Setting Up the Customer Hierarchy Chart

Page Name

Definition Name


Customer Data Item Page


Review a list of customer data items available for charting in the customer hierarchy.

Define Customer Data Item Page


Define customer data items for charting in the customer hierarchy.

Customer Data Field Page


Review data field information available to show on the Customer Hierarchy chart.

Define Customer Data Field Page


Define data field information to show on the Customer Hierarchy chart.

Define Node Template Page


Define the groups of data fields to show on the nodes of the customer hierarchy in the Customer Hierarchy chart display.

Access to active node templates is determined by user ID or role.

Customer Hierarchy Page (Interactive Chart)


Displays the customer hierarchy in an interactive chart, with information based on the search criteria and structured according to the active node template.

See also Viewing Information on the Customer Hierarchy Chart.

The system administrator configures the Customer Hierarchy chart display (Customers > Customer Hierarchy) and security on the hierarchy template at three levels: user ID, role (for the CSR, or collector), and system. Depending on their roles and permissions, the users access multiple levels of information within the chart as well as perform related actions directly from the chart.

To set up the Customer Hierarchy chart:

  1. (Optional) Define additional customer data item sources.

  2. (Optional) Define additional customer data field information.

  3. Define templates to configure the appearance of the data for display in the nodes of the main chart.

Use the Customer Data Item page (CUST_DATA_ITEM) to define the data source to show in the Customer Hierarchy chart.

Data categories include Activity, Balance, General, Metrics, and User. This example shows system-defined customer items in the General data category.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Customer Data Item page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Customer Data Item page

System Defined

Field or Control



Click this button to view the customer data item definition. The system-defined customer data items are display-only.


Generated by the system using these rules:



  • <K> = S (system-defined) or U (user defined)

  • I indicates this is a Customer Data Item ID

  • <C> = Category of data item, including A (activity), B (balance), G (general), M (metrics), or U (user)

  • <99999> = a sequence number

For example, SIG00001, SIM00002, and so on. Customer Data Item ID is the key field.

Data Item Name

Displays the name of the customer data item.

Multiple Values

Displays Yes to indicate that multiple return values for the data item are allowed, or No to indicate that only one value for the data item is allowed.

Data Item Type

Indicates the data item type of the source data item:

  • Record Field - The source data item is a record field.

  • App Class - The source data item is an Application Class. The App Class must implement this interface: AR_CUSTOMER:DataItem:Handler:DataItemHandler.


Displays a short version of the data item definition.

For example, the data item is a record, the definition shows the record and field names. If the data item is an Application Class, the definition shows the Application Class name.


Shows additional parameters if defined for data items with an Application Class type.

User Defined

Field or Control



Click this button to access the Define Customer Data Item page, where you can create user-defined customer data items according your specific business requirements.

Use the Define Customer Data Item page (CUST_DATA_ITEM_SEC) to view system-defined customer data items or enter user-defined customer data items.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Customer Data Item page for record fields. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Customer Data Item page for record fields

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Customer Data Field page for Application Class packages. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Customer Data Item page for Application Class packages

Field or Control



Generated by the system using these rules:



  • <K> = S (system-defined) or U (user defined)

  • I indicates this is a Customer Data Item ID

  • <C> = Category of data item, including A (activity), B (balance), G (general), M (metrics), or U (user)

  • <99999> = a sequence number

For example, SIG00001, SIM00002, and so on. Customer Data Item ID is the key field.

Data Item Name

Enter the name of the customer data item.

Data Item Type

Select from these options:

  • Record Field - Indicates that the source data item is a record field. When you select this option, the page displays the Record Fields setup section.

  • App Class - Indicates the source data item is an Application Class. When you select this option, the page displays Application Class setup fields.

Multiple Values

Select No to indicate that only one value for the data item is allowed.

Note: For data items used in the Customer Hierarchy chart, only one value is allowed. You should select No for multiple values.

System Defined

Displays Yes if the customer data item is system-defined and No if the customer data item is user-defined.

Definition Locked

Select this check box to lock a data item to prevent editing. You can unlock user-defined data item definitions, but the system returns a warning. For system-defined data items, the Definition Locked check box is unavailable and users cannot make changes.


Indicates that the data item is available for use.

Record Fields

These fields are available when you define a Record Field type data item:

Field or Control


Record Name

Enter the source record name for the data item. The record name must be a valid record name in PeopleSoft Application Designer and must have SetID and customer ID as part of the primary key.

Value Fieldname

Enter the source field name, which must be a valid field on the record source.

Currency Fieldname

Define the currency control field, when the value fieldname is an amount field.

Aggregate Function

Define an aggregate function for the data item. The default value is None.

Note: If the record’s primary key includes keys in addition to SetID and customer ID, make sure to select one of the aggregate functions so that the system can properly aggregate data for the customer.

