Creating FACTS II Trees

Note: This functionality is replaced by Government-wide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System. See Understanding the GTAS Adjusted Trial Balance System

To set up FACTS II trees, use the following components:

  • Tree Manager (PSTREEMGR)


  • TableSet Control (SET_CNTRL_TABLE1)

This section discusses how to:

  • Use trees to control the rollup of ChartField data.

  • Create a FACTS II Account Roll-up tree.

  • Create a Cohort Year tree.

  • Create a Category A tree.

  • Create a Category B tree.

  • Create the Accounts Requiring Fund Attributes tree.

  • Create the Transfer Agency tree.

  • Create the Transfer Account tree.

  • Create the Transaction Partner tree.

  • Create a tree group for FACTS II.

  • Configure TableSet Control for FACTS II processing.

  • Configure the TableSet Control Record Group page.

  • Configure the TableSet Control Tree page.

Page Name

Definition Name


Tree Definition and Properties Page


Create a new tree to identify the tree name, related structure ID, SetID, and any other rules or characteristics of the tree.

See Using Trees to Control Roll-Up of ChartField Data

Tree Manager Page


Access an existing tree with options that enable you to access and modify the tree definition and properties, and print and configure tree display options.

See Creating a FACTS II Account Roll-up Tree

FACTS Tree Group Page


Contains all of the FACTS II trees and the rollup level. This page is identified on most of the run control pages for FACTS II reporting and processing.

See Creating a Tree Group for FACTS II

TableSet Control - Record Group Page


Defines all the record groups based on a specific set control value and their associated SetIDs. Also identifies the default SetID of the general ledger business unit.

See Configuring TableSet Control for FACTS II Processing

TableSet Control - Tree Page


Set up tree values on this table if your SetID for your business units do not match your default SetID.

See Configuring TableSet Control for FACTS II Processing

Your Account, Fund Code, or other ChartField values may not match those specified by U.S. Treasury for reporting purposes. To accommodate these mandates, you must create trees that contain nodes representing the account or other ChartField values required by the U.S. Treasury for FACTS reporting. Under these nodes, you specify the actual detail values that are used in your ledgers, which roll up into the U.S. Treasury values for reporting. The FACTS II process finds the tree node names when it accumulates reporting data and uses these names when it creates the reporting files. In general, the tree node names should follow the field specifications of the U.S. Treasury file.

You use the PeopleSoft Tree Manager to create all trees. You can use the tree names, level names, and structure IDs that appear in the following examples, or you can create your own.

Use the Tree Definition and Properties page (PSTREEDEFN) to create a new tree to identify the tree name, related structure ID, SetID, and any other rules or characteristics of the tree.


Tree Manager > Tree Manager > Create New Tree > Tree Definition and Properties

You can copy an existing tree structure or create a new one.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Example of a FACTS II Account Rollup tree definition.

Example of a FACTS II Account Rollup tree definition

Using Trees to Summarize ChartFields

Use the Tree Manager page (PSTREEMGR) to access an existing tree with options that enable you to access and modify the tree definition and properties, and print and configure tree display options.


Tree Manager, Tree Manager, Find an Existing Tree, Tree Manager.

Create a FACTS II Account Roll-up tree in PeopleSoft Tree Manager similar to this example. Before you create this tree, you must define your Account ChartField values and determine your detail structure.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Example of a FACTS II Account Roll-up Tree. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Example of a FACTS II Account Roll-up Tree

The FACTS II Account Roll-up Tree stores the hierarchical relationship between SGL accounts that you report to the U.S. Treasury for FACTS II and an agency's posting accounts. The FACTS II Accumulation process uses this tree to roll up the posting level account ChartField values into the SGL accounts. Each agency may have a different combination of lower-level posting accounts that roll up to an SGL account structure that is mandated by the U.S. Treasury for FACTS II reporting. Determine the lowest level of detail that you need for your Account ChartField structure to capture all possible combinations of USSGL accounts and FACTS II attributes, as well as additional agency-specific posting detail.

Your agency can use any tree and level names as long as you specify these names on the FACTS II Tree Group. You must create the FACTS II Account Roll-up Tree to run the Accumulate FACTS II Data process.

Create a Cohort Year tree similar to this example:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FACTS II Cohort Year Tree Manager page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FACTS II Cohort Year Tree Manager page

Create a Cohort Year tree at the COHORTYEAR tree level for each cohort year based on the reporting needs of your agency. Enter the appropriate detail values that identify which ChartField values (loans) roll up to a particular cohort year.

The Cohort Year tree is the exception to the rule that the FACTS II tree node names should always match the values that are required by US Treasury. In this instance, Cohort Year values in the FACTS II file are only two positions. However, the tree is set up with four character node names to keep it consistent with the Cohort Year tree in earlier releases, as well as with the way the program derives the Cohort Year values. The program will take the third and fourth character of the node name to derive the FACTS II file Cohort Year values, for example, 2005 becomes 05 in the FACTS II file.

