Testing the Results of the Import Process

After you have converted supplier information, test the converted information by:

  • Printing the supplier listings.

    View the imported supplier information using the supplier listings reports and inspect the information for accuracy. Run either the Supplier Detail Listing report (APY3000) or the Supplier Summary Listing report (APY3001).

  • Using the Supplier Information component to check the supplier data.

Note: For testing, you should manipulate the converted supplier data (for example, add a new effective-dated row) because hidden fields are not always populated correctly, and you only discover them when you save the supplier information. You should also run processes in the test or conversion environments using the converted data. This step can also reveal incorrect data conversion. For example, you can create a purchase order and then a voucher, and then pay the supplier. This can prevent situations in which the supplier information appears to be correct on the page, but hidden fields cause problems during processing.