Setting Up Cash Management Bank Statement Accounting Functionality

This section discusses how to define bank statement accounting.

Page Name

Definition Name


Bank Statement Accounting Page


Define bank statement accounting match rules. The system searches the bank statement addenda for the transactional text that you define and automatically assigns a default accounting template to the transaction.

To define bank statement accounting, use the Bank Statement Accounting component (BNK_BSAC_SETUP_GBL).

Important! You can only implement this functionality if you have purchased and licensed Cash Management.

Bank Statement Accounting Automatic Reconciliation

The Cash Management Bank Statement Accounting (BSA) functionality integrates with the PeopleSoft banks reconciliation functionality. The BSA functionality reduces the number of exceptions (NTFs) that you must resolve. It works in tandem with the PeopleSoft automatic reconciliation process and provides a second layer of filtering that automatically resolves reconciliation exceptions. To enable this functionality, you must first establish the conversion (or accounting) rules that the system uses to search for reconciliation exceptions.

The BSA functionality handles transactions in the bank statement that are not yet booked in the general ledger or a general ledger subledger. These items might include such first notice items such as interest income, interest expense, or forecasted wires.

BSA functionality uses information from the imported bank statement addenda text field. You first create rules to match text strings in the addenda text by selecting Pattern (matching a specified text string), Position (searching for text between two defined numeric values), or Value (matching a defined value). When the system encounters a match, processing automatically reconciles the exception by creating a system-side transaction that is assigned to an accounting template, and changes the exception's reconciliation status flag to REC (reconciled). Note that the system does not perform any BSA processing on exceptions that do not match any BSA predefined criteria. Also, the bank statement accounting process will not create a system-side transaction if the bank statement line had previously been matched to a system-side transaction. For example, if the bank-statement accounting process matches a previously reconciled transaction that was unreconciled using the semi-manual reconciliation process, it will not create a new transaction.

After the BSA resolved exception accounting entries are complete, you run Treasury Accounting processes to complete the accounting entries prior to posting to the general ledger.

The following are some points to consider about the BSA process:

  • The process is only as good as the rules and accounting templates that you establish.

    Note: The automatically generated accounting entries are only as valid as the accounting rules that you establish. If the accounting rule or specified accounting template for a rule is incorrect, the accounting entries for all of the affected matched exceptions will also be incorrect. It is very important that you test the validity of your BSA data setup and output prior to using this functionality in a production environment.

  • You can only use this functionality with the automatic reconciliation process.

  • The BSA process greatly streamlines the reconciliation process, but reconciliation can not be fully automated. There will always be reconciliation exceptions that you must manually research and resolve.

  • This process becomes increasingly efficient as the number of bank statements that you process increases. When you first implement the process, you must develop the rule structure—researching exceptions, editing rules, and adding new rules—until this structure is sufficiently constructed to handle your organization's exceptions.

Prior to establishing bank statement accounting parameters, you must set up:

  • Bank statement activity types.

  • Accounting templates for bank statement processing.

Use the Bank Statement Accounting page (BNK_BSAC_HDR) to define bank statement accounting match rules.

The system searches the bank statement addenda for the transactional text that you define and automatically assigns a default accounting template to the transaction.


Banking > Administer Reconciliation > Bank Statement Accounting

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bank Statement Accounting page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Bank Statement Accounting page

The system derives the Description and Activity Default Template field information from the selected statement activity type.

You can set Activity Status options at both the overall header level and the individual rule level.

Field or Control


Sample Addenda

Enter sample addenda text to test your defined rule.

For example, to define a pattern match (and assuming all required fields are defined):

  1. Select the Pattern Match button.

  2. Enter the pattern TEST@@@.

  3. In the Sample Addenda field, enter the text TEST123, and save the page.

  4. Click the Test Rule button. A message will let you know which accounting template would be assigned per the current rule sequencing—whether it came up with an exact match, a rule default, or the activity default.

Test Rule button

Click to test if the rule is behaving as desired. This process applies the defined rule(s) against data in the Sample Addenda field. By doing so, this tests whether the defined BSA rule assigns the appropriate accounting template.

Rule ID

Enter a unique identification code for the match rule, up to seven characters long. This ID is used by the system to order the rules that are applied to the addenda. In this manner, you can dictate which rules should be applied before others.

Rule Default Template

Select a default accounting template for defined positional and pattern rules (not applicable for Value Match option). For exceptions that match the defined rule, the system automatically creates corresponding system-side accounting entries per the default accounting template parameters.

Help Information

Click to view information on defining match values.

Positional Match

Select to match data based on the positions that are entered in the From and Through fields.

Pattern Match

Select to match the entire masked string value that is adjacent to the entered Pattern.

Value Match

Select to match the values that are entered in the Match Value field and also specify a Match Template value.

The system searches by whole word only to find an exact match. This applies to any string of characters that you enter in the Match Value field.

For example, the system:

  • Identifies the match when the Match Value = 0005-802902 and the sample addenda value = 0005-802902 12 or 0005-802902 XYZ.

  • Does not find a match when the Match Value = 0005-802902 and the sample addenda value = 0005-80290212 or 0005-802902XYZ.

If you define a value that cannot be matched, the system uses the Activity Default Template value.