Understanding the Financial Gateway Integration Process

Source applications can easily integrate with Financial Gateway to take advantage of its payment processing functionality. Financial Gateway is delivered with Cash Management and can integrate with:

  • Treasury Management (Cash Management and Deal Management)

  • Receivables

  • Payables (Pay Cycle Manager)

  • eSettlements

  • Expenses (through Payables/Pay Cycle Manager)

  • Global Payroll

  • Third-party applications

    For integrating with third-party applications, users can take advantage of the robust integration functionality of Financial Gateway that provides the options of using flat files, component interfaces, or PeopleSoft Integration Broker to bring payments into the system.

These are the integration methods for integrating with Financial Gateway:

  • Application Class

    Application classes are the most efficient method for integrating data between Financial Gateway and other PeopleSoft source applications sharing the same database. This method employs a set of objects that use message structures as parameters, and it initiates Financial Gateway processing.

    See the product documentation for PeopleTools: PeopleCode API Reference.

  • Integration Broker (IB)

    Integration Broker can be used for non-PeopleSoft source applications that are capable of generating XML-based messages. For non-PeopleSoft source applications, the payment message structure is the same as those that are used with application classes, but Financial Gateway processes them differently. Because third-party source applications cannot call application classes, Integration Broker is used. Third-party source systems publish messages to the Integration Broker that are then routed to subscription PeopleCode. These subscription events call the same application classes that are used in the application class method. Both an application class call from a PeopleSoft source application and the execution of subscription code by a message in the Integration Broker carry out the same logic that is used to pass the message structure to Financial Gateway and trigger processing logic.

    The PAYMENT_REQUEST service operation is sent from the third-party application and calls the Payment Load Application Engine process (PMT_LOAD) that loads payments into the Financial Gateway system.

    The REQUEST_PAYMENT_STATUS service operation is sent from the third-party applications to request the status of a payment from Financial Gateway.

    The PAYMENT_CANCEL service operation is sent from the third-party application to cancel payments and sends a message asynchronously where supported. The CANCEL_PAYMENT service operation sends a message synchronously.

    The PAYMENT_RESPONSE service operation is sent from Financial Gateway to the third-party application in response to any of the messages described previously. The PAYMENT_RESPONSE_OUT_ASYNC service operation is sent asynchronously from Financial Gateway to the third-party application in response to a payment status request.

    The PAYMENT_ACKNOWLEDGE message is used to load acknowledgement files received from the non-PeopleSoft source application. The PAYMENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_FILE service operation is used to load acknowledgement files received from the non-PeopleSoft source application via Integration Broker node. The acknowledgment message is published to the Integration Broker and routed to the source application. The node name of the source application may need to be captured to specifically route messages; however, a generic publish can also be used if more than one source application exists. In such cases, all involved source applications receive every acknowledgment. Hence, the file communication method depends on the connector that is used in the Integration Broker.

    Each service operation has an operation type associated to it that makes it either synchronous or asynchronous.

    See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Integration Broker.

  • Flat File

    For third-party source applications that are unable to create XML messages, Financial Gateway provides the Import Flat File component, which loads flat files in either predefined, comma-separated value (CSV), or fixed length field formats.

  • Component Interface

    Component interfaces are another alternative method for sending payments to Financial Gateway from third-party source applications that lack the ability to create XML messages. This method enables the user to write custom programs using Java or C and send payments to Financial Gateway without using flat files. PeopleSoft provides a component interface to populate payment request staging tables and submit a PAYMENT_REQUEST IP message that calls the PaymentHandler application class to process the request.

    See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Component Interfaces.