Applying Cash Advance to Expense Report using PeopleSoft Fluid

Page Name

Definition Name


Apply Cash Advance Page


Apply outstanding cash advance to an existing expense report.

Use the Apply Cash Advance page (EX_APPL_ADV_FL) to apply outstanding cash advance to an existing expense report.


Employee Self Service > Expenses > My Expense Reports > Expense Summary.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Summary page as displayed on a smartphone. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Expense Summary page as displayed on a smartphone - Cash Advance

The Additional Information section of the Expense Summary page displays the Cash Advance section if there is any outstanding cash advance on the expense report. If there are no outstanding cash advances, this Cash Advance section will be hidden.

The Additional Information section displays if the expense report has one of the following conditions:

  • Outstanding Cash Advance: The expense report has amount to be reimbursed to employee (Due to Employee > 0) and the employee has outstanding cash advances that can be applied to the expense report (Cash Advance Outstanding > 0). Drill down on the Cash Advance section to view and apply the cash advance. Enter a cash advance amount, and the select the Apply button to apply Cash Advance to the current expense report.

  • Adjustment Cash Advance: Employee has a credit amount that needs to be returned to the company (Due to Company > 0).

    You will need to create an adjustment cash advance in order to submit the expense report. PeopleSoft Fluid Expenses does not support creating adjustment cash advance. Drill down on the Cash Advance section will take you to the Classic PeopleSoft Expense Report page where you can create the Adjustment Cash Advance.

To remove the previously applied amount, enter zero on the applied amount in the Apply Cash Advance page. The system automatically updates the Cash Advance Balance amount.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Apply Cash Advance page.

Apply Cash Advance Page