Preparing and Generating Proposal Information

This section discusses how to prepare and generate proposal information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Maintain Proposal Page


Enter general proposal information.

Use the Maintain Proposal page (GM_OPPTY_HDR) to enter general proposal information.


  • Proposal Management, Proposal Management Center, Proposal Management, Maintain Proposal

  • Proposal Management > Proposal and Version > Maintain Proposal

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Proposal page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Maintain Proposal page

Note: For proposals that you initiated from PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the Status field on this page is view-only. The system displays the Ready button when the proposal is in Draft status. Click this button to change the proposal status to Ready and launch an enterprise integration point (EIP) that updates the status in PeopleSoft CRM. All other status changes are prompted by an EIP.

Field or Control



This is a display-only field. When you add a new proposal, the system displays NEXT. This automatically generates a system-assigned ID when you save the proposal. The system-assigned ID is derived from the Contracts table and remains the same throughout the Contract Generation process so that both the proposal and the contract in PeopleSoft Contracts have the same ID.

After you run the Generate process, the system turns this field into a link that enables you to access the contract on the Contract - General page in PeopleSoft Contracts.


Select a value to specify the state of the proposal. Options are:

  • Draft: Select when you are in the process of developing the proposal. This status appears by default when you first access this page. You can initiate the Pre-Spending process in this status if you have created one or more projects for the proposal.

  • Ready: Select if you are ready to submit the proposal. You can initiate the Pre-Spending process in this status if you have created one or more projects for the proposal.

  • Committed: Select if the proposal was accepted. At this point you cannot edit the proposal further. You can initiate the Pre-Spending or Contract Generation processes. You can change the status to Committed only if the proposal is in Ready status.

    Note: You cannot commit a proposal if the proposed amount is equal to zero.

  • Denied: Select if the proposal has been denied. You can change the status to Denied only if the proposal is in the Ready status.

  • Canceled: Select to cancel the proposal. You can change the status to Canceled only if the proposal is in Draft or Ready status.

Confidence Pct (confidence percentage)

Enter a number between 1 and 100 to reflect your level of confidence that the proposal will be approved. The proposal planner usually enters or provides this number. The system translates the number that you enter here into a color-coded icon that represents the confidence level as either high, medium, or low.

You determine confidence levels on the Contracts Business Unit - Confidence Level Setup page. The colored icon next to this field indicates the confidence level of this proposal.

Low Confidence

Indicates a low confidence level.

Medium Confidence

Indicates a medium confidence level.

High Confidence

Indicates a high confidence level.


Select the currency to use in financial transactions if the proposal results in a contract. This code defaults from the Currency Code field that you selected on the Contracts BU Definition page during implementation.


Select the customer for whom you are creating the proposal.

Start Date and End Date

Select the estimated start and end dates of the project that you are proposing.

Proposal Contact

Select the person who is the contact for the proposal.

Proposal Due

Select the date on which the proposal is due for completion by the proposal planner. This date must be less than the proposal target date.

Proposal Planner

Select the name of the person who is drafting or planning the proposal.

Generate Status

Displays a status based on the processes that you have run, either Pre-Spending or Contract Generation. Values are:

  • Not Generated.

  • Pre-Spending: Only the selected version is editable.

    If you initiated the Pre-Spending process when the proposal was in the Draft or Ready status, you can add new projects and activities. You cannot delete existing projects and activities, although you can add or delete detail lines. You cannot select a different version of the proposal from the one that you selected for the Pre-Spending process, as the system has already created the projects and activities in PeopleSoft Project Costing for the selected version and has also established contract and project IDs.

    If you are going to generate a contract from the proposal, then you must use the version of the proposal that was selected when you initiated Pre-Spending.

    If you initiated the Pre-Spending process when the proposal was in Committed status, you cannot edit the proposal. To generate a contract, you must use the version of the proposal that was selected when you initiated Pre-Spending.

  • Contract Generated: The system has generated proposal information into tables in PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft Contracts. The proposal must contain one or more projects before you can generate a contract, and the proposal must be in Committed status.

Add to My Proposals

Click to add the proposal to the My Proposal page.

See Using the My Proposals Page.


Click to initiate the Pre-Spending process. The Pre-Spending process creates the selected projects in PeopleSoft Project Costing with a project status of Approved and a processing status of Active. The system also creates the corresponding activities. The system also displays a green check mark next to the version that you selected for pre-spending. The Pre-Spending process does not create a contract or generate any budget lines.

When you run the Generate process, the system creates the contract and adds new activities with the appropriate dollar amounts.

Note: The Pre-Spending process creates Project IDs and activities; it does not generate any budget lines or any contract entities.


Click to generate a contract from the information that is entered on the proposal for the selected version. The system creates projects in PeopleSoft Project Costing based on the information that you enter on the Resource Estimate and Maintain Version Estimate Detail pages. The system also displays a green check mark next to the version that you selected for pre-spending.


Field or Control



Select the type of comment that you want to enter. Options are: Assumptions, Deliverables, Dependencies, Goals, Notes, Objectives, Purpose, or Risks. You can add each comment type only once.


Enter the text of your comment. To add another comment, add a new row.

Version: Overall Summary Tab

Field or Control



Displays the versions associated with the proposal. You can select only one version for approval and eventually generate it into a contract.

Click the version link to access the Resource Estimate page to view, add, or modify project information.

Copy Version Information to New Version

Click the Copy Version Information to New Version button to access the Copy Version page and copy the information to a new proposal version within the same proposal.

Cost Amount, Bill Amount, and Proposed Amount

Displays the total cost, total billing amount, and total amount that you propose to charge for both labor and non-labor for the proposal version, after adjustments.

Labor Adjustment Percent

Displays the percent amount that you entered in the Adjustment Percent field on the Labor Summary tab for overall time adjustments. This number applies to all activities that are included in the proposal version for labor detail lines only. It can be either a positive or a negative percentage.

Nonlabor Adjustment Percent

Displays the percent amount that you entered in the Adjustment Percent field on the Non-labor Summary tab for overall expense adjustments. This number applies to all activities that are included in the proposal version for non-labor detail lines only. It can be either a positive or a negative percentage.

Labor Margin Percent

Displays as a percentage the difference between the proposed amount and the cost amount for labor (Proposed Amount − Cost Amount) ÷ Proposed Amount.

Nonlabor Margin Percent

Displays as a percentage the difference between the proposed amount and the cost amount for non-labor expenses (Proposed Amount − Cost Amount) ÷ Proposed Amount.

Version: Labor Summary Tab

Field or Control


Adjustment Percent

Enter the percent (either positive or negative) by which to make an overall adjustment to the proposed amount for labor. The number that you enter here applies to all activities in the proposal version for labor detail lines only.

Margin Percent

Displays as a percentage the difference between the proposed amount and the cost amount for labor (Proposed Amount − Cost Amount) ÷ Proposed Amount.

Version: Non-labor Summary Tab

Field or Control


Adjustment Percent

Enter the percent (either positive or negative) by which to make an overall adjustment to the proposed amount for non-labor expenses. The number that you enter here applies to all activities in the proposal version for non-labor detail lines only.

Margin Percent

Displays as a percentage the difference between the proposed amount and the cost amount for non-labor expenses (Proposed Amount − Cost Amount) ÷ Proposed Amount.