Reviewing Business Events and Subevents

Page Name

Definition Name


Drafts - Business Events Page


Review system-defined processing rules for draft business events.

Drafts - Sub-Events Page


Review subevents that can occur for a draft event. You can display subevents only for draft events that require subevents, such as Draft Approval.

To review business events and subevents, use the Draft Business Events (DR_BUSINESS_EVENT) and Sub Events (DR_SUB_EVENT) components.

PeopleSoft Receivables comes with predefined draft business events. Each draft business event has the processing characteristics already defined for the Receivables Update process, including those for dishonoring a draft after that event.

You initiate some events online, such as remitting a draft. The system automatically processes other events, such as due date processing, when you run the Receivables Update process. The process creates a group for each draft and posts the activity on the Draft Activity record.

The following table describes the delivered business events:

Draft Business Event



Draft Creation

It creates the draft in the system.


Draft Approval

The customer approves the draft by pre-existing arrangement (drafts are automatically approved when you create them) or by receiving a signed draft document.

This event has subevents that you use to set up accounting entries for adjustments, write-offs, prepayments, or deductions on a draft worksheet.


Draft Remitted

You send a nondiscounted draft to the bank for collection of the funds owed. Your bank collects the money at the due date.


Draft Remitted with Discount

You send a discounted draft with recourse to the bank before the due date to obtain funds in advance of the customer actually paying the draft. The date that you require the funds is known as discount date. The bank charges a fee and interest. This is effectively arranging a short-term loan on the basis of a guaranteed future payment.


Cancel Remitted Draft

You cancel a remitted draft. The status returns to Accepted.


Discounted Draft at Discount Date with Recourse

A discounted draft with recourse reaches the discount date (the date that the bank should release money to your bank account).


Discounted Draft at Discount Date with no Recourse

A discounted draft without recourse reaches the discount date (the date that the bank should release money to your bank account).


Draft at Due Date

A nondiscounted draft reaches its due date (maturity date). This is the date you expect the bank to receive the money from the customer and to apply it to your bank account.


Discounted Draft at Due Date with Recourse

A draft discounted with recourse reaches its due date (maturity date).


Discounted Draft at Due Date with no Recourse

A draft discounted without recourse reaches its due date (maturity date).


Bank Statement Reconciliation

The bank statement contains an entry that confirms a nondiscounted draft was paid. You have reconciled the bank statement.


Reconcile Discounted Draft with Recourse

The bank statement contains an entry that the bank put money into your account for a discounted draft with recourse. You have reconciled the bank statement.


Reconcile Discounted Draft with no Recourse

The bank statement contains an entry that a draft discounted without recourse was paid. You have reconciled the bank statement.


Void Draft

You mark a draft null and void. The system reopens the associated item to ensure that the outstanding debt is collected.

New Business Events

Oracle suggests that you do not change the system-defined draft business events or add new ones. To prevent users from changing business events, ensure that the page options for Draft Business Events and Draft Sub-Events are display-only for most users. If you must create a new event, ensure that you set it up properly.

For a new batch event (events that are system-generated), select the Batch Event check box and write the SQL that triggers the processing for the event. You must use the D alias type for DRAFT_CONTROL record and R alias type for POSTING_REQUEST record when you write the SQL. Review one of the existing events with SQL before you write your own.

If you are adding a new event that you will initiate from an online page, you must create a new page. The DRAFT_TYPE field in the FUNCLIB_ARINTFC record contains all the code that is necessary to perform online processing. View some examples to see how this code is implemented. PeopleSoft employs three different methods:

  • To see how PeopleSoft performs the processing for a single draft per page, look at the SavePreChange PeopleCode for DRAFT_WRK.APPROVE_BUTTON.

  • To see how PeopleSoft performs the processing for a set of drafts that need posting (multiple drafts per page), look at the SavePostChange PeopleCode for DR_REMIT_WRK.COMPLETE_BUTTON.

  • To see how PeopleSoft performs the processing of multiple drafts per page (line by line), look at the SavePreChange PeopleCode for DR_DISH_ITM_SBR.ITEM_SELECTED.

