Understanding ChartField Combination Editing

Use this optional feature to set and enforce criteria for filtering out unwanted journal entry lines to ledgers based on combinations of ChartFields and their values.

If you are using Commitment Control, you can also edit commitment control budget journals online separately from posting or during the batch posting processing as a part of the Budget Processor (FS_BP) Application Engine process, which edits and posts budget journal entries.

See Combination Editing for Budget and Budget Adjustment Journals.

See Using Combination Editing with Budget, Transfer, and Adjustment Journals.

You can implement ChartField combination editing by:

  • Setting up combination editing in the general ledger feeder applications as described in the application-specific product documentation.

  • Setting up general ledger journal editing to execute combination editing.

Note: Combination editing does not apply to summary ledgers.

Note: Combination editing does not support the publishing of detail project ChartFields to HCM since the source record is the COMBO_DATA_TBL, which does not include the detail project ChartFields. The only project ChartField that is published is PROJECT_ID.

If you activate combination editing for the detail ledger group in which transactions are processed and recorded, when you run the Journal Edit process, it also calls the ChartField combination editing process.

ChartField combination editing compares the ChartField combination to the definitions and rules governing ChartField combinations that you define. For example, when you assign what PeopleSoft calls the anchor ChartField a value, and then associate it with nonanchor ChartFields and their values, ChartField Combination Editing uses something like an if-then test to ensure that entries conform to the ChartField combination rules and definitions. ChartField combinations can be set up for valid or invalid conditions depending on which is more efficient at precluding unwanted entries.

The decisions as to how to implement ChartField combination editing and what types of underlying tables to use greatly affect the efficiency, speed, and the ease of maintenance.

This section discusses:

  • ChartFields, rules, and trees in combination editing.

  • Advantages of using various table types in combination editing.

  • Online and batch combination editing availability in PeopleSoft applications.

  • Combination editing by transaction source.

  • ChartField combination editing online.

  • ChartField combination editing in batch or background processing.

  • Retain detail values generated for master selector tables.

  • Online combination editing for applications outside the financials database using a Web service.

  • Combination editing in PeopleSoft Commitment Control.

  • Master selector tables.

  • ChartField combination editing templates.

  • Combination editing groups.

  • Various examples.

The following are general recommendations concerning efficiencies and ChartFields, rules, and trees.

How Many ChartFields to Use

For example, it might be required that only certain departments post to asset, liability, and equity accounts and that other departments post only to revenue and expense accounts. In the first instance, this involves defining editing rules for a combination that includes two ChartFields: Account and Department for department values that are limited to the balance sheet accounts.

You can also limit the departments that can post to income statement accounts to those recording particular product costs by introducing a third ChartField, Product, to the combination definition.

While any number of combinations is possible, limiting the combinations to three or fewer ChartFields optimizes performance.

How Many Combination Rules to Use

Analyze the proposed combination rules and decide which are critical and which are not. The more rules that you implement, the more time that it takes to edit the transactions and maintain the rules.

Ranges of ChartField Values in Trees for Combination Editing Rules

You can use PeopleSoft trees to set up combination edit rules having ranges of ChartField values rather than static values. Ranges of values can make it easier to keep ChartField combination edit rules current with changes in the ChartField values of your organization.

You can use spring, summer and winter trees with combination editing and you can further restrict values available from these trees through the use of tree levels and nodes.

PeopleSoft uses several types of tables to support combination editing. The following compares their advantages and disadvantages:

Table Type




It is simple and provides relatively fast edits.

Use this table type when the combinations do not change much and the table size, due to the number of combinations required, is moderate.

It is a static table built during the combo build process. Once built there is no further processing that considers subsequent changes to your rules. Depending on the number of combinations, the table size can be very large and entail a slow build process.

Supports online and background Combination Editing.

User-defined table

It is simple and provides relatively fast edits.

It is a static table and can require high maintenance.

Static master selector tables

Entails a simple, fast build of relatively small tables.

