Defining, Generating, Creating, and Printing CTA, SF1219, and SF1220 Reports

To create CTA, Partial SF224, SF1219, and SF1220 reports, use the SF1219 Report Definition component (SF1219_DEFN) and the CTA/ SF1220 Report Definition component (SF224_SF1220_DEFN).

Page Name

Definition Name


Agency Location Code Page.


Define agency location codes by set ID for federal payment schedules and reporting purposes and provides for ALC name, location, address, and telephone information.

Agency Location Code - GWA Reporting Options Page.


Assign a Business Activity and one or more effective dated Reporter Categories to an Agency Location Code. When an agency system is ready to pass the BETC code to the U.S. Treasury, the agency will select the appropriate Reporter Category so that the data can be reported as required.

CTA/1220 Report Definition - Accounts page


Add the range of accounts to access and use for this report.

See IPAC Fields Page.

CTA/1220 Report Definition - Entry Events Page


Add the source transactions and entry events, and indicate whether this transaction is a collection or disbursement for this report.

CTA/SF1220 Reports Definition - Undeposited Accts Page


Identify a range of undeposited accounts to use for reports.

Generate CTA / 1220 Data Page


Run the GLSF224G SQR process to update the staging tables or the GLCTAGEN SQR process to update the staging tables for CTA.

Create CTA File Page


Run GLSF224P SQR to print the report, GL_224_1220 Application Engine to create a SF224 flat file, and GL_CTA_FILE Application Engine to create a CTA flat file.

SF1219 Report Definition Page


Set up report lines for each account, its associated entry event source transaction, and associated entry event.

SF1219 Report Page


Run GLSF1219 SQR Report process to print the SF1219 Statement of Accountability report.

Run SF1220 Report Page


Run GLSF224P SQR Report process to print the SF1220 report.

Create SF1219 Report/Create File Page


Run GL1219PR SQR report and the GL_1219_1220 Application Engine to create a flat file.

CTA Transaction Report Page


Run GLS8400 SQR to print detail transactions for SF224 and the Partial SF224, and GLCTATRA SQR to print detail transactions for CTA.

TDO CTA Business Activity Exception Report Page


Run GLS8410 SQR to print transactions that should not be recorded for a particular ALC, and GLCTAEXP SQR to print transactions that should not be recorded for a TDO ALC for CTA.

Using the ALC field on the Journal Header page, agencies can record cash transactions by journal entry directly to the general ledger. The journal header ALC field can be used by the system to select cash entries that were entered directly to the general ledger for reporting through CTA and Partial SF224 reports. Journal entries made directly to the general ledger are usually made for the recording of undeposited cash, or collections, and can also be used to record cash reclassifications for payments or collections.

Undeposited collections are amounts received by an agency that have yet to be deposited with the U.S. Treasury. Some agencies receive small amounts of money that they deposit once a week. Agencies book these amounts to an undeposited collections account until they are officially deposited with the U.S. Treasury.

CTA Reporting

Treasury’s FMS-224 and Partial 224 processes were renamed Classification Transactions and Accountability (CTA).

Once agencies become full GWA reporters, meaning that all Treasury systems are GWA compliant and all Agency Location Codes (ALCs) are GWA reporters, only cash reclassifications are reported using CTA (224 renamed).

The CTA, which replaces the FMS-224 and Partial 224, serves as a basis of Treasury’s publications to Congress and the public regarding federal revenues and expenditures. The CTA consists of three main sections:

  • Section 1 Classification and reclassification by Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)

  • Section 2 Payments and IPAC

  • Section 3 Collections

Partial SF224 Reports

The original purpose of the FMS-224 Statement of Transactions was to provide Federal Program Agencies (FPAs) that utilize Financial Management Service (FMS) Regional Finance Centers (RFCs) for their disbursing activity the capability to submit their monthly statement of transactions to the Financial Management Service (FMS). New Government wide Accounting (GWA) business rules set the stage for ultimately phasing out the SF224 report, which was replaced by the Partial SF224 report.

The new GWA Business Rules dictated how specific activity was to be excluded from SF224 reporting as the U.S. Treasury systems were modified to be compliant with the new GWA standards. When agencies could finally report cash activity by Business Event Type Code (BETC code) and/or became GWA reporters, the agencies used the Partial SF224 report to report only non-BETC coded cash activity and cash reclassifications.

GWA rules required that the new Partial 224 business rules include business activity and reporter category codes for classifying ALCs. The Partial 224 business rules identified how to report cash activity based on these new codes.

The GWA Business Activity that you specify for each ALC drives the following functionality related to the SF224 report:

  • Identifies the type of cash activity that is applicable for the ALC for reporting to the U.S. Treasury.

  • Limits the data extracted for the SF224 report based on the specific Business Activity code defined for the ALC.

