Setting Up Margin Indicators

Margin indicators identify at what percentages the system triggers caution and critical warning indicators on the Order and Assignments pages.

You configure job codes in HCM and application messaging sends the information to Financials. In Financials, you can set up the margin indicators as supplemental setup using the Job Code Definition page, which is described in the PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office product documentation.

This topic discusses how to set up margin indicators.

Page Name

Definition Name


Job Code Definition Page


Displays the job codes originally configured in HCM that have been sent to the Financials database through application messaging.

Billing Calculation Page


Set up supplemental job code configuration to define standard pay and bill rates based on pay grades as well as caution and critical margin levels.

Use the Billing Calculation page (FO_JOB_BILLING) to set up supplemental job code configuration to define standard pay and bill rates based on pay grades as well as caution and critical margin levels.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Resources Data > Jobcodes > Billing Calculation

Field or Control



Enter a margin percentage at which the system triggers a caution warning for an order or assignment. This indicates that the margin is below normal levels and changes the order or assignment to a Yellow status.


Enter a margin percentage at which the system triggers a critical warning for an order or assignment. This indicates that the margin is at an unacceptable level and changes the order or assignment to a Red status.