and enter the new values.


Select Multi-Item Update in the Item Action group box on the Item List page, and then click Go.

Use the Mass Change page (MASS_CHANGE_RUN) to enter run parameters for the AR Mass Change Application Engine process (AR_MASSCHG), select the fields whose values you want to change, enter new values, and select the tables to update from PeopleSoft Receivables, PeopleSoft Billing, and customer tables.


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Mass Change Process > Mass Change

Run Request Parameters

Specify whether you want to limit fields to items associated with a specific business unit, customer group, and customer ID.

Fields to Update

Select the fields whose values you want to change.

Field or Control



Enter the current field value.


Enter the new field value.

Data To Update

Field or Control


Open AR Posted Items

Select to update the fields for open items in the Item table.

Unposted AR Items

Select to update the fields for items in the Pending Item table, if the Posted Flag field is N or if the Posted Flag is Y and the item status in the Item table is Open.

Bill To Customer Options

Select to update records in the Customer Options table.

PeopleSoft Billing

Select to update records in the Billing Header table, if the bill status is not INV, FNL, or CAN.

Count Only

Select to run the process without updating any records. A count of the number of records to be updated appears in the message log.