Common Elements Used to Manage Direct Debits

Field or Control



Displays the status of a direct debit. Values are:

Accepted: The direct debit is approved and you can mark it ready for posting and remittance.

Complete: The direct debit has completed processing.

No Action: The direct debit group has been rejected, and the items in the direct debit will be available for selection the next time you create direct debits.

Pending: You either selected the direct debit for edit or it is pending approval due to exceptions.

See Worksheet Detail Page.

Rejected: All direct debits have been rejected because you have canceled a direct debit after you changed the status to Remitted. Also, the Receivables Update process changes the status to Rejected if you receive a rejection reason in the bank confirmation file that requires the cancel action. You can select these direct debits again the next time you create direct debits.

Remitted: The direct debit is ready to be posted and sent to the bank for collection.