Creating and Modifying Service Orders

This topic discusses how to create and modify service orders.

Page Name

Definition Name


Resource Requests Page


Specify the required dates and keywords to use when searching for resources to fulfill service orders.

Resource Qualifications - Select Qualification Profile Page


Specify resource qualifications from existing qualification profiles.

Resource Requests Page

Resource Qualifications - Search for Qualifications


Specify resource qualifications from a list of qualifications.

Resource Requests Page

Resource Qualifications - Select Competencies


Pick resource qualifications from the Competency tree.

Resource Requests Page

Qualification Detail: <Qualification> Page


Specify additional details about requested license, language, or single-value flexible attributes.

Specifying Qualifications

Order Summary Page


Enter customer, project, and organizational information for service orders.

Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization Page


Select organizations that are responsible for delivering services.

Defining Owning Organizations

Service Order - Interested Parties Page


Enter people to be notified if service order statuses change and workflow is enabled.

Accessing Additional Service Order Options

Service Order - Service Order History Page


Review or add comments that are specific to service orders.

Accessing Additional Service Order Options

Customer Information Page


View customer profiles. Modify PeopleSoft Resource Management-specific information on customer profiles.

Contact Profile Page


View information about customer contacts.

Order Summary Page

Service Order - Additional General Information Page


Enter desired values for flexible resource attributes that are specific to the resource request line.

Defining Owning Organizations

Service Order - Detailed Date Ranges Page


Define additional date ranges if the specified request is for resources to work in noncontiguous intervals.

Service Order - Location and Contact Details Page


Enter location and contact information that is specific to the resource request line.

Service Order - Recommend Resources Page


Recommend resources for the specified resource request.

Use the Resource Requests page (RS_SO_REQUESTS) to specify the required dates and keywords to use when searching for resources to fulfill service orders.


Resource Management > Request Resources > Create or Review Service Order > Resource Requests

Use the Service Order-Keyword Search page (RS_SERVICE_ORDER) to perform free-form keyword searches for the Service Order component. This functionality enables you to search across multiple attributes of the service order. You can enter phrases, words, or partial strings to perform your search.

For more information about Keyword Search, see Understanding Keyword Search within Components.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Resource Requests page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Resource Requests page

The service order business unit that you select on the Add a New Value page when you first enter this component controls:

  • Workflow.

  • The list of projects and customers that you can select for the order.

The default values that appear on the Resource Request page are based on service order default values and the origin of the service order. For example:

  • If you create a service order from the Express Search feature, the specified dates, hours per day, qualifications, and keyword values appear on the Resource Requests page.

    In addition, resources who are in the Considering grid on the Express Search page when the service order is created are associated with this request as recommended resources.

  • If you create a service order from the Manage Generic Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management, the values for primary project role, quantity, description, hours per day, and date range appear on the Resource Requests page.

    Order description and project appear on the Order Summary page.

    Note: If an SR is created for the SO Line in sPro, the fields in the RM Resource Request page will be grayed out if sPro is installed with the Find External resource option. Users can modify the page if either of the values is false even though an SR is created for the SO Line in sPro.

Your ability to edit fields or select certain field values is based on your user role and the origin of the service order.

Field or Control


Service Order

Displays the service order ID that you entered or that the system auto-generated. Auto-generated values appear as NEXT until you save the assignment.

Note: All service order IDs and service order template IDs must be unique.

Entered by and Date

Displays the name of the user who creates the order and the system date on which the user created it.


Select the customer who is requesting the services. The customer must have a valid customer ID.

Note: If PeopleSoft Contracts is not installed or if no project is entered on the service order, the customer prompt table shows a list of customers who are associated with the SetID for the service order business unit. If you enter a customer ID first and then enter a project ID, and that project is not affiliated with the customer through a contract, the system issues a warning message at save time. This warning reminds you that the selected customer is not associated with the project that was selected for the service order.

Resource Request

Field or Control


Project Role

Enter the position that is to be filled on this resource request.

If the resource request is created in PeopleSoft Program Management, the primary project role populates this field and is not editable.

You must enter a project role if you want to create assignments in a status of Assigned or Reserved from the Staffing Workbench for this resource request.


Enter the total number of resources who are required to fulfill the resource request. This is the number of resources that you require on the same dates with the same skill set.

This field is not editable if the value is populated from PeopleSoft Program Management.

