Setting Up Templates

To reduce time and errors in preparing travel authorizations and expense reports, you can create templates that reflect common expense types. The system administrator sets up public templates for all employees to use. Employees set up user templates for their own personal use.

To set up templates, use the Template (EX_TEMPLATE.GBL) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Public Templates Page


Create or modify travel authorization or expense report templates that reflect the items that typically appear in these documents.

User Template Page


Create a template to pre-populate travel authorizations or expense reports for a user ID.

Use the Public Templates (EX_TEMPLATE) page to create or modify travel authorization or expense report templates that reflect the expense types that are typically used. Public templates are available to all users


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Expenses > Management > Create Travel Doc Templates

Public templates are available to all users on the Travel Authorization Page (add). This template is effective dated and can therefore be changed if needed by your organizations. Enter the expense types for the template.

Use the User Template page (E_OPR_TEMPLATE) to create a template to pre-populate travel authorizations or expense reports for a user ID.


Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > User Preferences > Create/Update User Template

Note: Before creating templates, you must define expense types.

Field or Control


Expense Type

Select types to include in the template. Add more rows until you complete the expense type list. When you use the template to prepare a travel authorization or expense report, lines in the document are automatically populated with the list of expense types.

Template Type

Designate whether the template is for an expense report or travel authorization.