Budget Checking Payroll Transactions

This section provides an overview and discusses how to run the budget processor for PeopleSoft Payroll transactions that have been sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Page Name

Definition Name


Budget Check HR Payroll Page


Request a run of the budget processor Application Engine process (FS_BP) for Payroll transactions that have been sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

No budget checking process is available in PeopleSoft Payroll and HR. All budget checking must be done in Commitment Control.

The following is an overview of the integration of PeopleSoft HR, Payroll, Commitment Control and General Ledger. Please refer to the documentation for PeopleSoft Payroll and HR (human resources) for further information about setting up commitment accounting and the interface with General Ledger and Commitment Control. PeopleSoft Payroll and HR use the following SQRs to manage related general ledger and Commitment Control activities:

  • BUD014.sqr is used to create Commitment Control budgets from PeopleSoft HR when commitment accounting is to be used.

  • PAYGL01.sqr is used to send accounting transactions to general ledger from North America Payroll when there is to be no commitment accounting and data is limited to Fund, Department and Account ChartFields.

  • PAYGL03.sqr is used to establish encumbrance data in HR and publish it to Commitment Control for budget checking (commitment accounting)—applicable to all ChartFields.

  • PAYGL02.sqr is used to relieve the previously recorded encumbrances and book the expenditures to general ledger and Commitment Control—applicable to all ChartFields.

The BUD014.sqr process publishes HR department budget data to Commitment Control in the form of budget journals over the message COMMIT_CNTRL_BUDGET_UPDATE. The subscription process creates and automatically initiates the budget processor to post commitment control budget journals to LEDGER_KK.

The Payroll Accounting Transaction message (PAYROLL_ACCTG_TRANSACTION) carries HR transactions from its HR_ACCTG_LINE table. Message subscription PeopleCode is used to populate the HR_ACCTG_LINE table on the Financials database, and updates the HR_KK_HDR table as necessary for budget checking.

The Payroll Accounting Transaction message is sent from HR when you have completed the payroll and are ready to send the ChartField distribution (general ledger accounts) to the Financials database using the general ledger interface, PAYGL01.sqr (for non commitment accounting) and PAYGL02.sqr (for commitment accounting).

The PAYGL03.sqr process prepares encumbrance data and send it to Commitment Control over the same Payroll Accounting Transaction message. Before you can post encumbrance data, calculate it using either the Fiscal Year Encumbrances process (PSPENANN) or the Nightly Encumbrances process (PSPENNHT) in HR. Use the Fiscal Year Encumbrances process to calculate encumbrances for the entire fiscal year. Use the Nightly Encumbrances process to update encumbrance data as you make changes to budgets or employees. After running each of these processes, run the Encumbrance GL Interface (PAYGL03.sqr) to post the results to general ledger, and then initiate Budget Processor from the Budget Check HR Payroll page.

The PAYGL02.sqr process prepares actuals transactions to be published to the general ledger over the Payroll Accounting Transaction message. This process also liquidates encumbered amounts to reflect that the actuals for that pay period have been processed. All processed transactions are reflected on the Department Budget Actuals page. After the subscription code populates the HR_ACCTG_LINE, you can run the Journal Generator process against the table to create journals. These journals are marked to bypass budget checking, because budget processor process the payroll transactions directly from the HR_ACCTG_LINE table. A second part of the subscription code populates HR_KK_HDR, which is necessary for running the Budget Processor against the payroll transactions from the Budget Check HR Payroll page.

Use the Budget Check HR Payroll page (HR_KK_BUDCHK_REQ) to run the Budget Processor Application Engine process (FS_BP) for Payroll transactions that have been sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger.


Commitment Control > Third Party Transactions > Run Budget Check on HR Payroll

Field or Control


Transaction Type


Run Date Option

Values are:

All: Budget check all transactions for all HR Payroll run dates.

Some: Budget check only transactions whose run date range you enter in the Run Date From and Run Date To fields.

Value: Budget check only transactions whose date you enter in the Run Date field.