After you submit a service order, the fulfillment progress appears beside the Quantity field. For example, if you request two resources, upon submission the fulfillment progress appears as 0 of 2 Assigned; the system updates this value when you assign resources.

Note: The number of unfulfilled position or quantity of a SO line is sent to the Positions field on the SR in sPro. Users can increase or decrease the quantity for an SO in Resource Management that is already populated in sPro. The change in quantity is updated to the SR in sPro so that the Position field value is in sync with the quantity value in the SO. If the quantity decreases to 0, the SR is closed in sPro.


Displays where the individual resource request is in the fulfillment process. The system automatically updates the status based on fulfillment progress; you can change it manually at any time.

When you submit a service order, the resource request status becomes Open. This field is visible only after you submit a service order.

See Service Order and Resource Request Status.


Enter a description of the resource request in 30 or fewer characters. This description is used in other parts of the system to identify the request.


Enter the task category for assignments that you create for this resource request. The default value is based on the origin of the service order, as follows:

  • If the service order is created directly in PeopleSoft Resource Management, the default value in this field is based on the Default Task Category for Assignments field on the Installation Options - Resource Management page.

  • If the service order originates from the Manage Generic Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management, the default value in this field is based on the Category field for this generic resource on the Resource Detail page in Program Management.

You can modify the default task category to any category that is specified for assignments on the Task Categories page.

This field is required to submit a service order for fulfillment.

Note: If you change the default task category value on the Installation Options - Resource Management page, the system does not update the task category value on existing service orders.

Pool ID

Enter the resource pool from which to search for resources, or leave the field blank to consider resources from all pools.


Enter the region from which to search for resources or leave the field blank to consider resources from all regions.

Note: Search results on the Staffing Workbench will vary depending on the search option selected.

Personnel Status

Select Employee or Non-Employee to search for resources with a specific personnel status, or leave the field blank to consider resources with either status.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the dates that the assignment is expected to start and end. Click the calendar next to the start and end dates to select those dates. You can enter the start date and days of work and the system calculates the end date.

If you require the resources for multiple, noncontiguous date ranges, you can leave these fields blank and click the Use Multiple Date Ranges link to enter date information. When you return to this page after entering multiple date ranges on the Service Order - Detailed Date Ranges page, the Start Date and End Date fields display the first start date and last end date for all date ranges.

Start date, end date, days, and hours of work per day are required to submit a service order for fulfillment. The resource request start date, end date, days, and hours of work per day are used by Resource Matching to find available resources.

Hours per Day

Enter the number of hours per day that the resource is requested to work.

This field is blank if you require the resource to work for multiple date ranges.

Days of work

Enter the number of work days that are required to complete the job. If you enter start and end dates but not the days of work, the default value is the number of work days between the start and end dates.

You can use dates and days of work to indicate a date range that is longer than the estimated days of work. For example, you can specify start and end dates that are three months apart and enter days of work as 30, indicating that the 30-day job can be completed at any time during those three months.

Late Start Date

Displays the latest date that the resource can start the assignment and still complete it by the end date. The system calculates this field based on the end date and days of work values.

Partial Days Acceptable

Click if part-time work is acceptable on this project. This option affects Resource Matching because it indicates that the resource is not required to have a full day available every day to be considered a strong fit for the request. As such, Resource Matching evaluates part-time resources, and the Availability fit scores of partially available resources are higher than they would be if you did not select this check box.

Trainees Allowed

Click if trainees are acceptable on this project. Typically these are resources who observe for evaluation purposes the resource who is assigned to a project. This field is used for informational purposes only.

Use Multiple Date Ranges and View Multiple Date Ranges

Click the Use Multiple Date Ranges link to access the Service Order - Detailed Date Ranges page and enter multiple date ranges and hours per day for this resource request. When you enter multiple date ranges and return to the Resource Requests page or Order Summary page, the link name changes to View Multiple Date Ranges.

See Service Order - Detailed Date Ranges Page.

Complete Order

After you specify qualifications, keywords, and notes, click the Complete Order button to proceed to the Order Summary page to enter project, customer, and organizational details.

Select the Qualifications tab on the Resource Request page to specify the desired accomplishments, competencies, and flexible qualification factors for the requested resource. You can specify qualifications based on a predefined qualification profile, look up specific qualifications from a list, or select competencies from the Competency tree. You must specify at least one keyword or one qualification on every resource request in the order. Resource Matching uses qualifications to find qualified resources.

