Staging EDI Payment Data Using the Data Export Import Utility

This topic describes the transformation of EDI files containing payment data for import into Receivables staging tables using the Data Export Import Utility.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to receive a payment (cash and remittance advice combined) or just the remittance (remittance information without cash) in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transmission.

PeopleSoft Receivables supports both European and U.S. EDI formats. The European EDI standard is EDIFACT, and the supported format is CREEXT. The U.S. standard is ANSI-X12; its supported format is 820.

The Data Export and Import Utility provides a mechanism to import the raw or translated EDI files with payment data into the staging tables, bypassing steps that are needed using application messages. PeopleSoft Receivables provides a sample setup to import EDI payment data using the Data Export Import Utility. Businesses should test their own DEIU setup before implementation.

The EDI payment data transformation is based on People Tools Document Technology and the Data Export and Import Utility (DEIU) tool, which allows users to configure transformation through an online mapping component. Users should be familiar with PeopleSoft documents, as well as Data Export Import Utility map definitions and document relationships, before customizing EDI file import setup using DEIU.

PeopleSoft delivers the following sample DEIU transformation programs for processing EDI payment files and loading the data in the Receivables payment staging tables.

Receivables Process

Delivered DEIU Transformation Program

EDI File Type

Load Payment EDI File



Load Delimited Payment EDI File



Once data is loaded into the staging tables, run the Payment Interface Application Engine to load payment data into the Receivables tables.

For more information about the Data Export Import Utility, see Understanding the Data Export Import Utility.

PeopleSoft provides a setup with sample field mapping for staging EDI payment data using the Data Export Import Utility. To set up the import process:

  1. Review PeopleSoft Documents for both source and target documents.

  2. Verify DEIU map definitions for EDI file transformation.

The EDI payment data import process is supported for flat and delimited EDI files.

For more information about setting up DEIU, see Mapping File Layouts and Document Relationships and Defining the Data Source and Target.

Reviewing the PeopleSoft Documents

Use the Document Builder - Document page (IB_LOGICALSCHEMA) to view and edit a document in the Document Builder.

Before using the Data Export Import Utility for EDI payment file import, review the PeopleSoft Documents delivered for use with EDI files.

PeopleSoft provides the following sample documents or layouts to support the Receivables payment load process:

  • Load Delimited Payment EDI File process

    • Source: PeopleSoft Document EDI_820_DELIMITED_FILE

    • Target: PeopleSoft Document EDI_820_PAYMENT

  • Load Payment EDI File process

    • Source: File Layout (Fixed) PAYMENT_LOAD

    • Target: PeopleSoft Document EDI_820_PAYMENT

Verifying the Map Definition

Use the Map Definition component (FS_MAPPER_DEF_WIZ) to set up the transformation from data source to target output.

The EDI payment file transformation occurs through the online mapping definition. DEIU provides a horizontal navigation, or train stops, to define a map that links the data source and target output format along with any data filter criteria. PeopleSoft provides sample EDI file map definitions for both flat files and delimited files. Businesses should create, test, and put their own map definitions into production.

PeopleSoft delivers the following sample map definitions:

  • The Load Delimited Payment EDI File process uses the map ID EDI_820_DELPAY_IMPORT.

  • The Mapping for the Load Payment EDI File process uses the map ID EDI_820_PAYMENT_IMPORT.

The Edit Transform Property secondary page is used to define the parameters for the selected transformation rule. PeopleSoft provides system-delivered transformation rules with the map definitions for EDI payment data import.

Note: The Data Export Import Utility is a generic transformation tool that is used across PeopleSoft Financials. Not all transform types supported by Data Export Import Utility are applicable to EDI file data import.

Use the Data Export Import Request page (FS_MAP_REQUEST) to initiate DEIU processing based on the map definition and options to further filter the data set, if applicable.

To import EDI payment data into the staging tables using DEIU:

  1. Navigate to the Data Export Import Request page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Data Export Import Utility, Data Export Import Request).

  2. Enter the appropriate run control ID. For example,

    • EDI_820_PAYMENT_DELIMITED_RUN – Transforms raw or translated, delimited EDI files to support the Load Delimited Payment EDI File process.

    • EDI_820_PAYMENT_IMPORT_RUN – Transforms raw or translated, flat EDI files to support the Load Payment EDI File process.

  3. Verify the data in the staging table before running Payment Interface to stage the data in the Receivables payment tables.