Setting Up Deposit Types

Page Name

Definition Name


Deposit Type Page


Define deposit types.

To set up deposit types, use the Deposit Type component (DEPOSIT_TYPE_TABLE).

You must specify a deposit type when entering a deposit either online or from a lockbox. Define a deposit type for each class of deposit to track, such as all deposits for a particular region or all international deposits. You assign a deposit type to a bank account on the External Accounts - Account Information page, and the system populates the Deposit Type field for regular and express deposits. Reports that list deposit activity use them to sort and select deposits.

Use the Deposit Type page (DEPOSIT_TYPE_TABLE) to define deposit types.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Payments > Deposit Type > Deposit Type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Deposit Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Deposit Type page

Field or Control


Payment Method

Select the default payment method for payments that are entered online. Values are Check, Electronic Funds Transfer, and Giro - EFT.

Note: (NLD) Use Giro - EFT if customers tear off the acceptgiro form on invoices, statements, and dunning letters and send it to their bank for payment.

The system assigns this payment method to all deposits for which the deposit business unit has the same SetID as the deposit type. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the payment method that is assigned to the business unit.

If a lockbox deposit does not contain a valid payment method, the Lockbox SQR process (AR25001) assigns the payment method to all deposits in the lockbox for which the deposit business units have the same SetID as the deposit type. If you leave this field blank, the process uses the payment method that is assigned to the business unit. If the payment method for the business unit is not assigned, the process assigns check as the payment method.

Miscellaneous Cash Receipt

Select this option to allow users to enter receipt reference information and print receipts for payments using the Regular Deposit - Payments page.

When you select this option, the system automatically selects the Journal Directly option on the Regular Deposit - Payments page and payments are treated as miscellaneous cash received.

You can manually deselect the Journal Directly option, but if you do so you cannot print receipts for the payments.


Regular Deposit - Payments Page

Understanding Direct Journal Payments