Defining Commitment Control Ledger Names and Ledger Groups

Before you can define the rules and attributes of your Commitment Control ledger groups, you must establish the ledgers that make up those ledger groups and do the same for the ledger groups themselves. This involves naming each ledger and ledger group, attaching the ledgers to their ledger groups, selecting which ledgers affect the available budget balance, and selecting the balancing ChartFields for the ledger group.

This section discusses how to:

  • Review the delivered Commitment Control ledger template.

  • Establish Commitment Control ledgers.

  • Establish Commitment Control ledger groups.

Commitment Control delivers a ledger template, COMMITMENT, which accelerates ledger creation by predefining the physical attributes of control budget ledgers. Because all control budget ledgers must share these attributes, you need not define any other Commitment Control ledger templates.

To review the Commitment Control ledger template:

  1. Select General Ledger > Ledgers > Define Ledger Templates

  2. On the Ledger Template page, open the COMMITMENT ledger template.

  3. Review the delivered records and fields.

Note: You can specify a secured reporting view (LED_RPTG_KK_VW ) in the Secured Rptg VW field to secure access to the ledger by authorized user IDs during PS/nVision reporting. Because this is an optional security field, if you do not specify a ledger reporting view, PS/nVision provides reporting directly against the ledger. Use the Ledger Security page to specify which user IDs have access to the ledger data. If you specify the reporting view and an unauthorized user tries to access the ledger, PS/nVision displays all zeros for ledger amounts on the report.

See Setting Up PS nVision Security, Implementing PS/nVision Ledger-Based Data Security, PeopleSoft PeopleTools: PS/nVision

Before you establish the Commitment Control ledger groups, you must name and establish the ledgers that make up the groups.

To add a Commitment Control ledger:

  1. Select General Ledger > Ledgers > Detail Ledgers > Detail Ledger.

  2. On the Definition page, enter a description of the ledger.

  3. Select the Commitment ledger template to attach the ledger to that template and to define the ledger as a Commitment Control ledger type.

You establish Commitment Control ledger groups in the Ledger Group component.

To add a Commitment Control Ledger Group:

  1. Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > General Ledger > Ledgers For A Unit > Definition.

  2. On the Definition page, enter a description for the ledger group.

  3. Select the Commitment ledger template to attach the ledger group to that template and to define the ledger group as a Commitment Control ledger group type.

    The Commitment Control ledger template defines the Ledger record, which determines the ChartField and Edit Table defaults that populate the ChartFields page of the Ledger Group component.

  4. Select either the Commitment Control Expense or Commitment Control Revenue ledger group type to attach the ledger group to the ledger group type.

    Note: The Keep Ledgers in Sync check box is unavailable when you select a Commitment Control ledger template.

  5. In the Ledger Details grid, enter a row for each Commitment Control ledger that you want in the ledger group.

    Select the Commitment Control ledger type for each ledger. You can select only one ledger of each ledger type.

  6. For expenditure ledger groups, select the Affect Spending Authority check box if transactions successfully processed against the ledger are to affect the available budget balance.

    For example, if you want the system to track pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, and expenditure transactions against the budget in an expenditure ledger group, but you do not want pre-encumbrance transactions to reduce the available budget balance, select Affect Spending Authority for the budget, encumbrance, and expenditure ledgers and deselect it for the pre-encumbrance ledger. All four ledgers are updated each time their transaction types are processed, but only budget journals and transactions that are stored in the encumbrance and expenditure ledgers affect the calculation of the budget's available spending amount.

    However, when Funding Source control is involved, only transactions that affected those ledgers that have Affect Spending Authority selected are recorded in the Funding Source Distribution tables. In the previous example, the pre-encumbrance transactions would not be recorded in the Funding Source Distribution tables.

    You can override your selection for pre-encumbrance amounts at the level of a specific business unit and GL ledger group in the Ledgers for a Unit component.

    See Setting Up Commitment Control for a Business Unit and GL Ledger Group.

  7. On the ChartField page, review the default edit table and view that are associated with each of the ChartFields for the ledger group.

    The Commitment Control ledger template populates the ChartFields and their default edit tables and views.

  8. On the Balance page, select the Balance check box for the ChartFields that you want to balance for the ledger group.