PeopleSoft Lease Administration Reports: A-Z

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Critical Dates Inquiry

View the online inquiry of critical dates and associated options. The critical dates inquiry page is a summary reminder of important tasks requiring action by a specific date. This interactive report supports the business process for options and critical dates.

See Options and Critical Dates Page.

Lease Administration > Reports > Critical Dates Inquiry

Not Applicable


Lease Abstract

Displays a summary of the lease terms and conditions entered into the system. This report supports the business process of creating lease abstracts.

This report is the same as the Lease Abstract Worksheet below, but is populated with the lease information, as opposed to a blank worksheet.

See Understanding Lease Abstracts.

Lease Administration > Reports > Lease Abstract

Not Applicable


Lease Abstract Worksheet

Displays a blank copy of the lease abstract worksheet. This report is used to manually capture terms and conditions of a lease to enter into the system. This interactive report supports the business process of creating lease abstracts.

See Understanding Lease Abstracts.

Lease Administration > Reports > Lease Abstract Worksheet

Not Applicable


Lease Inquiry - Payables Lease

View the online inquiry of general terms and the financial summary for payables leases. This report supports the business process for creating and maintaining leases.

See Reviewing Basic Lease Information.

Lease Administration > Payables Leases > Payables Lease Inquiry

Not Applicable


Lease Inquiry - Receivables Lease

View the online inquiry of general terms and the financial summary for receivables leases. This interactive report supports the business process for creating and maintaining leases.

See Reviewing Basic Lease Information.

Lease Administration > Receivables Lease > Receivables Lease Inquiry

Not Applicable


Leased Property Report

Select properties on this interactive report to view all payables and receivables leases associated with those properties.

Lease Administration, Reports, Leased Property Report

Not Applicable


Minimum Future Lease Obligation

Displays the lease-related financial obligations of the tenant. Minimum Future Lease Obligations is used to review and report all future rent obligations that, as of the date of preparing the report (usually at the end of the fiscal year), your organization is committed to pay. This report appears in the notes to the financial statements.

Minimum Lease Obligation report can also be viewed as a pivot grid on a pagelet on the user’s home page.

See PeopleTools: Pivot Grid.

Lease Administration > Reports > Minimum Lease Obligation



Pending Lease Payables

View the online inquiry of pending payables lease payments and their schedules. This interactive report supports the business process for processing payments for payables leases.

Note: Commonly referred to as a rent roll report.

See Viewing Pending Lease Payables.

Lease Administration > Reports > Pending Lease Payables

Not Applicable


Pending Lease Receivables

View the online inquiry of pending lease receivables invoices and schedules. This interactive report supports the business process for processing invoices for receivables leases.

See Viewing Pending Lease Receivables.

Lease Administration > Reports > Pending Lease Receivables

Not Applicable


Property Information

View the online inquiry of basic property information such as the business unit, site, location, building, country, floor, state/province, area, city, space, and property class.

Lease Administration > Reports > Property Information



Property Occupants Report

View a list of all occupants for a property and basic information such as move in and move out date.

Lease Administration > Reports > Property Occupants Report



Rent Variance Extract

Extract and compute recurring rent variance data for the Rent Variance report.

Lease Administration > Integrations > Rent Variance Extract



Rent Variance Report

Compare the rent amounts between the current period and the prior period, view the variances in the payments, and also view indicators for justifying variance.

Note: You must run the Rent Variance Extract Application Engine process to process the new recurring transactions before you run the Rent Variance report.

Lease Administration > Reports > Rent Variance Report



Reported Sales Report

Displays the complete contents of the Percent Rent sales reporting worksheet transactional tables. This interactive report supports the business process for percent rent sales reporting.

See Understanding Percent Rent Terms.

Lease Administration > Reports > Reported Sales Report