Understanding Credit Card Processing

You can create credit card payments in several different ways:

  • Click the Pay by Credit Card link on the following inquiry pages:

  • Use the Credit Card worksheet component.

    The Credit Card worksheet enables you to select existing items in the same way you use PeopleSoft Receivables Payment worksheets. You can also define other types of payment item, such as prepayments, on-account items, write-offs, and so on.

  • Use the batch Credit Card processor.

This diagram illustrates how items charged on credit cards that originate from PeopleSoft Billing, external sources, or online item entries are processed in Receivables. Items that are paid for using a credit card in PeopleSoft Billing, external sources, and online entries are either paid or sent to the Receivables Credit Card Payment Worksheet workbench, where they can be managed before sending them for authorization or settlement. Worksheets with credit card items paid in PeopleSoft Billing are sent directly to Receivable Update for processing. Worksheets with credit card items that were not paid in Billing are authorized and settled online and in batch form, and then sent to Receivables Update for posting. If an exception to the authorization or settlement procedure occurs, then these items are sent back to the Credit Card Payment Worksheet workbench and corrected. Once corrected, the credit card transactions are resent for authorization or settlement, and then sent to Receivables Update for posting.

How items charged on credit cards that originate from PeopleSoft Billing, external sources, or online item entries are processed in Receivables

Receivables Credit Card Payment Worksheet process flow

The Credit Card Workbench enables you to manage credit card payments that have been created but not yet authorized or settled. You also can use this component to inquire on the transaction history for authorized and settled credit card payments. Do not use this component to create new credit card payments.

Note: Credit card payments may also be authorized and billed within the PeopleSoft Billing and eBill Payment applications. Typically, when an invoice is submitted for credit card payment in eBill Payment for the current date, the invoice is authorized and billed. However, when the payment is scheduled for a future date, an authorization is requested from the credit card provider, but the credit card is not billed until the scheduled payment date.

Note: Once credit card numbers are entered into a system with a traditional credit card implementation, they are stored in an encrypted format. The encrypted credit card number does not appear on pages used to enter credit card information, but displays in masked form. For example, when you use the Quick Customer Create component to review a customer, once you enter information about the customer and click Search, the Customer Summary page appears and displays 12 Xs and the last four digits of the customer's credit card number, for example: XXXXXXXXXXXX4411.