Prerequisites for Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Before you can maintain items, you must:

  • Create automatic entry types for maintenance groups, using the Automatic Entry Type component.

  • Create control distribution codes for the maintenance worksheet and the Automatic Maintenance process.

  • Assign a default control distribution code to each business unit.

  • Define write-off tolerances for:

    • Each business unit on the Receivables Options - General 1 page.

    • (Optional) Individual customers on the Write-Off Info page.

      The system default for customers is no limit.

    • Individual entry reasons for automatic entry type for the MT-02, MT-03, MT-06, and MT-07 system functions on the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page.

      The system default is zero, which means that nothing can be written off. If you want to enable write-offs, you must enter the tolerance values.

    • Users who will use the maintenance worksheet on the Define User Preferences - Receivables Data Entry 2 page.

      The system default is zero. If you want to enable a user to write off items, you must enter values.

  • (Optional) Setup approval workflow for write-off amounts.

  • Define reference qualifier codes for the maintenance worksheet.

  • (Optional) Define automatic maintenance methods.

  • (Optional) Assign an automatic maintenance method to each business unit.

  • (Optional) Define worksheet reasons.