Reviewing Payment Predictor Process Results

This topic provides an overview of the Payment Predictor payment status and lists the pages used to review Payment Predictor process results.

Page Name

Definition Name


Payment Predictor Detail Page


Define the run parameters for the Payment Predictor Detail report (AR21001). Use the SQR report to view a list of Payment Predictor activities between the dates that you specify.

See PeopleSoft Receivables Reports: A to Z for more information.

Payment Predictor Summary Page


Define the run parameters for the Payment Predictor Summary report (AR21002). Use the SQR report to view a list of Payment Predictor results by status and predictor method or algorithm. The number of payments is listed as a percentage of the total number of payments predicted.

A summary at the end of the report provides the number of payments predicted, the number of payments not predicted, and both numbers as a percentage of the total.

See PeopleSoft Receivables Reports: A to Z for more information.

Unmatched MICR Identifiers Page


Define the run parameters for the Unmatched MICR Identifiers report (AR21003). Use this SQR report to view a list of MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) identifiers that appear on payments and that have not been defined in the customer MICR ID table. This report also indicates the predictor status of each payment.

See PeopleSoft Receivables Reports: A to Z for more information.

This table lists the different Payment Predictor process statuses for payments that appear on inquiries, reports, payment worksheets, and messages:

Payment Predictor Payment Status


Pay Status

Post Status

I (processed)

Payment was considered, and it either did not meet the criteria of the method, or it did not have items selected for it.


Not applicable

W (worksheet)

Payment was applied and a payment worksheet was built by the Payment Predictor process for review.


No action

A (applied)

Payment was applied and pending groups were created by the Payment Predictor process for posting.


Batch Standard

Note: If you use the message catalog to view all of the messages that the process returns, the system prompts you for a language code and message set number. Use 6880 for the Payment Predictor process.