Qualifications that appear as default values on service order resource requests that are created directly in PeopleSoft Resource Management are from the qualification profile, if one exists, of the specified role.

If you create a service order from the Manage Generic Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management, the system populates the qualifications and notes on the resource request from the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page for the generic resource in PeopleSoft Program Management. You can change the qualifications on the resource request. Qualification changes that you make on the resource request are not reflected on the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page.

Select the Notes tab to enter additional comments for this request. These comments are used for information only.

Specify qualifications on the resource request as you do on the Express Search page.

See Specifying Qualifications.

Select the Keywords tab on the Resource Request page to specify keywords as resource requirements.

The system administrator creates and routinely refreshes a search index of work experience and resume document information for all available resources. The index is used to calculate the individual Work Experience and Resume factor fit scores, which are included in the calculation of the Qualifications factor family fit score.

Enter specific keywords here that you can use as a search string to compare against free-form text within the resource's work experience and resume document attachment on the resource profile. This option is best used in cases where the competency information is insufficient or not consistently maintained, or when you want to specify skill requirements that are not listed as competencies or accomplishments.

If you create a service order from the Manage Generic Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management, the system populates the keywords on the resource request from the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page for the generic resource in Program Management. You can change the keywords on the resource request. Keyword changes that you make on the resource request are not reflected on the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page.

Specify keywords on the resource request as you do on the Express Search page.

See Entering Keywords.

Use the Order Summary page (RS_SO_SUMMARY) to enter customer, project, and organizational information for service orders.


  • Select the Order Summary tab on the Resource Requests page.

  • Click Complete Order on the Resource Requests page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Order Summary page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Order Summary page

Field or Control



This field is visible only after you submit a service order. It indicates where this service order is in the process of being fulfilled: Canceled, Closed, Draft, In Process, New, or Open. The system automatically updates status based on fulfillment progress; you can change the status manually at any time.

When you submit a service order, the status becomes New.

See Service Order and Resource Request Status.

If you change the status, and service order workflow is activated for the business unit, upon saving the service order the system sends an email notification message to the person who is responsible for staffing the order (unless that is the person who made the change) and to interested parties who are listed on the service order.

Order Information

Field or Control


Order Description

Enter a description of the service order in 60 characters or fewer. This description becomes the project description if you create a project from this page.


Enter the customer who is associated with this service order, if applicable. You can enter only one customer per service order. Values appear from the Resource Requests page and can be changed.


Enter a valid project ID.

This field is not editable if the value is populated from the Manage Generic Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management.

You must enter a project if you want to create assignments in a status of Assigned or Reserved from the Staffing Workbench for this resource request.

Create a Project

Click to access a page that contains Project, Start Date, and End Date fields On this page enter:

  • A new project ID, or accept the default value of NEXT to create a project with the next available project ID.

  • Enter project start and end dates that at least span the date ranges of resource requests on this order. The current date is the default value in both fields.

Click OK to save the project and return to the Order Summary page. The new project ID value appears in the Project field on the service order. The service order business unit and description become the business unit and description on the project.


Enter the customer's location where the work takes place.

Location Details

Click to access the customer profile and view or update housing and travel information, dress code, and whether the customer allows trainees on assignments.


Enter the customer's contact person for this order.

Contact Details

Click to access the contact profile and view customer contact information, such as telephone number and email address.

Owning Business Unit

Enter the human resource (HR) business unit of the owning organization for the service order. Your selection determines the organizational unit tree from which you can select the owning organization for this service order.

This field is required to submit a service order for fulfillment.

Define the Owning Business Unit default value for each user on the Service Order Defaults for <User> page.

Owning Organization

Click the Select an Organization icon to access the Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization page. Here you select the organization that is responsible for delivering the services that are requested on the service order. When working to fulfill the order, users can direct the search to resources within the owning organization that is specified on the order.

Note: You cannot type the Owning Organization field value; you must select it from the organizational unit tree on the Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization page.

This field is required to submit a service order for fulfillment.

Define the Owning Organization default value for each user on the Service Order Defaults for <User> page.

See Defining Owning Organizations.


Enter the importance or urgency of the service order. The default priority value is established at implementation.

Priority is used for information and reporting purposes only.

