Managing Matches and Match Exceptions

The Voucher Match Error Notification process generates a list of invoices containing match errors for buyers and suppliers. If an invoice is not successfully matched, exceptions are presented to buyers who can access the invoice, who can then override, place on hold, or leave the invoice unchanged. Only users who have been set up to override match exceptions at the user preferences level can override exceptions; all other approvers can review only. Invoice lines that contain match exceptions are presented to the respective line approvers for review as well. Users can override match exceptions if they are set up to do so on their user preferences.

In addition to match exception notifications, you can access matches and match exceptions from the following pages:

  • Review Match Exceptions - Inquiry page from the Buyer Dashboard.

  • Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

  • Review Invoice Lines - Invoice Lines and Distributions page.

  • Review Payment Installments - Inquiry page.

This section lists the pages used to manage matches and match exceptions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Review Match Exceptions - Inquiry Page


View a list of invoices that have match exceptions. Pages accessible from this page enable you to override exceptions and view dispute details.

Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry Page


View invoice activity details. You access various inquiry pages depending on the View that you select.

Matched Vouchers Page


View match information for associated vouchers, purchase orders, and receipts.

Field labels for PeopleSoft eSettlements may be different from field labels for PeopleSoft Payables. For example, a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables supplier is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

See Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry Page

Match Exception Workbench Details Page


View match information for associated vouchers, purchase orders, and receipts. You can override exceptions, correct errors, put vouchers on a match hold, and initiate the Matching process.

Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements and PeopleSoft Payables. For example, a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables supplier is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

Match Overridden Workbench Details Page


View match override information for associated vouchers, purchase orders, and receipts. You can indicate an override reason and initiate the Matching process.

The voucher displayed on the Match Overridden Workbench Details page (AP_MTCH_WB_OVRD) has not gone through the Matching process.

In the Buyer Direct model, you can use the Review Match Exceptions component in PeopleSoft eSettlements to override exceptions. To undo a matched voucher, you must use the Match Workbench.

In the Business Service Provider model, you can use the Review Match Exceptions component in PeopleSoft eSettlements to override an exception. However, to undo a matched voucher, you must use the Match Workbench in PeopleSoft Payables.

Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements and PeopleSoft Payables. For example, a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables supplier is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

See Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry Page

Match Overridden Workbench Details Page


View information for vouchers matched with overrides, debit memos, or credit notes.

The voucher displayed on the Match Overridden Workbench Details page (AP_MTCH_WB_MOVRD) has gone through the Matching process.

See Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry Page

Reviewing Invoice Disputes


Review invoices, place an invoice on hold, take an invoice off hold, and enter comments.

Review Invoices - Review Invoice Disputes Page


Review and resolve disputes on invoices.

Header Match Rules Page


View all the header match rules applied to the voucher. Also view voucher, purchase order, and receiver information associated with each header match rule.

Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements and PeopleSoft Payables. For example, a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables supplier is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

See Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry Page

Header Match Rules Page


View all the header match rules applied to the voucher. Also view voucher, purchase order, and receiver information associated with each header match rule.

See Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry Page

Header Match Rules Page


View all the header match rules applied to the voucher. Also view voucher, purchase order, and receiver information associated with each header match rule.

See Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry Page

Header Match Rules Page


View all the header match rules applied to the voucher. Also view voucher, purchase order, and receiver information associated with each header match rule.

See Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry Page

Match Exception Workbench Summary Page


View all invoice line errors.

Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements and PeopleSoft Payables. For example, a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables supplier is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

See Match Exception Workbench Details Page

Match Override Workbench Summary Page


View voucher information for match exceptions that are overridden. Also view the match rule ID, match rule, and override reason associated with the match exception.

To use this page, you must have overridden match exceptions on the Match Exception Workbench Details page.

Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements and PeopleSoft Payables. For example, a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables supplier is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

See Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry Page

Match Rule Details Page


Displays the full description of the match rule.

SeeReview Invoices - Invoice Inquiry Page

Associated Document Information Page


View voucher, purchase order, and receiver attributes for all lines.

Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements and PeopleSoft Payables. For example, a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables supplier is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

See Match Exception Workbench Details Page

Associated Document Information Page


View voucher, purchase order, and receiver attributes for a specific line.

Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements and PeopleSoft Payables. For example, a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables supplier is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

See Match Exception Workbench Details Page