Compared to the COMBO_DATA_TBL, this table type more easily incorporates changes in ChartField values and has a faster build due to smaller tables.

Results are less intuitive. They are still static tables, but not as restrictive as the COMBO_DATA_TBL. Static master selector tables support online and background processing in General Ledger and in subsystems.

Dynamic master selector tables

Nothing is static, so edits are consistent with the latest combination rules and ChartField values.

This table type deals more effectively with frequent changes in ChartFields. These tables are both created and deleted during the edit process for General Ledger background edits.

This table applies only to background, or batch, processing in General Ledger.


This option using Retain Detail Values is a variation on the use of Static Master Selector Tables and is of particularly value if tree nodes encompass large numbers of ChartField values. The build process might take longer but batch and online combination editing performance can be greatly improved. This is because detail values generated from the Master Selector Tables are retained in a permanent table (PS_COMB_EXPLODED) and the repeated exploding of detail values to temporary tables with each separate edit request is eliminated.

Changes within an exiting range of values that are included in a tree node are not reflected in a previously built PS_COMB_EXPLODED table. The table must be rebuilt after changes in trees and combination definitions and rules.

Mixed tables

You can tune the process by using different tables to get optimal performance and minimal maintenance. For example, use fewer unchanging combinations in a COMBO_DATA_TBL and use dynamic master selector tables for combination rules that change often.

Requires expertise to implement and maintain.

The following provides additional details about the tables and their advantages.

In general, master selector tables when compared with the other tables:

  • Require less time to build and maintain.

  • Take up less space in the database.

  • Can be built for date ranges or periods that encompass any number of effective dated PeopleSoft trees.

Note: When you use ranges of values in trees, you only need to rebuild when you change nodes or ranges in the trees or change tree nodes that are used in the rules.

If you use detail values in the trees, you must rebuild the selector tables each time that you make changes to the detail values that are in the trees. However, the build for the master selector tables is much faster than that for the COMBO_DATA_TBL.

In PeopleSoft General Ledger feeder systems you can build a permanent set of static master selector tables that support both batch and subsystem online editing.

You have the option to use static master selector tables or dynamic selector tables in batch edits for General Ledger. If you do not run Combo Build by using the master selector table build option, the combination editing program then builds the dynamic selector tables during the batch edit process.

The system must explode the ranges of ChartField values defined in the tree nodes when you use static selector tables and store the values in additional temporary tables. The explosion process to populate the temporary tables is repeated each time a new transaction is edited. In addition, these temporary tables are not maintained by the system beyond the current edit; however, you can elect to retain the generated combinations for the detail values in a permanent table named PS_COMB_EXPLODED for use in subsequent combination edits. When using the PS_COMB_EXPLODED table, the build process might take longer but batch combination editing performance can be greatly improved because repeated exploding of values and creation of temporary tables is avoided.

You can also configure and maintain a user defined combination data table. Because this method gives you complete control over the population of the data table, you might be able to reduce the size of the table over other table types and increase efficiency.

However, over time user-defined tables usually require more attention to analysis and maintenance in a changing ChartField environment than either the COMBO_DATA_TBL or the master selector tables. PeopleSoft provides you with functionality to maintain the COMBO_DATA_TBL and master selector tables, however, you have complete responsibility for detecting or noting changes to the applicable ChartFields or values and cleaning out the old and adding new combinations for the user-defined tables.

You can combine these table approaches with different combination edit groups to increase efficiency. When ChartField combination definitions and rules do not change often, they are candidates for a user-defined data table, because you can afford to trade flexibility for the prospect of additional speed in processing. For situations when you expect periodic changes in combination definitions and rules, using master selector tables may improve both speed and flexibility. Exploding the COMBO_DATA_TBL is desirable when the volume of the table does not burden the system or unduly increase processing time and you only occasionally need to update the table for ChartField combination changes.

