Adding Projects to Trees

There are two ways to add a project to a tree:

  • Create the project using the Project General component (PROJECT_GENERAL) and click the Project Tree link in the Project Costing Definition page to insert the project as a node on a tree.

    Note: If you branch a tree, you cannot add a project to the branch from the Project Costing Definition page.

  • In PeopleSoft Tree Manager, select the node to which you want to add an existing project, and click the appropriate icon to insert the project as either a sibling node or a child node.

    Use the Tree Manager component (PSTREEMGR) advanced search page to look for trees with a category of PROJECT.

    Note: If there is not a level defined below the parent level, PeopleSoft Tree Manager creates the next level automatically when adding a child project. The newly created level, however, will not have a name or description.

Page Name

Definition Name


Assign to Project Tree Page


Assign a project to a specific tree.

To access this page, click the Project Tree link in the Project Costing Definition Page.

Tree Manager


Insert, delete, or rearrange projects on a project tree.

See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Tree Manager