Responsible For Staffing

Enter the individual who is responsible for staffing the service order. When the service order is submitted, the resource requests on the order appear on the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page for the user who is identified as responsible for staffing the order. If service order workflow is activated for the business unit, the service order is routed to this person's worklist when the order is submitted.

This field is required to submit a service order for fulfillment.

Define the Responsible For Staffing default value for each user on the Service Order Defaults for <User> page.

Interested Parties

Click to access the Service Order - Interested Parties page.

See Accessing Additional Service Order Options.

Order Comments and History

Click to access the Service Order - Service Order History page.

See Accessing Additional Service Order Options.

E-Mail Partner

Click to access the E-Mail Partner page.

See Accessing Additional Service Order Options.

Resource Requests in this Order

This collapsible scroll area displays the project role, description, start and end dates, number of days and resources needed, status, and qualifications for each resource request on the order. You can add a resource request on this page and then return to the Resource Requests page to enter the detailed requirements.

Field or Control


Additional Information

Click to access the Service Order - Additional General Information page.

See Service Order - Additional General Information Page.

Change Location/Contact Information

Click to access the Service Order - Location and Contact Details page.

See Service Order - Location and Contact Details Page.

Recommend Resource

Click to access the Service Order - Recommend Resources page.

See Service Order - Recommend Resources Page.

Generic Resource Name: <resource name>

Click to access the Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management and view the project resource list. This link appears if the resource request is associated with a generic resource placeholder in PeopleSoft Program Management.

You can select the owning organization by running a basic or advanced search.

Selecting Owning Organizations Using a Basic Search

Use the Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization page (RS_ORGTREESEL_SEC) to select organizations that are responsible for delivering services.


Search for an Owning Organization on the Order Summary page. Click the Advanced Search link or the Basic Search link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization basic search page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization basic search page

Field or Control


Select an Organization

Expand the tree as needed to identify the desired default owning organization, and then click the organization. You can select any level on the tree to serve as the default owning organization.

Selected Organization

Displays the name of the organization selected. You can select only one owning organization.

Advanced Search

Click to access the Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization advanced search page.


Click to select the organization and return to the previous page.

Selecting Owning Organizations Using an Advanced Search

Access the Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization advanced search page (search for an Owning Organization on the Order Summary page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization advanced search page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Service Order Owning Organization - Select an Organization advanced search page

Field or Control


Find Organizations Like

Enter all or part of an organization name using a wildcard—% or *—if necessary. The search is case sensitive.

Enter only % or * to return a list of all organizations for the specified business unit.


Click to generate the search. The organizations that match the search criteria appear in the Select an Organization grid.

Sel (select)

Select the desired default owning organization.


Click for the selected organization name to appear as the selected organization on this page.

The service order form provides links to additional tools to assist you in managing service orders. This section discusses:

  • Notifying interested parties of service order status changes.

  • Entering order comments or view history.

  • Emailing partners.

Notifying Interested Parties

Use the Service Order - Interested Parties page (RS_SO_INT_PARTY) to enter people to be notified if service order statuses change and workflow is enabled.


Click Interested Parties on the Order Summary page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Order - Interested Parties page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Service Order - Interested Parties page

Field or Control



Add or remove individuals to notify of any changes to the service order's status if workflow is enabled.

Entering Order Comments and Viewing History

Use the Service Order - Service Order History page (RS_SO_HIST_SEC) to review or add comments that are specific to service orders.


Click Order Comments and History on the Order Summary page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Order - Service Order History page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Service Order - Service Order History page

Use this page to record and track comments about this service order and review the history of changes to priority, status, and owning organization.

Field or Control


Last Upd Dt Tm (last updated date and time)

Displays the date and time of the update.


Displays the name of the user who entered the update.

Comments/Billing Information

View, add, or delete comments or billing information.

Service Order Priority

View the history of service order priority changes and, if required, add further explanation for the changes.

Service Order Status

View the history of service order status changes and, if required, add further explanation for the changes.

Service Order Owning Organization

View the history of service order owning organization changes.

Emailing Partners

Access the E-mail Partner page.

Field or Control


Email ID

Enter an email address to email the service order to an external partner to request assistance in fulfilling the resource request. The partner does not have to be classified as an external staffing source in PeopleSoft Resource Management. Once you enter the email address and click OK, the system creates the memo and includes information about all of the resource requests on the service order within the text of the message.