Both batch combination editing and online PeopleCode editing support your choice of combo editing option. Although you run a process to populate both types of tables, the advantage of using the master selector tables is that the process to rebuild them is much faster than the COMBO_DATA_TBL explosion. Also, if you use tree ranges, you do not need to build the dynamic selector tables when you add ChartField values or delete them from the chart of accounts as you do with the COMBO_DATA_TBL.

Both batch and online PeopleCode editing support multiple combination groups that are attached to a business unit, each using a different choice for the combo editing option.

PeopleSoft applications can use ChartField combination editing online or in background (batch) processing, as shown for various applications in the following table.


Online Editing

Background Editing

Asset Management









Cost Management









General Ledger

No *











Pay/Bill Management



Production Management



Project Costing












Supplier Contract Management






Work Order Management



Enterprise Learning Management

Yes **


Human Capital Management (HCM)

Yes **


Commitment Control ***



* Combination edits for online journal entries that are in General Ledger are performed when the journal is edited. Journal edit can be performed immediately after saving an online journal entry. The difference between General Ledger and the other applications is that General Ledger uses the background editing program while the other applications use the online routines to perform online editing.

** Because PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management (PeopleSoft ELM) and PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM) run in a different database from that of Financials, you use the delivered web service to perform combination editing. You can use the combo edit request service that calls combo edit online validation logic and returns the results to ELM before ELM sends entries to General Ledger for posting.

*** While Commitment Control is not an application, it is a major optional functionality that is used by several of the PeopleSoft applications. You can use combination editing in commitment control for budget journal editing. Combination editing of budget journals is discussed in the commitment control documentation.

For specific information on how ChartField combination editing is used and how errors are researched and corrected within those applications previously listed, as well as other PeopleSoft applications, see the application-specific product documentations.

In order to increase process efficiency, PeopleSoft Financials provides the ability to perform combination editing for a process group by transaction source. Transaction sources include Asset Management transactions, Payables accounting lines, Receivables items, General Ledger journals, and so on. You can associate a Transaction Source with a process group so that during combination edit processing, only the data for the designated transaction source is processed for that group of rules rather than processing all data for all sources.

See Defining Combination Editing by Transaction Source.

Typically, you click either an edit or a save button to initiate PeopleCode that starts an online edit for transactions that you enter in a particular application. For example, when you save Accounts Payable vouchers, many edits and processes occur automatically, including online combination editing if you implement this option.

Various underlying tables that are available to the Combination Editing process do support online editing. These underlying table options are described in a separate topic in this topic

After you decide on the table type and build the underlying table, the system can use the table to validate accounting and voucher lines against combinations in the table while online if the application supports online combination editing. This enables PeopleSoft General Ledger feeder systems, such as PeopleSoft Accounts Payable, to capture and correct errors as a standalone application before running the journal generator and performing journal edits. By performing the combination edit in the feeder system, you can correct errors promptly at the source before you post journals to the general ledger.

The online edit process edits one transaction line at a time. Each line is edited against all the process groups that are attached to the business units. The online edit process cannot dynamically build the tables, so you must build the COMBO_DATA_TBL, the master selector tables, the PS_COMB_EXPLODED table, or the user-defined table prior to using online edits in the feeder system applications.

The online combination editing process in the feeder systems does the following:

  • If the combination exists in the table, it marks the line as valid or invalid depending on the Combination Group Defines option that you select.

  • It analyzes transaction lines that are not found on the table to determine if the anchor ChartField has a value for which you have defined a combination rule.

    • If the anchor ChartField value has a combination rule that is defined for it and if the entire combination is not found, the combination fails.

    • On the ChartField Combination Group page, you can select a value for the Anchor Values Not in Rules field. This option determines if the system marks valid or invalid those journal lines having an anchor ChartField value that has no combination rule that is defined for it.

Feeder systems have three ways to initiate online logic:

  • Use the edit_combo function in FUNCLIB_FS.EDIT_COMBINATION FieldFormula record PeopleCode.

  • Use the ComboEdit application class in the FS_COMBO_EDIT application package.

