Viewing CRM-Related Information

This section discusses how to view CRM-related information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Additional Information for CRM Page


View CRM-related information for the proposal.

Use the Additional Information for CRM page (GM_OPPTY_HDR_CRM) to view CRM-related information for the proposal.


Proposal Management > Proposal and Version > Maintain Proposal

Click the Additional Information link on the Maintain Proposal page.

If you created a proposal from PeopleSoft CRM, you can view customer contact information and CRM-related data on this page. To access the order in PeopleSoft CRM, click the link next to the Capture ID field.

Note: The interface to your PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management database is dependent on a URL identifier that is delivered called CRM_INTERFACE. If you are having trouble accessing your PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management database, check the entry in the URL field on the URL Maintenance page under the PeopleTools menu navigation structure (select PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > URLs.)