  • Drives the Business Exception Activity report so actual data that is not applicable for a particular ALC is presented on the exception report to be identified and corrected by the Agency.

The GWA Reporter Category code is specified to identify those interfaces, such as IPAC, AR, and AP Payments, that have been modified to interface the Business Event Type Code (BETC) to cash activity with the U.S. Treasury.

When an agency system is finally ready to pass cash information to the U.S. Treasury using the BETC codes, the agency will select the appropriate Reporter Category so that the transaction data for the ALC can be excluded from the Partial SF224 report. BETC implementation by an Agency goes hand in hand with the GWA Reporter Category.

The GWA Reporter code that you define for each ALC drives functionality in the software related to the SF 224 that:

  • Identifies which agency systems and ALC are ready to interface the BETC with its cash activity to the US Treasury.

  • Limits the data extracted for the Partial 224 based on the specific GWA Reporter Category code defined for the ALC.

  • Determines whether cash reclassification from one Treasury Symbol to another needs to be reported on the Partial 224.

After setting up your system, you can define and generate the balance reports in either an electronic or printed format based on transactions that include associated entry events that flow from PeopleSoft Payables, Purchasing, and Receivables into PeopleSoft General Ledger.

These reports include:

  • SF224 Statement of Cash Transactions report and the Partial SF224 report can be printed or submitted electronically to the U.S. Treasury.

  • SF1220 Statement of Transactions According to Appropriations, Funds, and Receipt Accounts report can be printed separately or combined with the SF1219 report and submitted electronically.

  • SF1219 Statement of Accountability report can be printed separately or combined with the SF1220 report and submitted electronically.

The following internal reports can be used to assist in the preparation of the submitted reports:

  • SF224 Transaction Detail Report (GLS8400) displays the detail transactions that make up the totals on the SF224 - Statement of Cash Transactions and the Partial SF224 report, and can be used internally for reconciliation purposes.

  • SF224 Business Activity Exception Report (GLS8410) displays transactions that should not be recorded for a particular Agency Location Code (ALC) based on the Business Activity Type code for that ALC.

The report reflects data from PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. PeopleSoft General Ledger journal entry activity is not included in the report.

  • ALC GWA Reporting Options Report (GLS8411) displays Agency Location Codes by setID and prints the ALC, agency Name, Business Activity Type, and all related GWA Reporter Category Codes by descending effective date and status.

  • CTA Transaction Detail Report (GLCTATRA) displays the detail transactions that make up the totals on the Cash Transactions, and can be used internally for reconciliation purposes.

  • TDO CTA Business Activity Exception Report (GLCTAEXP) displays transactions that should not be recorded for a particular TDO Agency Location Code (ALC) based on the Business Activity Type code for that ALC.

    The report reflects data from PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and General Ledger journal entry data in the report.

Note: The SF224 Statement of Cash Transactions and the SF224 Transaction Detail reports can be generated as full or partial reports based on the GWA Reporter Category for the ALC.

Use the CTA/1220 Report Definition - Accounts page (SF224_SF1220_DEFN1) to add the range of accounts to access and use for this report.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > CTA/1220 Report Definition > Accounts

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CTA/1220 Report Definition - Accounts page.

CTA 1220 Report Definition - Accounts page

Field or Control


Effective Date

Displays the system date, which you can change.


Select Active.


Click to enter a range of values in the From Account and To Account fields to identify the range of accounts to use for this report. If Range is not selected, you can enter a From Account value as a single instance. The page also displays a description and indicates the type of account. For example, A is an asset and L is a liability account.

Use the CTA/1220 Report Definition - Entry Events page (SF224_SF1220_DEFN2) to add the source transactions and entry events, and indicate whether this transaction is a collection or disbursement for this report.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > CTA/1220 Reports Definition > Entry Events

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CTA/1220 Report Definition - Entry Events page.

CTA 1220 Report Definition - Entry Events page

Field or Control


Source Tran (source transaction), Entry Event, and Collect/Disburs (collection/disbursement)

Select the source transactions, their associated entry event, and whether each transaction is a collection or a disbursement for this report, and save the page.

Use the CTA/SF1220 Reports Definition - Undeposited Accts (undeposited accounts) page (SF224_UNDEP_ACC) to identify a range of undeposited accounts to use for reports.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > CTA/1220 Reports Definition > Undeposited Accounts

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CTA/SF1220 Reports Definition - Undeposited Accts page.

CTA 1220 Report Definition - Undeposited Accounts page

Field or Control


From Account and To Account

Enter a range of undeposited accounts to use on the report. Add as many rows as necessary to set up the accounts.

Undeposited collections are amounts received by an agency that have yet to be deposited with the U.S. Treasury. Agencies typically receive small amounts of money that they deposit once a week. The agencies book these amounts to an undeposited collections account until they are officially deposited with the U.S. Treasury.