  • Use the combination edit service operation to perform edits on data originating from other than the financial database. The Web service calls ComboEdit to perform combination editing and returns the results to the requesting application whether PeopleSoft or third party application.

Every page component that uses the edit_combo function must include the COMBO_EDIT_WRK page. When you select the Save button, the system first populates the work page with information from combination editing groups and rules. Combination editing online uses the information that is on the work page to process the transaction lines. The system refreshes the work page when the business unit changes.

Components that use the ComboEdit application class do not need the COMBO_EDIT_WRK page. The ComboEdit application class should be instantiated at the component level so that the combination editing groups and rules that are stored in the class object can be reused for all transactions that are going to the same business unit. PeopleSoft recommends that feeder systems use the ComboEdit application package instead of the edit_combo function.

To make combination editing background processing generic to all PeopleSoft applications, combination editing uses a ChartField Combination Editing template, which is discussed in a separate topic in this topic. The template defines the table structure of the various application transaction records. The combination editing process uses this structural information to perform its edit.

Record templates have a unique name that is applicable to a particular PeopleSoft application. You supply that name for your application to enable background combination editing.

Select the name of the combination edit template on the ChartField Combination Template page, in the Template field. The template is used only for background, or batch, editing.

Various underlying tables are available to combination editing that support batch editing. These underlying table options are also described in a separate topic in this topic.

The system performs batch, or background, combination editing at the time of journal editing or during accounting line and voucher line edits in the various PeopleSoft General Ledger feeder systems. In any case, editing occurs before posting journals to the general ledger.

Note: During journal editing , the Transaction Set Editor (TSE) determines whether a journal line is valid by finding a ChartField on a line, and then checking the ChartField against its ChartField table to make sure that the ChartField itself is valid. If the ChartField is invalid, the TSE marks it invalid and immediately excludes the journal line from the combination editing process.

Combination editing also validates whether a combination group is associated with a business unit and ledger group during a batch combination edit process.

Batch Validation of Project Costing ChartFields

The following PeopleSoft applications have the ability to perform Project Costing ChartField validation through the batch Combination Edit process:

  • Asset Management

  • General Ledger

  • Grants

  • Payables

  • Receivables

  • Purchasing

  • Project Costing

Similar to the online validation of detail Project ChartFields, PeopleSoft enables validation of Project ChartFields through batch combination edit by calling PC_EDIT. The online Combination Edit does not call project validation; however, the existing online project edits handle the validation.

The following Project Costing edits are included in the batch combination edit:

  • Validation of the Project Costing Business Unit, Project ID, and Activity ID combination

  • Enforcement of Project and Activity Status Control check (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Project Costing Integration)

  • Enforcement of the Input Control option (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Project Costing, Project Costing Options)

  • Enforcement of the Dynamic Edit Tables option (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Project Costing, Project Costing Definition)

  • Validation of Project Costing and General Ledger Business Unit mapping via the Project Costing Integration Template (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Project Costing, Project Options, Integration Templates, General Ledger Integration)

  • Enforcement of the Analysis Type is required (for General Ledger journals only)

To implement the validation of Project Costing ChartFields through batch combination edit,

  • Project Costing must be an installed product.

  • Use the Project Costing Options page to Establish project-related transaction fields that are required for importing transactions from other PeopleSoft applications (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Project Costing, Project Costing Options).

In General Ledger, you can perform validation of Project Costing ChartFields of Spreadsheet journals or from Flat File Journal Import using batch edit, for example. In Payables, the batch edit occurs during the Voucher Build process, for example.

See PeopleSoft General Ledger Documentation Update: Project Costing Edit, Note number 1063525.1, on My Oracle Support, at: https://support.oracle.com/CSP/ui/flash.html.

Batch Combination Editing Using the Combo Data Table or a User-Defined Data Table

The combination editing process repeats the following steps for each combination group that you associate with a business unit and ledger group for which you select either the Combo Data table or a user-defined combination data table:

  • Combination editing compares all transaction lines against the table.