The Accumulate FACTS II Data process uses this tree to identify ChartField values that represent loans associated with a cohort year for the production of the FACTS II Treasury input file. In this example, the loan numbers roll up to the COHORTYEAR tree level, which contains the cohort year information that is required for FACTS II reporting. You may also use a different configurable ChartField for this purpose. Because an agency may have projects that are not loans and are not associated with a cohort year, this tree is used to distinguish between the two types of project ChartField values. Each agency should determine the ChartField structure that it needs to satisfy its cohort year requirements.

Note: You must set up the ChartField values before you create this tree.

Create a Category A tree in PeopleSoft Tree Manager based on this example:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FACTS Category A Tree Manager page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FACTS Category A Tree Manager page

The Accumulate FACTS II Data process uses this tree to identify category A programs and to extract the three-digit program sequence number and category A program description that is needed for the production of the FACTS II Treasury Input file. Your agency may have programs that are both category A and non-category A programs. This tree is useful to distinguish between the two. Each agency should determine the ChartField structure that satisfies its category A and non-category A reporting requirements. The tree level that is specified on the FACTS Tree Group page identifies the node values and node descriptions that contain the three-digit sequence number and category A program description, respectively.

The OMB supplies and requires the input of Program Reporting Categories for Category A apportioned funds when an SGL account contains a Y in the Program Rpt Code (program reporting code) column of the Fiscal 200X USSGL Account Attributes Required Table. The OMB provides valid Program Reporting Categories from which Federal Program Agencies (FPAs) can choose. The OMB list of Program Reporting Categories serves as a control table or as a reference table for FACTS II reporting.

FPAs cannot use the OMB-supplied program reporting numbers with the FPA titles. The FPA is also restricted by FACTS II from using the default program number and description, 99 All Programs, with other OMB program codes and descriptions or the custom program codes and descriptions of the FPA.

If OMB does not provide specific program reporting categories, then the FPA can use the default program reporting number (99) and description (All Programs).

While an FPA can use numbers and descriptions for program reporting categories in addition to those that are supplied by the OMB , they cannot use the 99 All Programs program reporting category with any other codes. If the FPA attempts to add the 99 All Programs category to existing program reporting categories for obligation activity, the FACTS II rejects that input because the 99 All Programs category can only be used by itself.

You can use any tree name and level name as long as you specify the desired tree name and level name on the Accumulate FACTS II Data page. This tree is required for the Accumulate FACTS II Data process (GLS8302).

Note: You must set up Program ChartField values before creating the Category A tree.

Create a Category B tree in PeopleSoft Tree Manager based on this example:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FACTS Category B Tree Manager page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FACTS Category B Tree Manager page

The Accumulate FACTS II Data process uses this tree to identify category B programs and to extract the three-digit program sequence number and category B program description that is needed for the production of the FACTS II Treasury Input file. Your agency may have programs that are both category B and non-category B programs. This tree is useful to distinguish between these two types of programs. Each agency should determine the ChartField structure that satisfies its category B and non-category B reporting requirements. The tree level that is specified on the FACTS Tree Group page identifies the node values and node descriptions that contain the three-digit sequence number and category B program description, respectively.

You can use any tree name and level name as long as you specify the tree name and level name that you want on the Accumulate FACTS II Data page. This tree is required for the Accumulate FACTS II Data process (GLS8302).

Note: You must set up Program ChartField values before you create the Category B tree.

Create an Accounts Requiring Fund Attributes tree using PeopleSoft Tree Manager based on this example:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FACTS II Account Requiring Fund Attributes Tree Manager page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

(replaced by GTAS) FACTS II Account Requiring Fund Attributes Tree Manager page

The FACTS II Accounts Requiring Attributes tree stores the relationship between the ChartField attributes that are required for FACTS II processing and their associated SGL accounts.

This tree filters out the attributes for accounts that do not require certain attributes to be reported. After the FACTS II Accumulation process accumulates all the attribute data, it checks the accumulated attributes against this tree to determine whether they are required to be reported. If the attribute is not required, it is removed from the staging table and is not included in the FACTS II file. To determine the attributes to be reported for any given account, the program takes the account from the ledger (such as 4119) and searches for the account in the FACTSII_ATTRIBUTES tree. The account may appear under numerous nodes depending on which attributes are required for that specific account. Wherever the program finds the account in the tree, the attribute is considered as required for reporting. If the program has previously accumulated an attribute value for the account, but is unable to locate the account under that respective attribute's node, the accumulated attribute value will be excluded from the FACTS II file.

The F2_REQ_ATTR_ACCTS Tree and ACCOUNT Level are examples of values that the FACTS II processes can use. You can create your own tree name and level name, as long as you specify the tree name and level name on the FACTS Tree Group page. You must set up this tree to run the Accumulate FACTS II Data process (GLS8302) and the GL Activity with Attributes Report (GLS7017).