Because these amounts are typically entered in the general ledger by manual journal entry, the ALC field on the journal header can be used to identify undeposited amounts on the CTA report.

Use the Generate CTA / 1220 Data page (RUN_SF224_SF1220) to run the GLSF224G SQR process to update the staging tables and run the GLCTAGEN SQR process to update the staging tables for CTA.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > Generate CTA/1220 Data

Note: This option generates the data and moves it to a table.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Generate CTA / 1220 Data page.

Generate CTA 1220 Data page

Field or Control


Standard Form

Select SF224, SF224 Partial, CTA, or SF1220 to generate the data.

Note: The SF224 option only selects an ALC if the GWA Reporter Category is Non-Reporter. In addition, the SF224 Partial option only selects those ALC for which the GWA Reporter Category is other than Non-Reporter.

Business Unit

Select the business unit for the organization that is submitting this report.

Agency Location Code

Select an ALC for the reporting agency or leave the field blank and all ALCs for the setID derived from the business unit are processed. Leaving the ALC field blank is only a valid option for SF224 or SF224 Partial.

Calendar ID

Select the appropriate calendar to apply to this selected report.

Fiscal Year

Select the fiscal year to apply to the selected report.

Accounting Period

Select the accounting period that applies to the selected report.

Accounting Close Date

Enter or select the close date of the accounting period.

Disbursing Officer

For SF1220 reports only, select the ID of the disbursing officer.

Supplemental Number

Use this field to track monthly submission counts. The default value is 0. You must modify this number manually if you submit a subsequent adjustment 224 report during the same accounting month.


Save the page and click this button to run the SF224/SF1220 SQR Report Generate process to update the report staging tables.

Note: You can print the Partial SF224 report and create a flat file for CTA or Partial 224 by selecting the Run CTA/Create file. You can print the SF1220 report by selecting Run SF1220 Report.

Use the Create CTA File page (RUN_SF224_SF1220) to run the GLSF224P SQR to print the report, run the GL_224_1220 Application Engine process to create a SF224 flat file, and run GL_CTA_FILE Application Engine to create a CTA flat file.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > Run CTA Report/Create File

This page is identical to the Generate CTA/SF1220 Data page with the exception that you can only print for the Partial SF224 and you can only create a flat file for the CTA and Partial SF224 reports.

Use the SF1219 Report Definition page (SF1219_DEFN) to set up report lines for each account, its associated entry event source transaction, and associated entry event.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > SF1219 Report Definition > SF1219 Report Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SF1219 Report Definition page.

SF1219 Report Definition page

Field or Control


Report Line, Account, Entry Event Source Transaction, and Entry Event

Select the values that you want to apply to this report based on each report line that you add and select.

Use the Print SF1219 Report page (RUN_SF1219) to run the GLSF1219 SQR report process to print the SF1219 Statement of Accountability report.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > Run SF1219 Report > Print SF1219 Report

This page requires the same information as the CTA/SF1220 Generate page. However, the disbursing officer name is not required and does not appear on the page, and you can print only the SF1219 report. After submitting FMS Forms 1219 and 1220, the disbursing officer may submit a supplemental report to adjust data. You can use the Supplemental Number field on the run control page to manually increment the number of reports that were submitted within a given period.

Use the Run SF1220 Report page (RUN_SF224_SF1220) to run the GLSF224P SQR Report process and print the SF1220 report.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > Run SF1220 Report

This page requires the same information as the CTA/SF1220 Generate page with the exception that you can print only the SF1220 report.

Use the Create SF1219 Report/Create File page (RUN_SF1219) to run the GL1219PR SQR report and the GL_1219_1220 Application Engine to create a flat file.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > Create SF1219 Report/Create File > Create SF1219 Report/Create File

This run control allows you to run the GL1219PR SQR report (print the SF1219 report) and the GL_1219_1220 Application Engine to create a flat file of both reports.

This page requires the same information as the CTA/SF1220 Generate page, including the name of the disbursing officer and this officer's phone number.

Use the CTA Transaction Report page (RUN_GLS8400) to Run GLS8400 SQR to print detail transactions for SF224 and the Partial SF224, and GLCTATRA SQR to print detail transactions for CTA.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > CTA Transaction Report

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CTA Transaction Report page.

CTA Transactions Report page

This page requires the same information as the CTA/SF1220 Generate page. However, the disbursing officer name is not required and does not appear on the page.

Use the TDO CTA Business Activity Exception Report page (RUN_GLS8410) to Run GLS8410 SQR to print transactions that should not be recorded for a particular ALC, and GLCTAEXP SQR to print transactions that should not be recorded for a TDO ALC for CTA.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > CTA/ 1219/ 1220 > TDO CTA Bus Activity Exception

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the TDO CTA Business Activity Exception Report page.

TDO CTA Business Activity Exception Report page