    If the combination exists in the data table, it marks the line as valid or invalid depending on the Combination Group Defines option that you select.

    If the anchor ChartField value has a combination rule defined for it and if the entire combination is not found, the combination fails the edit.

    If the anchor ChartField value does not have a combination rule defined for it, then the line is marked with the state that you select—either Mark Invalid or Mark Valid on the ChartField Combination Editing Group page for the Anchor Values Not in Rules field.

  • When the program encounters an invalid combination, it logs the invalid transaction with an error status message in the error log records that are defined in the Combination template.

Batch Combination Editing Using the Master Selector Tables Option

If you select the master selector tables option for the combination group, the batch combination editing process does the following:

  • It retrieves the combination groups that are attached to the business unit and ledger group that you specify.

  • It loops through the combination groups and determines if the master selector tables are built for a group. If you have not built them, it builds them dynamically according to the rules, using Application Engine temporary tables.

  • It expands the master selector tables to create an Application Engine temporary COMB_EXP_TAO table that contains the permutations of values for the combinations.

  • It compares each journal line against the COMB_EXP_TAO table and if the combination exists in the table, it marks the line as valid or invalid depending on the option that you select in the Combination Group Defines field.

  • It analyzes transaction lines that are not found on the table to determine if an anchor ChartField has a value for which you have defined a combination rule.

    • If the anchor ChartField value has a combination rule defined for it and if the entire combination is not found, the combination fails.

    • If the anchor ChartField value does not have a combination rule defined for it, then the line is marked with the state you select, - either Mark Invalid or Mark Valid on the ChartField Combination Editing Group page in the Anchor Values Not in Rules field.

      Note: In other words, if the combination fails, it is marked valid or invalid depending on the attribute that is selected for this field.

  • If the process encounters an invalid combination, it logs the invalid transaction with an error status message in the error log records defined in the ChartField Combination Editing Template.

  • When the edits are complete, the process deletes the COMB_EXP_TAO tables.

When using master selector tables and trees to specify ChartField combination values, the build process for static master selector tables stores only the range of values described by the tree nodes. The build process does not store the detail values encompassed by the nodes. It is when transactions are edited during combination editing batch processing that the range of values for each ChartField is exploded and stored in temporary tables for each editing request. Because the process deletes the temporary tables when the edits are complete, the temporary tables must be rebuilt for each separate edit request.

However, if you select the Retain Detail Values option for master selector tables on the ChartField Combination Editing Group page, combinations for the detail values are retained in a permanent table, PS_COMB_EXPLODED, after the values are generated during the build process. This precluding the repeated generation of combination detail values that were previously generated.

The Retain Detail Values option is of particularly value if the tree nodes encompass large numbers of ChartField values. When you use this option, the build process might take longer but batch combination editing performance is greatly improved because repeated exploding of values is eliminated.

However, if a new value is added within a ChartField range that is setup for a tree node, it does not cause the new value to be automatically included in the permanent ChartField value combination table even if the Increment option is selected on the ChartField Combination Editing Group setup page. Addition of a new value to a range does not in itself cause a rebuild of the detail values for the master selector table because the tree version is not changed.

If you add a new ChartField value within a range of values in a tree node and if you have selected the Retain Detail Values option and have already built the combination data, you must run the combination build process again to include the newly added values in the PS_COMB_EXPLODED table.

Note: The Review Combination Selector table inquiry displays the result from the selector tables and not the detail values even if a Combination Group has the Retain Detail Values check box selected.

Using a PeopleSoft synchronous web service, COMBO_CF_EDIT_REQUEST, systems and products that run outside of the financials core database can validate ChartField combinations. The service exposes ChartField combination editing as a black box service to the other systems. This is provided to third party and PeopleSoft products running outside of the financials database, such as PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management (PeopleSoft ELM).

The following is the processing logic using PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management (ELM) as an example:

  • ELM initiates ChartField Combination Editing from its transactions by sending a synchronous request COMBO_CF_EDIT_REQUEST service to the financials database for General Ledger and waits for the reply.