Make sure that this tree consists of all accounts that are required by the U.S. Treasury for each attribute. If your agency does not use an account that the U.S. Treasury requires, then the agency does not have to define the account on this tree. The fund code and account ChartField attributes are predefined and delivered in the PeopleSoft sample data.

Four node names must be named exactly as specified:





All other nodes must be named exactly the same as the attributes that are listed on the Attribute Xref page. For example, if the user has called their Authority Type attribute AUTH instead of AUTHORITY, then the node name must be AUTH.

These attribute nodes are not required on the Accounts requiring Attributes tree:

  • The Normal Balance, Debit and Credit, and Begin End attributes because they are always required to process FACTS II. The program does not check against this tree for these attributes.

  • The TAFS status attribute because it is not required in the FACTS II flat file.

  • The Transfer To/From and Deficiency Flag because these values will be derived by the U.S. Treasury.

Note: The U.S. Treasury's SGL Account Attributes Required for FACTS II Reporting of Detailed Financial Information defines these rules. This information is available at the U.S. Treasury Department's website.

Create the Transfer Agency tree using PeopleSoft Tree Manager based on this example.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FACTS Transfer Agency Tree Manager page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FACTS Transfer Agency Tree Manager page

This tree contains nodes for each of the transfer agencies. If you have decided to use the same ChartField for both Transfer Agency and Transfer Account, then the values in your ledger for that ChartField will represent both Transfer Agency and Transfer Account at the same time. The tree will allow the program to translate the combination Transfer Agency/Account value of the ledger to the Transfer Agency value that is required by the U.S. Treasury.

Access Tree Manager to create the FACTS II Transfer Account tree.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FACTS II Transfer Account Tree Manager page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

(replaced by GTAS) FACTS II Transfer Account Tree Manager page

This tree contains nodes for all the U.S. Treasury transfer accounts. The leaves are made up of ChartField values from your ledger representing Transfer Accounts. If you decide to use the same ChartField for both Transfer Agency and Transfer Account, then the values in your ledger for that ChartField will represent both Transfer Agency and Transfer Account at the same time. The tree allows the program to translate the combination Transfer Agency/Account value of the ledger to the Transfer Account value that is required by U.S. Treasury.

Access Tree Manager to create the FACTS Transaction Partner tree.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FACTS Transaction Partner Tree Manager page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FACTS Transaction Partner Tree Manager page

The three nodes on this tree represent the three types of Transaction Partners: Non-Federal, Federal, and Non-Federal Exception. The leaves represent all the detail transaction partner ledger data that roll up into each type of Transaction Partner for FACTS II processing.

Before this release update, you had to set up variations of account numbers to indicate whether the account used in any particular transaction pertained to another federal organization. You did this by adding suffixes to account numbers. For example, the suffix G was added to account 1610 to create account 1610G. Also, the XPARTNER attribute was only capable of indicating one attribute value at a time. Now, the PeopleSoft system enables you to use one of the configurable ChartFields to record the Transaction Partner attribute. This means that the Transaction Partner attribute is independent of the Account ChartField, which eliminates the need to create and use variations of the same account.

If you are an existing customer, you can use the new separate ChartField approach or you can continue to use the multiple account approach. If you have used the multiple account approach in the current year, you must continue to use this approach until you get to the end of the year because all of your existing year-to-date data uses this method.

If you are using the older method, your Transaction Partner tree is designed differently and should be based on the following example:

Node ALL - All Transaction Partners

  • Node E - NonFederal Exception

    • 1010 E

    • 1020E

  • Node F - Federal

    • 1010G

    • 1020G

  • Node X - Non Federal

    • 1010X

    • 1020X

Use the FACTS Tree Group page (FACTS_TREE_GRP) to define all of the FACTS II trees and the rollup level.

This page is identified on most of the run control pages for FACTS II reporting and processing.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > Define FACTS Tree Group > FACTS Tree Group

See FACTS Tree Group Page.

Field or Control


FACTS II Trees and Tree Levels

The FACTS Tree Group page lists all of the tree names that are required for FACTS II processing. Select the name of your FACTS II tree that represents the listed Tree Name. Select the tree level to be used for summarizing your FACTS II data.

Configuring TableSet Controls for FACTS II processing is the same as described for FACTS I.

Use the TableSet Control - Record Group page (SET_CNTRL_TABLE1) to define all the record groups based on a specific set control value and their associated SetIDs.

This page also identifies the default SetID of the general ledger business unit.


PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > TableSet Control > Record Group

Use the TableSet Control - Tree page (SET_CNTRL_TABLE2) to set up tree values if the SetID for your business units do not match your default SetID.


Tools > Administration > TableSet Control > Tree

See Configuring TableSet Controls for FACTS I Processing.