Approving Time Adjustments

Page Name

Definition Name


Approve Transactions - Overview Page


Approve time adjustments on the summary approval page.

Approve Transactions - Time Adjustments Page


Approve time adjustments.

Approve Time Report - Time Report Summary Page


Review, approve, hold, send back, or deny time adjustments.

Use the Approve Transactions - Time Adjustments page (EX_TADJ_APPR) to approve time adjustments.


  • Manager Self-Service > Travel and Expense Center > Approvals > Approve Transactions > Time Adjustments .

  • Travel and Expenses > Approve Transactions > Approve Transactions > Time Adjustments.

The fields on this page are the same as the fields on the Time Report Summary Page. Fields that are unique for the approval process of time adjustments are documented in this topic.

See Adjusting Time Reports.

Field or Control



Displays the adjustment number of the transaction.

View Other Version

Select to view different versions or adjustments of the time report.