  • General Ledger listens to the service and calls the Combo Edit application class to validate the transactions that it receives.

  • General Ledger returns the results in a synchronous reply to the ELM process that is waiting for the reply.

  • ELM then proceeds with its transaction according to the Combination Editing result.

Note: While you can use the Web service with third-party products, PeopleSoft does not officially support third-party products.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management: Managing Person and Organization Data, Setting Up Financial ChartField Data

See General Ledger Integrations.

Commitment Control is an optional functionality providing commitment accounting and budget control and is available to many PeopleSoft applications. If you are using commitment control you can also use combination editing for budget and budget adjustment journal entries.

Note: You can specify winter and spring trees, which facilitates combination editing of control budgets by eliminating the need for multiple trees to accommodate commitment control combination editing.

Combination editing for commitment control is fully discussed in the commitment control documentation.

See Combination Editing for Budget and Budget Adjustment Journals.

See Using Combination Editing with Budget, Transfer, and Adjustment Journals.

As an alternative to the COMBO_DATA_TBL, you can build static or dynamic master selector tables. Make the decision about the combination build option based on the nature of the combination rules. Consider both the number of rules and expected changes in the relationships of the underlying values.

You build a static set of master selector tables to support online and batch PeopleCode editing that is done in general ledger feeder systems when it is not practical to build the COMBO_DATA_TBL. This is usually due to the number of combinations that are generated or due to the time it takes to clear and rebuild the COMBO_DATA_TBL when you make changes in the combination values.

Static master selector tables are not maintained dynamically by the online PeopleCode or the batch editing process and must be rebuilt each time that you change a tree or a combination rule. However, they still have an advantage over the COMBO_DATA_TBL, which must be built every time you add a ChartField value to the system. You do not need to rebuild the master selector tables when you add a ChartField value if it falls within a range of values that are defined in a tree that is used by the combination rules.

When you use trees to define the combination rule, the system stores the ranges of values in the tree that you specify for the master selector tables when you build the tables. You only need to rebuild the tables when certain data on which they are based changes. For example, rebuild the tables when you change the combination rule to reference a different node of a tree, or if you change a tree originally having a range of accounts from 100001-100099 to a new range of 100004-100099 in a particular node.

You can build master selector tables for a range of time spanning a period as long as you want. The transactions during the specified date range are correctly edited. The tables contain data from the PeopleSoft trees you referenced in your combination rules. If you do not have many effective dated versions of trees, you can build the Master Selector Tables for a very large date range, for example January 1, 1900 to January 1, 2999.

However, if you change the trees often and create new effective dated versions of trees when you make changes to the trees, you can build the master selector tables more often, and have the tables span shorter periods of time. The amount of data that is in the master selector tables grows according to the number of effective dated trees in the time period that you specify. It is best practice to build master selector tables only for the time period for which journals or transactions are most actively being edited. For example, build them for one or two accounting periods or for one fiscal year at a time.

Batch editing, such as for journal edits, use the master selector tables if they are built for a time period that includes the date of the journals or vouchers being edited. If they are not built, batch edit builds the tables dynamically. You may want to build the master selector tables even if you are only using batch editing to improve the performance of the edits.

Run Build Combination Data Request Page for Master Selector Tables

Use the Build Combination Data Request page to run the process to build master selector tables.

Before you can run the Build Combination Data process, you must first define the detail ledger group for the business unit, and then tie the combination editing group to that ledger group.

Select Build Selector Tables in the Build Option field, and the From Date and To Date fields become available for you to specify a time period. All trees that are in the rules that have effective dates that are within the range of this time period are included in building the Master Selector tables.

The ChartField Combination Editing Template page defines the structure for each transaction record for each PeopleSoft application that uses the background, or batch, ChartField Combination Editing process. The ChartField Combination Editing Template is not used in online processing.

PeopleSoft delivers specific templates that are needed to run background combination editing . For example, the JOURNALS ChartField Combination Editing Template is used in the PeopleSoft Journal Edit process in general ledger, and the VCHREDIT template is used in the voucher edit process that is in PeopleSoft Accounts Payable.

