Protecting and Submitting Forecasts

After you complete the forecast updates, you can save, protect, and submit a forecast for review and approval.

Page Name

Definition Name


Forecast Time - Summary Page


Save and protect the forecast and submit it for approval. See also, Forecast Time - Summary Page.

Forecast Time - Forecast by Period Page


Save and protect the forecast and submit it for approval.

Submit Confirmation Page


Confirm the action to submit a forecast for approval.

Use the Forecast Time - Summary page (FC_TIME_SUMMARY) to save and protect the forecast and submit it for approval.


Employee Self-Service > Employee Project Center > Time > Forecast Time > Forecast Time - Summary

Select the Protect Forecast check box and click Save, or click Save and Protect at the bottom of the page at any time to ensure that the Populate Time process does not overwrite your work.

When you submit the forecast, you automatically protect it. The system selects the Protect Forecast field, and you cannot clear it unless a supervisor first unsubmits the forecast.

Submitting Forecasts

Click Submit for Approval and the Submit Confirmation page appears. Click OK to confirm the submission to change the forecast status from Pending to Submitted.

Only project managers and administrators can modify forecasts that are in a Submitted status. Supervisors and administrators can unsubmit a forecast and modify it until the next forecast collection period begins, if they need to modify a forecast's data.

If the automatic forecast approval option is enabled on the Program Management Options page or specified for the project on the Program Management page, forecast approval by the project manager is not required to make the forecast accessible to PeopleSoft Program Management for cost and revenue analysis. If you did not select the automatic forecast approval option, approval is required on the Review Forecast by Project page before the forecasts can be used for cost and revenue analysis.

Note: Forecast data is available for utilization calculations, with or without approval.