To outsource a single resource request, click Save As to copy the original service order and delete all non-relevant resource requests before sending the email.

Use the Service Order - Additional General Information page (RS_SO_SUMM_MORE) to enter desired values for flexible resource attributes that are specific to the resource request line.


Click Additional Information for a specific resource request on the Order Summary page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Order - Additional General Information page.

Service Order - Additional General Information page

Enter values for any flexible service order attributes or flexible preference factors that are established for your organization. Define optional flexible attributes during implementation.

Use the Service Order - Detailed Date Ranges page (RS_SO_DETAILDATES) to define additional date ranges if the specified request is for resources to work in noncontiguous intervals.


Click Use Multiple Date Ranges or View Multiple Date Ranges for a specific resource request on the Resource Requests page or Order Summary page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Order - Detailed Date Ranges page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Service Order - Detailed Date Ranges page

Use this page to define additional date ranges if the request is for resources to work in noncontiguous intervals. For example, if the date range that is specified on the resource request is January 1 to January 31 and you also need the resource from March 1 to March 31, add a row and enter the second date range. You must also enter the number of hours required per day for each date range.

Field or Control


Start Date and End Date

Enter the start and end date for each unique date range on this resource request. Add additional rows as required.

Hours per Day

Enter the number of hours required of the resource per day for each date range listed.

Use the Service Order - Location and Contact Details page (RS_REQ_LOCCNTC_SEC) to enter location and contact information that is specific to the resource request line.


Click Change Location/Contact Information for a specific resource request on the Order Summary page.

Use this page to select a different location or contact that only applies to this individual resource request line.

Use the Service Order - Recommend Resources page (RS_SO_RECOMMEND) to recommend resources for the specified resource request.


Click Recommend Resources for a specific resource request on the Order Summary page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Order - Recommend Resources page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Service Order - Recommend Resources page

Use this page to recommend resources for this resource request. Resource Matching evaluates recommendations when it calculates fit scores. You can also view recommended resources on the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders tab to assist you in making staffing decisions.

Resources who were previously recommended for this resource request appear on the page.

Field or Control


Name and Entered on

Displays the name of the person who is making the recommendation and the date on which that person entered it.

Name and Comments

Enter a resource to recommend for this resource request and add comments to explain the recommendation. Add rows as necessary to recommend additional resources.

The system sends a worklist item to the resource as a notification that the resource is recommended for a resource request.

Click the - sign if you want to withdraw the recommended resource. A notification will be sent that the recommended resource has been withdrawn.

You can save service orders in three ways in PeopleSoft Resource Management:

Field or Control


Save for Later

Click to save a service order in a Draft status if the service order is not ready for submission.

The only field values that are required to save a draft service order are service order ID, business unit, task category, and hours per day. You can open, update, and click Save for Later as many times as required.

This option is available only until you submit the service order.

Save and Submit

Click to save a service order and submit it to the person who is responsible for staffing the order so that the person can begin the fulfillment process. When you submit the service order, the resource requests on the order appear on the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page for the user who is identified as responsible for staffing the order. If service order workflow is activated for the business unit, the service order is routed to this person's worklist when you submit the order.

To submit a service order it must have an owning business unit, owning organization, and person responsible for staffing, and each resource request must have a start date, end date, days of work, task category, and hours per day. You must also specify at least one keyword or one qualification on every resource request in the order.

This button is available only until you submit the service order; after that, this button is replaced with the Save button.


Click to save a service order after you modify it. If you changed the service order status and service order workflow is activated for the business unit, the system sends an email notification to the person who is responsible for staffing the order (unless that is the person who made the change) and to the interested parties who are listed on a service order.

This option is available only after you submit the service order.

Save As

Click to save the resource request and service order information to a new service order number. This speeds the entry of a new service order that contains similar data as the original. When the save is complete, the new service order opens in a new page.

This option is available only after you submit the service order.

This new mapping page enables users to map their experiences in the Resource Management experience table with the sPro experience table. The mapping occurs between the Resource Management Experience field and the Years Experience field in sPro.

Access the Rs spro Yoe Map Page.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Resource Management > Setup RM sPro Experience Map

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Resource Management – Rs spro Yoe Map page.


Field or Control


Resource Management Experience

The Resource Management Experience field lists all the values available within the Years of Work Experience field in the Resource Request page.