The following is a list of delivered templates:




Template for PeopleSoft asset management accounting.


Template for receivables accounting.


Commitment Control Edit template for budget journals.


Combination template for billing transactions.


Combination template for contract transactions.


Combination template for journals.


Template for batch purchase order creation.


Template for procurement card load statement process.


Template for batch requisition creation.


Template for projects accounting.


Services accounting model template


Projects interface template.


Projects pricing template.


Template for treasury accounting.


Voucher Edit template.

Note: PeopleSoft provides the ChartField Combination Editing templates for the PeopleSoft applications that use combination editing background processing, and you do not need to change them unless you modify a related table or field name.

Combination editing groups define a set of combination rules. You can use the Combination Group page to associate multiple combination rules with a combination group definition. The system then applies the rules as a group during the journal edit process.

For example, if you create a combination definition in which you specify ACCOUNT as the anchor ChartField and DEPTID and PRODUCT as the nonanchor ChartFields for the rules, all the rules that are in a common group must use this combination definition. If you create a combination definition for PROJECT_ID and AFFILIATE, you must create another group for the rules with this combination definition.

Note: You can define several groups by using the same ChartField combination definition and attach all of these groups to a ledger group for a given business unit. However, PeopleSoft recommends that you keep all the rules that have the same combination definition within the same group if possible. This increases performance of the combination editing process, because it reduces the number of groups that are being processed. Within the Ledgers For A Unit component, you can select to process a combination edit group (Process Group) by transaction source, which also increases processing efficiency by eliminating unnecessary validation against process groups that are not applicable.

See Defining Combination Editing by Transaction Source.

Before examining the various representative examples that are presented, keep in mind the following:

  • Combination definitions define the ChartFields that are involved in the combination editing.

  • Combination rules define the valid ChartField values for the combination definitions.

  • Combination groups require that all combination rules that are within a group have the same combination definition.

    Also, when the same anchor ChartFields are specified in different combination rules that are within a combination group, careful consideration is required to avoid problems.

  • Combinations that are found to match the rules and definitions can be marked valid or invalid at your option.

  • Combinations that do not match the rules and definitions are invalid and they cannot be marked as valid.

The following examples illustrate some logic and functional considerations when you define the combination groups and apply the various parameters.

Grouping When There is the Same Anchor ChartField in Different Rules

If the same anchor ChartField exists in multiple rules that you include in the same group, and if the values that you define for the anchor and nonanchor ChartFields are sets or subsets of one another, it can easily cause confusion.

In the following example, rule 1 and rule 2 share the same anchor ChartField, account. The anchor account value of 614000 in rule 2 also exists in the range of account values that are described by the INCSTMT tree node, and the DeptID value 10000 also exists in the set of values that are described by any value that is valid:


Anchor ChartField

Anchor ChartField Value

Non-Anchor ChartField

Non-Anchor ChartField Value

Combo Defines Valid or Invalid Combinations

Rule 1




Any Value


Rule 2






When the rules are included in the same combination group, the system marks a row valid when either of the if-then conditions that are specified by the anchor and nonanchor values in either rule 1 or rule 2 is met. The result is that any row is valid if it meets the conditions of rule 1 or rule 2. These rules are redundant when they are included in the same combination group.

If the rules are included in different combination groups, the system marks a row valid only if it satisfies the requirements of all rules. In this scenario 614000 is valid only with DeptID 10000. So, when rules 1 and 2 are in different combination groups, boolean and logic applies whether both combination groups use the same combination definition, or whether the combination groups define valid combinations, invalid combinations or a mix of both.

