Using the My Proposals Page

This section discusses how to use the My Proposal page.

Page Name

Definition Name


My Proposals Page


View proposal information on the My Proposals page.

Add/Remove from My Proposals Page


Add proposals to and remove them from the My Proposals list.

Use the My Proposals page (GM_MY_PROPOSAL) to view proposal information on the My Proposals page.


Proposal Management > My Proposals

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Proposals page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

My Proposals page

Field or Control


View All related Version Data

Click the View All related Version Data button to display version information for the proposal.


Click to access the Maintain Proposal page to view that proposal.


Displays a red square, yellow triangle, or green diamond to indicate the alert level.

Create New Proposal

Click to access the Maintain Proposal page to add a new proposal.


Click to access the Resource Estimate page that is associated with the proposal.

Edit List

Click to access the Add/Remove from My Proposals page.

Use the Add/Remove from My Proposals page (GM_MYOPP_ADD) to add proposals to and remove them from the My Proposals list.


Proposal Management > My Proposals.

Click the Edit List link on the My Proposals page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add/Remove from My Proposals page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Add/Remove from My Proposals page

Field or Control


Proposal Description, Customer, and Proposal Contact

Enter or select information to search for proposals. To find proposals using a partial value, enter the percent sign as a wildcard in the Proposal Description field.

For example, to find all proposals beginning with Implementation, enter %Implementation. This search function is case sensitive.


Select to add proposals to the My Proposals page. To remove proposals, deselect this check box.