You can choose from these aggregate functions:

  • Count

  • Max

  • Min

  • None

  • Sum

  • Unique

Display Template

Define a display template for the data item. The template can include value substitution in the format of {field_name} to substitute the value from field field_name at runtime. For example, this format {BAL_AMT} {CURRENCY_CD} displays this: 100.00 USD. The display template is not required.

Extra Value Fields

Define additional fields that the system can retrieve from the same record. Extra value fields can be used by processes that use the data item.

Key Field Map

Define a key field map if the key fieldname in the source record is different from the default value. For example, all source records must have SETID and CUST_ID key fields in order for the system to select the data by customer. However, if the source record has BILL_TO_SETID and BILL_TO_CUST_ID, you can enter the following to instruct the system to use BILL_TO_SETID instead of SETID and BILL_TO_CUST_ID instead of CUST_ID:


To mark a key field as required, prefix with an asterisk (*), even if the fieldnames are the same:


Application Class

These fields are available when you define an Application Class data item:

Field or Control


Package Name

Enter a valid application package name for the application class.

App Package Path

Define the path of the Application Class in the Application Package.

Class Name

Define the Application Class source of the data item.


Define additional parameter values, if necessary.

Note: The Application Class must implement this interface: AR_CUSTOMER:DataItem:Handler:DataItemHandler.


Enter values for these parameters and click the Preview button to see preview results of matching data item values. When data items have a different required key field (for example, Business Unit), the system cannot show a preview value.

Field or Control



Enter a SetID for which you want to see preview results.


Enter a customer ID for which you want to see preview results.

Display Currency

Enter the display currency to preview data items with a currency fieldname.

Rate Type

Define the currency Rate Type to be displayed.

Use the Customer Data Field page (CUST_DATA_FIELD) to define the data field information to show on the Customer Hierarchy interactive chart.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Customer Data Field page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Customer Data Field page

System Defined

Field or Control



Click this button to access the Define Customer Data Field page, where you can view system-defined customer data fields or add user-defined customer data fields to the Customer Hierarchy interactive chart.


Generated by the system using these rules:



  • <K> = S (system defined) or U (user defined)

  • F indicates this is a Customer Data Item ID

  • <C> = Category of data field, including A (activity), B (balance), G (general), M (metrics), or U (user)

  • <99999> = a sequence number

For example, SFG00001, SFM00002, and so on. Customer Data Field ID is the key field.

Data Field Name

Displays the name of the customer data field.

Rollup Value

Displays Yes to indicate that the data field is a rollup value. If Yes, an aggregate function has been defined.

Data Field Type

Indicates the type of data field value that appears on the Customer Hierarchy interactive chart:

  • App Class - Indicates the data field value is defined by an Application Class. The Data Field Handler must be defined if the Data Field Type is App Class or if the User Clickable check box is selected.

    Note: The App Class must implement this interface: AR_CUSTOMER_VISUALIZATION:DataField:Handler:DataFieldHandler.

  • Data Item: Indicates the data field value is defined by a data item.

String: Indicates that the data field is defined by a text string.


Displays a short version of the data field definition.


Shows additional parameters if defined for data items with an Application Class type.

Use the Define Customer Data Field page (CUST_DATA_FIELD_SEC) to view system-defined customer data fields or enter user-defined customer data fields for display on the Customer Hierarchy interactive chart.

This example shows a system-defined customer data field with a Data Item field type.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Customer Data Field page for data items. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Customer Data Field page for data items

This example shows a system-defined customer data field with an App Class data field type.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Customer Data Field page for Application Class packages. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Customer Data Field page for Application Class packages

This example shows a system-defined customer data field with a String data field type.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Customer Data Field page for string data. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Customer Data Field page for string data

Field or Control



Generated by the system using these rules:



  • <K> = S (system defined) or U (user defined)

  • F indicates this is a Customer Data Item ID

  • <C> = Category of data field, including A (activity), B (balance), G (general), M (metrics), or U (user)

  • <99999> = a sequence number

For example, SFG00001, SFM00002, and so on. Customer Data Field ID is the key field.

Data Field Name

Enter a display name for the data field.

Data Field Type

Select a data field type:

  • App Class - Indicates the data field value is defined by an Application Class. When you select this option, the system activates the Data Field Handler fields. The Data Field Handler fields must be defined if the data field type is App Class or if the User Clickable check box is selected.

    Note: The App Class must implement this interface: AR_CUSTOMER_VISUALIZATION:DataField:Handler:DataFieldHandler.

  • Data Item - Indicates the data field value is defined by a data item. When you select this option, the Data Item ID, Data Item Value Type, Rollup Value, and Aggregate Function fields appear.

