
Before you begin:

  • Define the date range for extracting accounting entries on the Open Period page.

  • Review your record definitions for the ledger on the Ledger Template - Record Definitions page.

    Journal Generator uses the following record names to create the journals:

    • Journal line record (JRNL_LN).

    • Journal generator temporary record (JGEN_WRK_TMP).

    • Journal header record (JRNL_HEADER).

JRNL_HDR_REC is a field on LED_TMPLT_TBL to specify the journal header record. The JRNL_HDR_REC field is not on the Ledger Template - Record Definitions page because General Ledger does not support a journal header record name other than JRNL_HEADER. However, Journal Generator can support a dynamic journal header record name. You can use the recommended SQL tools to update LED_TMPLT_TBL.JRNL_HDR_REC with another journal header record name for the specified ledger template.

Warning! If you install General Ledger, do not change the journal header record name. Otherwise, the journals that you create will not post to General Ledger.

  • On the Ledger Template - Field Definitions page, review the field definitions.

    For third-party system transactions, Journal Generator summarizes debits together and credits together instead of summarizing them to the net amount if the following conditions are true:

    • Posted Total Debits and Posted Total Credits fields contain values.

    • You selected the Enable Separate Debit/Credit option for the ledger on the Ledgers For A Unit page.

      Additionally, you can make adjustment entries for reversing debit and reversing credit in the accounting entries. Journal Generator summarizes these reversing entries separately.

  • On the Detail Ledger - Definition page, verify :

    • That the ledger template and the detail ledger are linked.

    • That multiple ledgers within the same journal belong to the same ledger group, as shown on the ledger group page.

      When Journal Generator creates journals, it posts accounting entries based on the settings for the ledger group. It creates a distinct journal header for each ledger group.

    • That the Keep Ledgers in Sync field setting. The Keep Ledgers in Sync option determines if journal entries post to all ledgers in the ledger group or only to a single specified ledger.

      The journals that the Journal Generator process creates depend on whether this option is selected or deselected and whether the Accounting Entry in Sync option in the journal generator template is selected.

  • Which journals Journal Generator creates depends on these settings:

    • The Keep Ledgers in Sync option, on the Detail Ledger Group - Definition page, decides if journal entries post to a single specified ledger (deselected) or to all ledgers in the ledger group (selected).

    • The Accounting Entry in Sync option in the journal generator template, used for multibook, has many implications.

    • Whether you specified the ledger group and ledger for the accounting entry lines.

  • Review the Ledgers For a Unit pages.

    • On the Definitions page, verify the ledger groups for the business unit. The Journal Generator process generates journals for different ledger groups for the same general ledger business unit. If the ledger group field is blank in the Accounting Entry table, Journal Generator uses the default ledger group defined on the Ledgers For a Unit - Definitions page for the journals of this general ledger business unit.

    • On the Definitions page, verify the ledger definitions for the business unit.

    • On the Journal Edit Options page, verify the journal edit option definitions.

      The journal balance option, journal edit errors option, journal amount errors option, and control total option determine the journal error processing.

    • On the Currency Options page, verify the currency option definitions.

      The currency options determine the balancing, base currency adjustments, and rounding adjustments for the journals. The Foreign Currencies per Journal option determines if the Journal Generator process creates separate journals for each foreign currency. If you select Only One Foreign currency or No Foreign Currencies, the system creates one journal for each foreign currency.

    • On the Journal Post Options page, verify the journal post options.

    • On the Approval Options page, verify the approval options, which determine the approval rules for standard journals and budget journals.

    • On the Commitment Control Options page, verify the commitment control options.