Defining Supplier Control Parameters

To set supplier control parameters, use the Set Controls - Supplier component (VENDOR_CONTROL).

This section discusses how to set supplier control parameters.

Each set of suppliers that you define can be used for one or more PeopleSoft Payables business units, depending on the TableSet sharing setup. The parameters that you set at this level travel through the control hierarchy onto vouchers for any supplier belonging to this SetID.

Page Name

Definition Name


Supplier Set Control Page


Set supplier control parameters, including autonumbering, withholding, duplicate supplier checking, VAT applicability, and financial sanctions options for suppliers belonging to the selected SetID.

Use the Supplier Set Control page (VNDR_CNTRL) to set supplier control parameters, including autonumbering, withholding, duplicate supplier checking, VAT applicability, financial sanctions, and Supplier Audit applicability options for suppliers belonging to the selected SetID.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Suppliers > Set Controls-Supplier > Supplier Set Control

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Supplier Set Control page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Supplier Set Control


Field or Control


Use Autonumbering

Select to automatically number supplier IDs when you enter suppliers for the selected SetID. When you save a new supplier, the system automatically assigns the next supplier ID based on the last supplier ID assigned in either the PeopleSoft Payables or PeopleSoft Purchasing system. When you use autonumbering, the system enters Next in the search record Supplier ID field when you add a new supplier.

Last Supplier ID Assigned

Displays the last supplier ID number that the system assigned when a supplier was created.

Supplier Information Control

Field or Control


Display Withholding Option

Select 1099, Global, or Global and 1099. This setting determines how the withholding link on the Supplier Information - Location page is labelled.

Display VAT Flag (display value-added tax flag)

Designate whether to enable VAT for suppliers in this SetID.


Select a default country for the suppliers in this SetID.

EFT/ACH Prenote Confirmation

Field or Control


Wait Days

Enter the number of days that the system waits to confirm a supplier prenote transaction after you send one to the bank for approval. A prenote transaction is a test transaction that enables a bank to verify that the routing information (transit number and bank account number) for an electronic funds transfer (EFT) or automated clearinghouse (ACH) payment is valid. Typically, the bank notifies you within a certain number of days only if something is wrong with the prenote transaction. Set the number of wait days to be close to this time span.


Field or Control


Workflow Approval Enabled?

Select to enable this supplier to be a part of an Application Workflow Engine process. This process enables approvers to approve or deny workflows.

Supplier Name History

Field or Control


Supplier Name History

Select to enable change tracking for theSupplier Short Name, Supplier Name 1, and Supplier Name 2 fields. The system tracks the history for the fields when you maintain a supplier using the Identifying Information page in the VNDR_ID component. The tracking includes the time and date the changes were made, and the individual who made the changes to the Supplier record.

If you select the Supplier Name History check box, you can also effective date supplier name changes and manually insert a new supplier name in the Supplier Name History record to which you can also add an effective date. The system automatically updates the Supplier record when the supplier name history is changed or when the effective date is future dated.

Day(s) ahead of time

Enter the number of days prior to when an effective-dated supplier name change is to take place. This will be the number of days ahead of the effective-dated change that you want to run with the VNDRUPD job. This prevents a lag in including effective dated rows for the supplier. For example, if you run the job in the evening of 8/1/09 and there is an effective-dated row for 8/2/09, the supplier would not be updated, until the evening of 8/2/09. By entering a value of 1, the system would include the effective-dated row.

When the VNDRUPD job runs, the system runs the Application Engine VNDR_HST_UPD process that updates the Supplier record to reflect the new current, effective-dated row.

See Maintaining Supplier Name History.

Supplier Audit

Field or Control


Supplier Audit

Select to enable audit capability at the SetID. The audit capability will be disabled as the default option.

Duplicate Supplier Checking - Field Options

PeopleSoft Payables enables you to check for duplicate active and inactive suppliers in real-time, when users are entering new suppliers in the Supplier Information component (VNDR_ID). Duplicate supplier checking options are set up by SetID with the criteria specified on this page.

For each active or inactive supplier field option, select Do Not Check, Reject, or Warning. Duplicate supplier checking uses the following logic:

  • The supplier address fields are checked only against current effective-dated address records.

  • The Supplier Withholding TIN and Supplier Withholding Name fields are validated against all rows, regardless of the effective date.

  • Reject criteria are validated first, and checking stops if a duplicate supplier is encountered.

  • Both rejects and warnings are checked only for suppliers in the same SetID.