If you add a new system function for an on-account or prepayment item, you must update the PeopleCode for drafts to include the system function. You update the following:

  • FUNCLIB_AR (record)

  • RECNAME (field)

  • Field Change (event)

  • IsAdvancePayment (function)

Use the Business Events page (DR_BUSINESS_EVENT) to review system-defined processing rules for draft business events.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Drafts > Business Events > Business Events

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Business Events page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Business Events page

Field or Control


Specify System Function

If selected, indicates that you must specify a system function for the event for each draft type to generate accounting entries.

Post Action

Select a value that indicates when the event occurs. Values are:

Actual: For the actual business event.

Dishonor: For drafts dishonored after the business event.

Most business events have a set of actual rules and another set of dishonor rules. Use the scroll area to see both sets of rules.

Use Sub-Events?

If selected, indicates the event has a subevent.

Include in Cancel Remittance

If selected, indicates that the Receivable Update process reverses the accounting entries and status for the event when you cancel a remittance.

SQL Object ID

Enter the SQL object that ensures the draft is in the right condition for the event.

Event Settings

The options in the Event Settings group box define the rules for the Receivable Update process when it posts the event.

Field or Control


Draft Status

Select the status of a draft after you run the Receivable Update process. Values are:

Accepted: The draft was marked approved on the draft worksheet.

Collateral: The draft is being used as collateral and is not available for processing.

Complete: The draft was paid at either the discount date or the due date.

Discounted: The draft was remitted as a discounted draft and has reached its discount date.

Dishonored: You dishonored the draft because a customer failed to pay or will be unable to pay on the due date.

Endorsed: You endorsed the draft to another party and it is not available for processing.

Identified: You created a customer draft, but have not built a worksheet for it yet.

No Action: This status updates the Draft Status field on the Item table. When it is set to N, the item is available to be paid by a draft or another payment method.

Pending: The draft appears on the draft worksheet, but you have not approved it.

Remitted: You identified a draft as complete on the draft remittance worksheet and it was sent to the bank for collection.

Void: You voided the draft.


Enter the option for changing the item balance:

1: Reduces the item and customer balance.

0: Does not update the item or customer balance.

-1: Increases the item and customer balance.

Disc Indic (discount indicator)

If selected, the Receivables Update process must update the DISCOUNT_PROCESSED field on the Draft Control record. The next field contains the value that Receivables Update process enters in the field. Y indicates that the draft has been discounted and N indicates that it has not been discounted.

Doc Type Option (document type option)

Select a value if the event requires document sequence numbers. Values are:

Collection: If document sequence numbers are required, you must assign the default document type to a bank account whose payment method is defined as Draft on the External Account - Collection Method page.

Group: If document sequence numbers are required, you must assign the default document type to the draft group type.

Recon (reconciliation)

If selected, the Receivables Update process must update the RECON_PROCESSED field on the Draft Control record. The next field contains the value that the Receivables Update process enters in the field. Y indicates that the draft has been reconciled and N indicates that it has not been reconciled.

Batch Event?

If selected, the Receivables Update process recognizes this event as a system-generated event instead of an online event. For example, Draft Approval is an online event and Draft at Due Date is a system-generated event. The where clause that triggers processing for a batch event is in the text box below this field.

Select for a new batch event (events that are system-generated, rather than initiated from an online page).

Unpost Settings

The options in this group box define the rules for Receivable Update when it unposts the event.

Field or Control


Unpost Flag

If selected, you can unpost the event.

Draft Status

Displays the status of a draft after the Receivable Update process runs for the unpost group.

Disc Indic (discount indicator) and Recon (reconciliation)

The Disc Indic and Recon check boxes for unposting work the same as they do for posting.

Use the Sub-Events page (DR_SUB_EVENT) to review subevents that can occur for a draft event.

You can display subevents only for draft events that require subevents, such as Draft Approval.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Drafts > Sub-Events > Sub Events

Field or Control



Indicates if amounts for this event are Negative, Positive, or Unsigned (either negative or positive).


If selected, the subevent updates the selected subtotal (total amount of items selected) on the draft worksheet.


If selected, the subevent updates the adjusted subtotal (total adjustment amount, including deductions, balance write-offs, prepayments, on-account payments, and adjustments) on the draft worksheet.


If selected, the subevent updates the write-off subtotal (total amount of items written off) on the draft worksheet.


If selected, the system uses the write-off tolerances for the users that appear on the User Preferences - Receivables Data Entry 2 page when you write off an item on the draft worksheet. The tolerances are the same ones used for payment worksheets.