Enabling Alternate Accounts

To enable alternate accounts, use the Installation component (INSTALLATION) and the Ledgers For A Unit component (BUSINESS_UNIT_LED). Use the EM_BUS_UNIT_LED component interface to load data into the tables for the BUSINESS_UNIT_LED component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Installation Options - Overall Page


Enables the use of alternate accounts.

See Enabling Alternate Account at the Installation Level.

Ledgers For A Unit - Definition Page


You can enable a particular ledger group in a business unit for alternate accounts, provided that alternate account is enabled at the installation level.

See Enabling Alternate Account at the Ledger Group and Business Unit Level.

Use the Installation Options - Overall page (INSTALLATION_FS1) to enable the use of alternate accounts.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Install > Installation Options > Overall

To enable alternate account at the installation level, select the Enable Alternate Account check box. When you select this check box, pages and views in the various applications show alternate account related fields and enable dynamic prompting. In addition, journal generator creates journal entries at a minimum level of ACCOUNT and ALTACCT.

If you do not select this check box, the various products do not display alternate account fields and prompt lists, and journal generator only creates journal entries at a minimum level of ACCOUNT.

Use the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page (BUSINESS_UNIT_LED1) to enable a particular ledger group in a business unit for alternate accounts, provided that alternate account is enabled at the installation level.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > General Ledger > Ledgers For A Unit > Definition.

To enable alternate accounts at the business unit and ledger group level:

  1. Select a business unit that requires the use of alternate accounts.

  2. Select the Enable Alternate Accounts check box for each detail ledger group that might require the use of alternate accounts. The Acct > Alt Suspense and Alt > Acct Suspense fields become available for entry. Typically suspense accounts hold offsetting values to ensure balanced ledgers and journals. You must later return to these suspense accounts to correct the distribution.

  3. Select the alternate suspense account for the first field and the account suspense account for the second field.

Note: If you select the Enable Alternate Account check box but do not define a mapping option for the alternate account on the Account or Alternate Account page, the system uses the suspense account that you define on the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page.