  • The system also checks for duplicate suppliers based on Address, City, and State fields.

    An address can be composed of up to four address fields, based on the address format of the particular country.

Field or Control


ID Type

To check for a duplicate identifier, select the identifier type, such as D&B Num (Dun & Bradstreet number).

Supplier Name

Select to check for duplicate supplier names. Supplier names must match exactly to come up as duplicates.

Supplier Short Name

Select to check for duplicate supplier short names. Short names must match exactly to be considered duplicates.


Select to check for duplicate suppliers based on an address, city, or state. An address can be composed of up to four address fields, based on the address format for the particular country.

(USA) Supplier Withholding TIN

Select to check for duplicate withholding tax identification numbers.

Withholding Name

Select to check for duplicate withholding names. Withholding names must match exactly to be considered duplicates.

VAT Registration (value added tax registration)

Select to check for duplicate VAT registration IDs.

Duplicate Supplier Checking - Processing Options

Field or Control


Supplier CI Load (supplier component interface load)

Select one of these values:

Check for Adds: Checks for new suppliers loaded through the Supplier EIP.

Check for Adds and Changes: Checks for adds and changes loaded through the Supplier EIP.

Check for Changes: Checks for changes loaded through the Supplier EIP.

Do Not Check: Excludes suppliers loaded through the Supplier EIP.

Field or Control


Check for Duplicates at Save

Select to check for duplicate suppliers automatically when you save a supplier in the Supplier Information component. If you do not select this option, you can still check for duplicates before you save the new supplier by clicking the Check for Duplicates button on the Identifying Information page in the Supplier Information component.

Once the Check for Duplicates check box is selected, Enable Duplicates Check for Supplier/Bidder Registrations check box appears. This allows to perform the duplicate check of supplier/bidder registrations when you Save a supplier or click the Check for Duplicates button prior to Save.

Enable Duplicates Check for Supplier/Bidder Registrations

Select Enable Duplicates Check for Supplier/Bidder Registrations check box to prevent duplicate registration for supplier and bidder. This utilizes the active fields and processing options to perform the duplicate check of supplier or bidder registrations. If existing duplicate values of non-withdrawn or newly created suppliers are entered while supplier and bidder registrations, error/warning message appears. This message and View Duplicate Supplier / Bidder Registrations hyperlink appear when you Save a supplier or click the Check for Duplicates button prior to Save.

Note: The Supplier and Bidder Registration pages has option to only enable Withholding but no provision to enter withholding information. The active field options, like Supplier Withholding TIN and Withholding Name are not applicable for duplicate checking of supplier and bidder registrations.

To know more, see Check for Duplicate.

Transaction Limits

Field or Control


Activate Transaction Limits

Select the check box to activate transaction limits.

Transaction Age

Enter the age of the transactions to be selected in Years, Months and days. The dashboard will pick only those transactions which have an age less than what is entered in this field.

Financial Sanctions Options

The Financial Sanctions Options group box is visible only if you have enabled financial sanctions at the installation level or the bank level for PeopleSoft Payables and PeopleSoft eSettlements on the Financial Sanctions Options page of the Installation Options component (INSTALLATION).

PeopleSoft provides validation of your suppliers against financial sanctions lists (for example, the Specially Designated Nationals [SDN] list). The system updates the supplier's financial sanctions status on the Supplier Information component.

See Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation.

Field or Control


Inactive Suppliers

Select Exclude or Include to exclude or include inactive suppliers during the PeopleSoft Payables Financial Sanction Validation Application Engine process (AP_SDN_VAL).

Supplier CI Load

Select an option to validate or not validate suppliers loaded through the Supplier EIP. This field functions for financial sanctions validation similarly to the field used in duplicate supplier checking.

Check for Adds: Checks for new suppliers loaded through the Supplier EIP.

Check for Adds and Changes: Checks for adds and changes loaded through the Supplier EIP.

Check for Changes: Checks for changes loaded through the Supplier EIP.

Do Not Check: Excludes suppliers loaded through the Supplier EIP.

SDN Validation at save

Select to validate suppliers upon saving the Supplier Information component. If you do not select this option, you can still validate the supplier by using the Financial Sanctions edit button on the Identifying Information page in the Supplier Information component.

Note: This check box is not available if you have enabled financial sanctions at the bank level. You must run the PeopleSoft Payables Financial Sanction Validation process if you want to validate at the supplier level when you have enabled financial sanctions at the bank level.