  • String - Indicates that the data field is defined by a text string. When you select this option, the String Text field appears.

User Clickable

Select this check box to activate linking for a value that appears on the Customer Hierarchy chart. When you select User Clickable, you must also define Data Field Handler to implement that logic when user clicks on the field.

Data Item Fields

Field or Control


Data Item ID

Enter the data item ID for the data item.

Data Item Value Type

Select Display to use the Display Template defined in the Data Item definition or Formatted to use the Data Item formatted according to its native type.

Rollup Value

Select this check box to designate this Customer Data Field as a rollup value, that is, an aggregate value from the customer and its children/descendants in the hierarchy. If this Data Field is a rollup value, you must also define an aggregate function.

Aggregate Function

Choose an aggregate function to display the rollup value for the data field:

  • Max - Returns the largest value.

  • Min - Returns the smallest value.

  • Sum - Returns the sum or total value.

Data Field Handler

These fields become available and are required when you create a User Clickable data field or define a data field based on an Application Class:

Field or Control


Package Name

Enter a valid Application Package name for the Application Class.

App Package Path

Define the path of the Application Class in the Application Package.

Class Name

Define the Application Class that handles the Data Field process.


Define additional parameter values, if necessary.

Note: The App Class must implement the AR Customer Visualization interface: AR_CUSTOMER_VISUALIZATION:DataField:Handler:DataFieldHandler.

Use the Define Node Template page (ACV_NODE_TEMPLATE) to define the groups of data fields to show on the nodes of the customer hierarchy in the Customer Hierarchy chart display.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Customers > Customer Hierarchy > Customer Hierarchy Node > Define Node Template

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Node Template page for a system-level node template.

Define Node Template page (system level)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Node Template page for a user-level node template.

Define Node Template page (user level)

A Node Template must include one or more Node Views, and each Node View must include at least one Node Zoom and corresponding Node Fields to display on the chart.

Field or Control


Template ID and Description

Enter a template ID when you create a new Node. The Template ID value must to be unique.

Template Level and Template Level Value

Define the level of access to this node template. Select from these template levels:

  • All - All users can access this node template.

  • User - Permission to access this node template is limited to the user ID entered in the Template Level Value field.

  • Role - Permission to access this node template is limited to the users with the role ID entered in the Template Level Value field.

  • System - All users can view but not edit this node template. The system node template provides sample data delivered with PeopleSoft Receivables


Select this check box to indicate this node template is active. Only active templates are available for use. Although multiple templates may be active for a user, the user must choose one at a time for displaying the data in the chart.

Show Detail Tab

Select this check box to display the Customer Details tab in addition to the Customer Hierarchy chart.

Node View

Define one or more views for the Node Template. This way the user can define groups of information on different views according to the business requirements.

Field or Control


View and Description

Create a node view ID and description for this view. The value in the View field must be unique for this node template.


Select to indicate the default node view displayed on the Customer Hierarchy chart.

Node Zoom

Define the zoom levels associated with a node view. You can use the Node Zoom fields to define different levels of customer detail.

Field or Control



Enter a node zoom level that is unique for the Node View.

The zoom level is a relative number. In general, a higher number indicates zoom in, or display more data fields in each nodes for a higher level of detail. A lower number indicates zoom out, or display fewer data fields in each node, which usually shows more nodes and better displays the customer relationships.

You can navigate through the zoom levels in the Customer Hierarchy chart using the Zoom Slider control. The Zoom Slider is available only when multiple zoom levels have been defined.

Left Column Width and Right Column Width

Define the widths of left and right columns, respectively, to display in the node for the corresponding node view in the Customer Hierarchy chart.

Note: If the fields displayed on the node appear to not line up correctly, try to adjust the column widths.


Select this check box to indicate the default node zoom for this node view.

Copy Zoom

Create a copy of this node zoom level.

Node Fields

These fields define the structure of information in each node. There are always two columns. Fields in the left column are left-aligned. You can choose right or left alignment of information in the right column.

Field or Control



Define the field type for each line in each column. Choose from these types:

  • (Blank) - Leaves the field in the selected column empty.

  • Action - Select to add a Related Action link. Enter a description for the link to Related Actions in the text box for Data Field ID or Field Value. The Related Actions are predefined by the system.

  • Field - Select to map to a Customer Data Field. You can use the Search icon to access the Look Up Data Field ID page, where you can find and select a Data Field by category, name, or ID.

  • Header - Select to enter header text for a group of fields in the node.

  • Label - Select to define a label for a node line in the text box for Data Field ID or Field Value.

  • Value - Select to enter a fixed value in the text box for Data Field ID or Field Value.

Data Field ID or Field Value

Enter header or label text, a field value, or a Data Field ID, depending on your selection in the Type field.