Processing Billing for Cost-Plus Contract Lines

This section provides an overview of processing billing for cost-plus contract lines and discusses how to process billing for cost-plus contract lines and adjust billing for cost-plus contract lines.

Page Name

Definition Name


Process As Incurred Billing Page


Run this process to load as-incurred billing information from PeopleSoft Contracts and PeopleSoft Project Costing into Billing to create bills for your cost-plus contract lines and fees.

Processing billing for cost-plus contract lines includes generating invoices for the costs related to the contract lines themselves and generating invoices for any associated fees. Before you can generate invoices for your contract lines and fees, you must first complete the following tasks:

  • Define accounting rules containing the PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartField combinations and business units for your contract line transactions.

  • Assign a rate plan to your cost-plus contract lines.

  • Assign projects and activities to your active cost-plus contract lines.

  • Assign your cost-plus contract lines to as-incurred billing plans.

    The billing plans contain the billing fee worksheets and enable you to process billing for both your contract lines and any associated fees.

  • Set your contract to an active processing status.

  • Set the as-incurred billing plan and any associated events to a status of Ready.

Before generating invoices for your billing fees, you must first calculate and generate the fees using the billing fee worksheets on the billing plan. Using the fee worksheets, you must evaluate the system calculated, proposed fee amount and either accept the amount or enter a different amount. When you click the Submit button on the fee worksheet, the system evaluates the proposed amount against the billing fee limits and fee criteria and determines if the proposed amount can be processed. Once processed, summarized fee rows are generated and posted to the Project Transaction tables in PeopleSoft Project Costing using the fee definition criteria setup for the contract's business unit.

To generate invoices for your fee amounts and your cost-plus contract lines, you must run the Contracts/Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) process for rate-based contract lines. The Contracts/Billing Interface process is the first step in the billing process, and includes the following steps:

  1. Selects eligible billing and fee rows from the Project Costing Project Transaction (PROJ_RESOURCE) table for processing and posts the billing data to the Billing Interface (BI_INTFC) tables.

    The system selects billable transaction rows for processing that are associated with an analysis type assigned to the PSWKS analysis group and that are tied to contract lines that are linked to as-incurred billing plans in Ready status. For award and incentive fees, the system also selects billable fee rows that are associated with billing fee events with a ready status.

  2. After the Contracts/Billing Interface process has been run, you then run the Billing Interface (BIIF001) process to generate real or temporary bills for your contract lines and fees.

  3. Depending on how your bill processing is set up for your contracts, the Billing Interface process passes the temporary bills to the billing worksheet for review and approval.

  4. After the billing rows are approved on the billing worksheet, the system passes the billing data to PeopleSoft Billing for invoice generation and bill finalization.

  5. After the invoices are finalized for your contract lines and fees, you must run the Projects/Contracts Interface (BIPCC000) process to update PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft Contracts with the billed data.

    The Projects/Contracts Interface process updates the billing plan history page with the finalized bill rows and updates the billing plan event status (for award and incentive fee events) to Completed.

  6. The last step in performing bill processing for your contract lines and fees is to run the Project Costing/Billing Interface (PC_BI_TO_PC) process to update the PeopleSoft Project Costing tables with the finalized bill data and update the billing distribution status for the billed rows to D (distributed).

Streamline Processing

PeopleSoft Contracts delivers streamline processing to enable you to generate invoices for your cost-plus contract lines and associated fees using a single process. By performing a few simple setup tasks, you can set up the Contracts/Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) process for rate-based billing to perform all of the steps for generating invoices for cost transactions and associated fees and update PeopleSoft Contracts and PeopleSoft Project Costing with the results.

To set up streamline processing for invoice generation for cost-plus contract lines and fees, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Process Automatically option on the billing fee worksheets.

    By selecting the Process Automatically option on the billing fee worksheets, the Contracts/Billing Interface process initiates the fee processor to evaluate the fee amount proposed by the system to determine if it meets the billing fee limit criteria, and submits the fee for processing. The fee is then processed through to PeopleSoft Billing, and finalized fee data updates are sent back to PeopleSoft Contracts and PeopleSoft Project Costing.

  2. Select the Pre Approved and Direct Invoice check boxes on the Billing Plan-General page for the contract lines.

    Selecting the Pre Approved check box enables the system to bypass the billing worksheet approval process. Selecting the Direct Invoice check box enables the system to pass the billing data all the way through to billing finalization and updating PeopleSoft Contracts and Projects with the billed data for your contract lines and associated fees.

  3. (Optional) Select the Process Milestones option on the Process As Incurred Billing page.

    If you are using milestone events for your award or incentive fee schedules, then the milestone status must be complete before the billing event can be processed. By selecting this option on the Process As Incurred Billing page, the Contracts/Billing Interface process initiates the Milestone Processing Application Engine process (CA_MS_PRCS) to update any eligible milestone statuses to Complete.

After you have performed these setup steps, when you run the Contracts/Billing Interface process, the system generates billing fee rows using the proposed fee amounts from the billing fee worksheets, verifies that the proposed fees are within the limits specified and passes the fee data on to PeopleSoft Billing. The system also generates billing rows for all eligible contract line transactions where the billing plans and any corresponding billing fee events are set to Ready status. These billing and fee rows are passed to PeopleSoft Billing for invoice generation and finalization and then the billed data is passed back to PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft Contracts.

Use the Process As Incurred Billing page (RUN_CA_BI) to run this process to load as-incurred billing information from PeopleSoft Contracts and PeopleSoft Project Costing into Billing to create bills for your cost-plus contract lines and fees.


Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Billing > Process As Incurred Billing

See Running the Contracts Billing Interface Process.

Throughout the life of the contract, changes may occur that impact billing costs, limit amounts, or fees. To manage billing adjustments, PeopleSoft Contracts uses amendment processing to enable you to keep a historical record of any changes that you make. To manage billing fee adjustments, you must use the billing fee worksheets and the Fee Adjustment page (if adjusting award or incentive fees).

The following table lists some examples of billing adjustments that you might make and the tasks required to complete the changes:

Billing Adjustment


Controlled By Amendment Processing

Increase or decrease billing fee percentage for fixed or award fee types.

Enter the fee percentage change on the appropriate Contract Amounts page. The overall fee percentage cannot exceed 100 percent or be less than zero.


Increase or decrease the billing cost share percentage for incentive fee types.

Enter the fee percentage change on the Contract Amounts page. The overall fee percentage cannot exceed 100 percent or be less than zero.


Increase or decrease the funded target fee for incentive fee types.

Enter the fee percentage change on the Contract Amounts page. The overall fee percentage cannot exceed 100 percent or be less than zero.


Increase or decrease the funded maximum or minimum fee for incentive fee types.

Enter the fee percentage change on the Contract Amounts page. The overall fee percentage cannot exceed 100 percent or be less than zero.


Reduce the funded fee amounts due to cost adjustments.

Use the billing fee worksheet for the contract line and enter a negative billing fee amount. The fee adjustment cannot be greater than the fee amount already invoiced to date.


Note: To maintain a historical record of this transaction, use the internal notes page for the contract.

Increase funded fee amounts due to cost adjustments.

Use the billing fee worksheet for the contract line and enter the billing fee adjustment amount.


Note: To maintain a historical record of this transaction, use the internal notes page for the contract.

Modify the funded amount limit or funded fee limit amount.

Enter the new funded amount limit or funded fee limit amount on the appropriate Contract Amounts page.


See Billing Plan – Billing Fee Worksheet for Award Fee Page.