Dealing With Anchor Values Not Included When There are Multiple Rules Having the Same Anchor ChartField

Whenever a combination group specifies that anchor values that are not included in rules are to be marked invalid, this criteria overrides other rules that may specify valid combinations for values that are not included in the original rule:


Anchor ChartField

Anchor ChartField Value

Non-Anchor ChartField

Non-Anchor ChartField Value

Defines Valid or Invalid Combinations

Anchor Values Not Included in Rules

Rule 3






Mark Invalid

Rule 2






Mark Valid

In this scenario, anchor account 614000 in rule 2 is an income statement account and as such is not part of the BALSHEET tree node that is specified in rule 3. Rows using account 614000 are always marked invalid, regardless of the fact that another rule specifically identifies it as a valid account when used with department 10000. You can see that marking anchor values that are not included as invalid should be thoroughly analyzed if more than one rule that is in a group has the same anchor ChartField.

Comparing Valid and Invalid Rules

When combination definitions are comprised of two ChartFields, there may be times when defining an invalid combination is more efficient than defining a valid combination. However, if the combination definition uses three ChartFields, there are distinct differences when defining a combination group as valid or invalid:


Anchor ChartField

Anchor ChartField Value

Non-Anchor ChartField

Non-Anchor ChartField Value

Combo Defines Valid or Invalid Combinations

Rule 4




Any Value



Any Value


Rule 5









In this example, both rule 4 and rule 5 might seem as though they generate about the same results. However, rule 4 specifies that BALSHEET accounts need both a valid DeptID and product.

Rule 5 specifies that BALSHEET accounts must not have a blank department ID and blank product. If the combination that is edited in rule 5 meets the condition, then it is marked invalid.

The difference in the rules is that rule 5 marks as valid a BALSHEET account with either a blank department ID or a blank product. The rule states that only a blank department ID and a blank product are invalid with BALSHEET accounts. Specifying invalid combinations when the combination definition includes more than two ChartFields should be done with careful analysis of the intended result.

ChartField Combination Group, Anchor Values Not In Rules:

When you run the following journal line ChartField values through the Journal Edit process:

Journal Line


Department ID


















In this example, Account is the anchor ChartField, with department ID and product as the nonanchor combinations for a group of rules. You specify the following exact value combinations as valid:

Example Reference


Department ID


Combination 1




Combination 2




Combination 3




Combination 4




These combinations are contained in one combination group. When you run the Journal Edit process, different combination editing results occur depending on which Anchor Values Not in Rules option you select.



Mark Valid

If you select this option, the program marks as valid journal line 1 because it contains the exact values that you specify in combination 1. It marks as invalid journal line 2 because the line contains one of the anchor values that you specify in the combination rules, but does not have the matching department ID and product values that you specify in the combinations. It marks valid journal line 3, marking it valid since no rule exists for account 200003.

Mark Invalid

If you select this option, the program marks as valid journal line 1 because the combination values that are on the journal line match the exact values for account, department ID, and product in combination 1. It marks as invalid all lines that have an anchor value that does not have an exact combination that you define in the rules, such as journal line 2. No rule exists for account 200003, so it marks journal line 3 as invalid.

You can define the combination direction by using the Combination Group Defines options to specify whether the combinations that you define should be marked as valid combinations or invalid combinations. In some cases it is possible to greatly reduce the number of combinations that you must define by taking either an inclusive or exclusive approach. Rather than editing across a large number of valid combinations, you might edit against a relatively small number of invalid combinations.

Whether the system marks the combination valid or invalid depends on the combination direction option that you select for the combination group. The choice is applicable to all rules that are within the group.

  • If you take the inclusive approach, the system marks as valid all the lines that have the same values as those that are in the combination rule and marks as invalid all the lines that have the same anchor value but different nonanchor values.

  • If you choose the exclusive approach, the system marks as invalid all the lines that have the same values as those that are in the combination rule and marks as valid all the lines that have the same anchor value but different nonanchor values.

Since you can define a combination with a blank nonanchor ChartField value as an invalid combination, you can use this option in place of the Value Required flag. You can only define a combination with a blank value by using trees.

Note: To use the PeopleSoft rules for Combination Editing, you must select at least one valid combination rule. You can add any number of rules by inserting additional rows.