Closing Expense Reports

Page Name

Definition Name


Mark Expense Report for Close Page


Close expense reports.

Close Expense Report Page


Confirm that you want to mark expense documents for closing.

Expense Processes Page


Process an expense report that is marked for closing.

When an expense report has been approved for payment processing, you might need to cancel it after you have already posted its liabilities. You can close an expense report if you have not staged payments for the expenses.

Use the Mark Expense Report for Close page (EX_CLOSE_SHEET) to close expense reports.


Travel and Expenses > Process Expenses > Close Expenses > Mark Expense Report for Close

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Mark Expense Report For Close page

Mark Expense Report for Close

The information on the Mark Expense Report for Close page comes from the expense report description.

The expense reports that are eligible for this page must meet both of these conditions:

  • Those that have been posted.

    For example, the Post Liability process has run for the expense report.

  • Those that have been approved for payment.

    The Report Status field is Approved for Payment.

Reversal Date

Field or Control


Use Current Date

Select to use the current date on which to reverse the accounting liability entries.

Use Specific Date

Select to enter a specific date. When selected, PeopleSoft Expenses opens a field to enter the day on which to reverse the accounting liability entries.

Override Expense Budget Date

Select to override the expense budget date at the distribution level with the close reversal date. This allows organizations who have closed their prior budget periods to account the budget reversals in the current fiscal period, as opposed to reopening the prior budget period.

This option is only available with Commitment Control is installed and being used for Expenses at the installation level, and the General Ledger business unit is using Commitment Control at the business unit definition level.

Override Expense Accounting Date

Select to override the accounting date at the header level with the close reversal date. This allows organizations who have closed their prior budget periods to account the budget reversals in the current fiscal period, as opposed to reopening the prior budget period.

This option is only available with Commitment Control is installed and being used for Expenses at the installation level, and the General Ledger business unit is using Commitment Control at the business unit definition level.


Click to access the Close Expense Report Page and confirm that you want to close the expense report.

Use the Close Expense Report page (EX_CLOSE_CNFRM_SEC) to confirm that you want to mark expense documents for closing.


Click the Close button on the Mark Expense Report for Close page.

Use this page to confirm that you want to mark the expense report for close. When you click the OK button, the system marks the expense report for closing and changes the Post Status to Close in Process on the View Expense Report Page. The system also takes you back to the Mark Expense Report for Close page. The Close button is not available on the Mark Expense Report for Close page after you click the OK button.

Use the Expense Processes page (RUN_EXTRNPRC) to process an expense report that is marked for closing.


Travel and Expenses > Process Expenses > Expense Processing

Use this page to process an expense report that is marked for closing (the post state is Close In Process). Select Close Liability on the Expense Processes page.

When you run the Application Engine process, the system:

  • Reverses the liability entries for expense reports that are marked for closing

  • Changes the Status field and the Post State field to Closed on the View Expense Report – page (Travel and Expense, Travel and Expense Center, Expense Report, View).